The Third Hokage soon informed everyone that Liu Yun would take over the Root Organization.

However, there was another important thing to do.

That was the assessment of the students.

This was something Liu Yun had already decided as the principal of the Ninja School.

Although he was entrusted with an important task by the Third Hokage and was about to take over the Root Organization, this did not conflict with his responsibility for the Ninja School.

After all, the duties of the principal of a Ninja School were still very relaxed, and it would not affect him to be the leader of the Root Organization.

In the Death Forest, the children were experiencing unprecedented trials.

Uzumaki Naruto was alone, and no one was willing to team up with him. As the night fell, the ambitious boy couldn't help but feel a little scared.

After all, he was only an eight-year-old child, and he was still afraid of the dark and gloomy Death Forest.

Especially now that he was alone without his two companions, the fear and loneliness in his heart gradually magnified.

In his consciousness, it seemed as if there was a voice bewitching him.

"Don’t suppress it, just let it out, just let it out!"

"In this dark and lonely environment, only my power can make you feel at ease!"

A voice sounded in Naruto's mind.

Naruto's blue eyes gradually changed.

Blood-red vertical pupils appeared, and Naruto's body suddenly burst out with an astonishing evil chakra.

"Yes, that's it, keep going, keep going, use more of my power!"The voice continued to bewitch.

At this time, the Chunin teacher who pretended to be the enemy appeared in front of Naruto.

The Chunin teacher did not notice Naruto's abnormality, and attacked Naruto with a kunai.

"Boy, you dare to take the test alone, then I'll let you have a taste of my power.‘!"The Chunin teacher quickly launched an attack, and the kunai scratched the skin on Naruto's cheek with a hissing sound.

A trace of blood oozed out, and the Chunin teacher said proudly:"Are you scared to pee? You don't even dare to move! Who told you not to study and practice well, but to make trouble for everyone!"

Obviously, this Chunin teacher was also very dissatisfied with Naruto. At this time, he took the opportunity of the assessment to abuse Naruto.

While talking, the Chunin teacher continued to attack Naruto.

However, just when his kunai was about to scratch Naruto's other cheek, Naruto suddenly raised his head, and a pair of scarlet vertical pupils appeared in the Chunin teacher's eyes.

A huge and evil chakra aura suddenly burst out from Naruto's body!

A trace of red chakra actually turned into substance and overflowed from Naruto's body, forming a layer of outer coat wrapped around his body.

There is a tail on this chakra coat!

At this moment, Naruto actually activated the one-tail mode in advance!

The kunai of the Chunin teacher hit the chakra coat with a clang, but was blocked by the chakra coat, making a sound like metal clashing.

This startled the Chunin teacher and he was completely dumbfounded.

"What's going on?"The Chunin teacher took a few steps back, looking at Naruto with horror.

He had no idea what had happened. He only felt that Naruto had an aura that made him feel terrified and desperate.

This aura was like that of a peerless beast, full of violent and evil power!

He didn't know Naruto's specific identity, and suddenly thought of a rumor in a village.

"You, you are the incarnation of a demon fox! You are really the incarnation of a demon fox!"The Chunin teacher screamed in fear.

At this time, Naruto seemed to have lost consciousness, and only violent and evil thoughts were left.

The breath bursting out of his small body even alarmed other people not far away.

Many children participating in the assessment felt a palpitation inexplicably.

And those Chunin teachers who played the enemy also sensed this breath, and they were all a little shocked, not knowing what happened

"What happened there? Why did I sense an evil and powerful chakra?"A Chunin teacher was surprised. Among the children, a boy with white eyes opened his white eyes and stared at Naruto.

"That red chakra is amazing! Who is that guy? How can he possess such powerful chakra?"He exclaimed.

"Ningci, is that person more powerful than you?"Beside the boy, there was a group of other children, and one of the girls asked

"That chakra is very strong, many times stronger than mine!" Neji said solemnly

"How is it possible? Who is that person? How can he be so strong?"The children beside were all shocked.

"I don’t know, it shouldn’t be from our class!" Neji said.

His expression suddenly changed again:"Oh no, that Chunin teacher is in danger!"

""Ah? Chunin teacher? What Chunin teacher?" The children next to him asked again.

Ningji said again:"Didn't you notice? The people who accompanied us for the assessment this time are those Chunin teachers. They used transformation techniques to pretend to be enemies to embarrass us! And now, that powerful guy is about to attack the Chunin teacher who pretended to be an enemy!"

"Ah! There is such a thing? So our enemies are all Chunin teachers?"Some ignorant and confused children exclaimed

"Of course, do you think the village will let real enemies come to harm us? All the enemies this time are disguised as Chunin teachers! However, if I don't work hard, they will not show mercy. If we fail the assessment, how can we enter the genius class?"There are smarter ones.���The child explained.

After a pause, the child continued,"Moreover, if it is found that the Chunin teacher helped us cheat during the test, he will also be punished. This test is not only for us students, but also for the Chunin teachers!"

""I see! Is this the idea that the principal came up with? So cool!" Some children suddenly began to admire Liuyun, the legendary principal.

"Of course, the principal is the legendary Konoha's number one genius! At only 21 years old, he has become one of the most powerful ninjas in the village!"The child said again

""Wow!" The children around exclaimed when they heard it.

"Hey? Who are you? How do you know so much?"But soon someone asked the child

"I am Nara Shikamaru." The child replied

"Nara Shikamaru?"When Neji heard this, he secretly remembered him.

On the other side, Naruto's Nine-Tails power exploded, and the Chunin teacher was caught off guard and was blown away, covered in blood.

He fell in horror in the ruins of a tree trunk that he had knocked down, looking at Naruto, muttering,"You monster, don't come over here! Monster! Don't come over here!"

He was already scared out of his wits!

Naruto showed an evil smile on his face, raised his palm, and with a powerful evil chakra, slapped the Chunin teacher

"Save me!!! Save me!!!" The Chunin teacher screamed in despair.


The next second, just before Naruto's���When the palm was about to hit the Chunin teacher, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

With a muffled thud, Naruto's palm with the Nine-Tails Chakra hit the arm of the person who came, but it could not cause him any harm, but was held back by the backhand.

It was Liuyun who rushed over after hearing the news! And this is his real body!

As early as when Naruto showed an abnormal aura, Liuyun's shadow clones lurking nearby had already noticed it, and then one of the shadow clones disbanded itself, allowing the real body to get the news here.

Liuyun's real body was able to rush to the scene quickly.

He did not expect Naruto to suddenly go berserk, because at this age, the seal on Naruto's body should be relatively stable.

And he himself did not have enough power to communicate with the Nine-Tails sealed in his body, so he could not get in touch with the Nine-Tails and release the power of the Nine-Tails.

But now it seems that something unexpected has happened.

After receiving the news, Liuyun naturally attached great importance to it, and immediately rushed over to save the Chunin teacher.

"Phew! We caught up!" Liuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

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