With the Thunder Fruit, Liuyun's strength has changed qualitatively again.

Next, as long as he trains and develops the power of lightning to the extreme, his lightning escape can even become a killer weapon stronger than wood escape.

The next day.

Liuyun's announcement of the establishment of the genius class has spread throughout Konoha.

Many parents have inquired about the genius class.

After learning that the genius class was established by Liuyun himself and would undergo more rigorous training, those who had always opposed the school reform now want to enter the genius class.

Because in the original situation, everyone enjoyed the same treatment, so everyone just wanted to be stable, but did not want the school to be too radical.

But now that the genius class is established, it means that the school will definitely treat them differently, and the children in the genius class will definitely be trained with emphasis.

This means that as long as you can enter the genius class, you can get a better basic education.

For ninjas, the foundation is especially important.

In this regard, Liuyun is a living example.

He was originally a commoner, but he went through unimaginable hardships and laid an extremely solid foundation, so he has achieved what he has now.

At least in the eyes of others, this is the fact.

Therefore, parents in Konoha began to inquire about the conditions for entering the genius class, and some even began to bribe the Chunin teachers.

Liuyun knew all this, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Finally, three days passed and the assessment began.

This assessment was arranged by Liuyun himself, facing all the students in the school.

All the Chunin teachers, especially the Jonin teachers, were in place.

The location of the assessment was in the Forest of Death.

Liuyun would let all the Chunin teachers in the school play the role of enemies and fight against these students.

In the end, the seedlings with outstanding performance were selected to join the genius class.

There was only one examiner in the whole venue, and that was Liuyun himself.

He would split into many clones, and these clones would secretly observe the situation of each student and teacher.

This was not only an assessment of the students, but also an assessment of the teachers.

It was indeed a lot of work to complete the invigilation of everyone, but for Liuyun now, it was nothing.

With his current strength and chakra, it was easy to split thousands of people with shadow clones, and the total number of teachers and students in the school would not exceed one thousand.

In fact, it would only take a few hundred people to see the whole scene.

In the Hokage's office,

Liuyun sat in front of the Third Hokage, drinking tea.

In front of the two of them was a crystal ball.

The scene of the Forest of Death was reflected in the crystal ball.

The Third Hokage couldn't help but laugh and said,"Liuyun, your decision on this assessment is really brilliant. It seems that you now have enough leadership to take on the position of Hokage."

Liuyun waved his hand,"No, didn't I say I didn't want to be Hokage? Don't set a trap for me."

"Haha, forget it. I now think that it would be more appropriate for you to be the principal of the Ninja School."The third generation laughed heartily.

Liuyun smiled slightly and looked at the crystal ball.

His clone had already hidden in the Forest of Death. As an invigilator, he would record the conditions and performance of each person.

And those Chunin teachers also acted as enemies according to the requirements and arrangements, hindering everyone in the forest.

However, among all the people, there are three special children.

These three people are the three orphans, Hejia, Xingtaro, and Yizi, who were brought out of the orphanage by Liuyun.

A few days ago, they withstood the test of Pikachu sent by Liuyun, and now they are arranged in this assessment to compete with everyone.

This assessment is not limited to the number of people or the team. Some people can choose to be alone or to join forces for warmth.

But no matter what method they choose, there will be corresponding dangers and tests waiting for them.

In the crystal ball, the third generation turned the picture and observed everyone's situation one by one. Seeing the figures of Hejia and the other two forming a team to calmly deal with the assessment, he couldn't help but exclaimed:"These three children are all good seedlings. I didn't expect you to be so good at discovering talents."

"They just withstood my little test, they don't have any talent."Liu Yun said calmly

"Being able to endure your test as an orphan is a gift." said the Third Generation

"Maybe, but how far they can go in the future still depends on themselves."Liu Yun replied.

The third generation nodded, and he continued to focus the screen on other people.

Soon he focused the screen on a blond boy.

"The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, the child of Lord Minato." Liuyun's expression moved, and he said:"Hokage-sama, how do you plan to train him?"

