I Am Not A Mage Lord

Chapter 34: The system of change starting from the time anchor

   Lynch, who has returned to the Forest of the Familiar, knows that the Forest of the Familiar itself has the characteristics of shielding and detection, but it is one of the few safe and secret places on the Star Boundary Island.

   Mofeng mage and the others are stationed outside, on the one hand to prevent mage apprentices from committing death and sabotage, on the other hand, it is also convenient for them to forcibly enter the forest to search and rescue after receiving emergency information from the guiding light.

   After ensuring his secrecy, Lynch did not rush to perform the "familiar connection" again, but found a secluded and quiet corner.

  According to the agreement with the ghost, he scratched the position of his armpit, awakening the ghost to appear.

   An illusory and transparent soul body, condensed like smoke, is a ghost necromancer in the shape of a light green robe.

   "Summon a familiar, but I don’t need my help. Although it’s safe enough here, I suggest you don’t take risks if you don’t have a certain level."

  Ghost bowed gracefully and said, "Before you master a certain foundation, if I teach you something without authorization, you will be easily exposed."

   "After all, in this college, there are many enemies of mine."

   "I want to ask, can time flow backwards?" Lynch asked earnestly.

   He didn't directly ask the ghost whether he had observed the reverse flow of time just now.

   If the other party is also a participant, he will definitely react.

  Ghost's face changed slightly in an instant, and a willow staff inlaid with rubies appeared in its palm.

   "Theories can be realized, but they are only limited to theories. After all, I have never reached a legend. I only heard that there are legendary magic research projects in this area." It said carefully after a while.

   "If time goes backwards, will the people around you know?" Lynch asked, watching the ghost curiously and added, "I just feel a little strange, as if I will find a time-related familiar next."

   When the general novice says "arrogant", it is easy for the veteran to laugh and stop paying attention to details.

  Ghost pondered, "I don't know, this is also equivalent to the difficulty of time countercurrent."

   "Why?" Lynch asked, he felt as if he had touched some edge of truth.

   "For example, compare the time axis to a number axis. What is the probability that the point you just point to is just a rational number instead of an irrational number?" (Irrational number: infinite non-recurring decimals, radical 2, π, e.)

   "Infinitely close to zero, but not zero?" Lynch described.

   "No." Ghost asserted, "You must mean irrational numbers."

   "No matter what you mean, a rational number is 0% and an irrational number is 100%." ​​It explained.

   "The dense and countable measure of rational numbers is 0. In other words, if you remove the rational numbers, the number axis is still the number axis. If you remove the irrational numbers, the number axis disappears."

   Lynch listened to the other side using mathematics to compare to himself, and was a little confused about this somewhat counter-intuitive concept.

  Business mathematics generally reaches the "calculus" level.

  Engineering mathematics is the "advanced mathematics" made up of "calculus" superimposed on "spatial geometry" and "series", plus probability theory, linear algebra, and complex functions.

   Science mathematics, calculus ushered in the advanced calculus version "mathematical analysis", linear algebra has become "advanced algebra", geometry has become "analytic geometry" and "differential geometry".

   He thought for a while, but gave up the idea of ​​reading mathematics professional books on the spot, and continued to ask, "What does the countercurrent of time have to do with these rational number points?"

   "The time nodes required for the reverse flow of time are these rational number points on the time axis."

   Lynch suddenly woke up.

   For example, the current time axis is equivalent to a number axis, so he cannot locate which "time node" is a rational number at all.

   His random finger must be 100% irrational!

   "It seems you understand." Ghost smiled, "Even if you can accurately measure the rational number time, such as 10 seconds, but the premise is that you must have another rational number time node as an anchor point."

   Lynch nodded, expressing understanding.

   "Rational number" (anchor point) plus "rational number" (time distance) will be "rational number" (new time countercurrent anchor point).

   "irrational number" (arbitrary time) plus "rational number" (time distance) will only be "irrational number" (time that cannot flow backward).

   "For now, the ‘0’ point at the moment of creation is a real rational number that can be used as an anchor. It’s a pity that neither you nor I were born at that moment."

   sighed as he talked about the ghost, "This is actually about the model carrier of time spells, and you won't be able to touch it for the time being."

   Lynch did react suddenly.

   He participated in "Reverse Time", he has the "rational number" anchor on the timeline provided by the mysterious dragon, except for the zero point at the beginning of the creation!

   What else is more arrogant than going back in time to kill the budding enemy!

   What's more, it's more targeted than reading the file and playing it again after losing!

   Lynch endured the excitement in his heart and asked, "Mr. Ghost, which faction does the time spell belong to?"

  Ghost is even more surprised, "Change system."

"On the surface, transformation spells can change the nature or state of things, such as the first ring of giant transformation, the second ring of transformation, the third ring of flying, and the fourth ring of transformation. But in essence, it is the most representative of magic. To change the characteristics of this world, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is just like Nine Ring’s "Time Stop" is a change spell."

"Like you, starting tomorrow, it will be the first to teach the dragon language general knowledge of Sismana, and it is also left to the eight schools of the academy. It is also the time for the selection of people from the spells and changes to the eight schools of the necromancers. "

"General education is as short as three months, and as long as one year. Generally, the eight colleges will convene them in advance after they have found good students. The relationship between the eight colleges has cooperation and checks and balances, and more of them rely on the secret schools of cross-sects to communicate. ."

   Lynch opened his mouth slightly.

   The Necromancer in front of him is backed by the Necromancer, and those forbidden necromancers are inherently invisible, so he wants to use the "necromancer" as a backing.

   After he masked his face and used "necromancy spells" anonymously, naturally others would not suspect him, so Lynch sent out this faction from the very beginning.

  Ghost looked at Lynch’s blinking gaze, and prompted, “Compared to the Necromancer, which is easy to be human and ghost, the Transformation Faculty is a better place to go.”

   "It's like the four transformations, the second ring transformation, the fourth ring transformation, the eight ring body transformation, and the nine ring transformation all things, it can be called the extreme of transformation!"

   As it said, it looked at the faint starlight of the beloved in the mist.

"Successfully capturing the familiar will be a bonus for the entrance to the Change Department Academy, because the familiar will be in the hands of the Change Department mage and will become a powerful combat force. But if you want to do this, I suggest you choose one. Ordinary familiars, such as—"


   Mo Feng, who was hitting soy sauce outside the Forest of the Familiar, watched Lynch’s figure slowly appearing from the thick fog, looked at the opponent’s shoulder, his eyes widened, "Raven?

   "No, this is not a common raven." The female mage on the side corrected.

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