The training of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki has always been the Hokage's greatest concern, as it is related to the interests and stability of the entire village.

Therefore, the Third Generation had strictly ordered other insiders in Konoha not to approach him.

Now that Naruto is eight years old, the ban can be relaxed.

The Third Generation pondered for a moment, and said to Liuyun:"I didn't want others to get close to him before, and I have been watching him all the time, but now I have decided to hand him over to you for training. It's up to you to decide how to train him next."

""Hokage, do you trust me so much?" Liuyun couldn't help but laugh.

The third generation smiled bitterly:"As long as you are willing, the position of Hokage is yours. I don't believe you will do anything harmful to the village."

""Thank you, Mr. Hokage." Liuyun said with a smile.

However, he is indeed tied to Konoha now, and they belong to a community of interests.

It's just that there are still old people in this community.���Shit, we have to find a way to clean it up.

While Liuyun and Sandai were watching the assessment, on the other side, the leader of the Root Organization, Danzo, who had been hiding in the dark, quietly left Konoha Village with a few followers.

The next day, the assessment continued.

Because there were many people in this assessment, it lasted for seven days.

However, on the sixth day, Konoha Village's intelligence department suddenly discovered something wrong.

""Hokage, some people of unknown origin have appeared near the Forest of Death. Should we terminate the assessment?" An Anbu appeared in the Hokage's office and reported.

Liuyun was also in the office at this time.

Hearing this, the Third Hokage looked at Liuyun and asked,"What do you think?"

"Let the assessment continue. I will personally investigate the situation over there."Liu Yun said calmly.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."The third generation smiled.

With Liuyun personally investigating, he didn't have to worry.

Otherwise, the assessment would have to be stopped.

After Liuyun finished speaking, he jumped out of the office window.

This assessment was initiated by him, so it was impossible for some people with ulterior motives to disrupt it.

His figure flashed continuously, and his speed was extremely fast. He soon came to the location mentioned by the Anbu.

Liuyun squatted down and touched the ground lightly with his palm.

After mastering the changes in the properties of the five attributes, his perception ability has also greatly improved.

For example, at this moment, when his palm touches the ground lightly, he can perceive many situations from the earth attribute of the earth.

"Is there still some chakra in the vicinity?" Liuyun murmured.

After a while, Liuyun retracted his palm and chased in one direction.

Ten minutes later,

Liuyun left the area of Konoha Village and came to a valley.

""Come out!" He stopped and suddenly shouted to the air.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The sound of soft applause came from behind a big tree on one side of Liuyun.

Then, a slender figure appeared in front of him.

Pale cheeks, long black hair, a loose outfit, exuding a cold and dangerous aura.

Liuyun's figure was reflected in the snake-like pupils, and he said with a slight flash in his eyes:"Mr. Liuyun, it's been a long time!"

His identity was obvious, it was Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas!

Liuyun was not surprised by the appearance of Orochimaru, because the chakra he sensed before seemed to be familiar, and it was obviously left by Orochimaru on purpose.

Looking at Orochimaru who appeared alone in front of him, Liuyun said lightly:"Senior Orochimaru, why did you come to Konoha? Or do you have something to do with me?"

"Hehe, Mr. Liuyun, I have to say that you have achieved remarkable results now."Orochimaru laughed softly,"The naive boy you used to be has grown up to the point where he can face me so calmly now. I'm really curious, what makes you so extraordinary?"

Liuyun's expression moved, and he snorted,"Senior Orochimaru, tell me your purpose. You brought me here, you didn't just want to reminisce with me, did you?"

Liuyun's current strength is no less than Orochimaru, which is why he dared to follow the chakra breath directly to come here.

At this time, he could already guess that this should be a trap set by Orochimaru deliberately against him, with the purpose of luring him out of Konoha

"Someone offered me a deal to kill you, so I'm sorry, Liuyun-kun." Orochimaru seemed to be saying with regret

"Oh, it seems that Senior Orochimaru is ready to fight me?" Liuyun said with a hint of sarcasm:"But do you think you can kill me by yourself?"

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