The two sides were facing each other, hundreds of meters apart, but a charge could reach them.

In the momentum between the individual and the group, Arthur alone was able to suppress the momentum of the three of them to the extreme.

The grass that was bent by the invisible storm, which was transformed into a clear path of opposition, the momentum that could not be observed with the naked eye but could be felt with the heart, made the masters who were completing the sensory connection with their own Servants swallow their saliva.

In this Holy Grail War, the battle of the strongest, the three Servants with the strongest average strength calculated by the regular seven riders, Saber, Iskandar and Gilgamesh, and the strongest Servant of this year, Arthur, who appeared in a special job, after the Angora Newman summoned by Einzbernburg in the third Holy Grail War, is another special job.

Arthur's existence can be said to completely justify the name of the special job, and truly let the magicians who are interested in the Holy Grail War understand the power of this level of Servant.

Compared to the lower limit of Servants that can be summoned in the Holy Grail War, which was shown by Angola Newman in the Third Holy Grail War, Arthur showed the upper limit of the Servant summoning in the current time and space, which belongs to the regular Holy Grail War. He is so powerful that he can even suppress regular Servants, and he will not lose out even when facing multiple Servants besieging at the same time. It is hard to find another one after Arthur.

"The discussion was supposed to last two hours, but only one hour has passed. Are you planning to give up?"Looking at the three people in front of him who were waiting in a serious manner, Arthur's expression naturally did not change at all.

The huge momentum that unfolded the moment he spoke made Saber frown and clenched the blade in her hand.

"How is that possible? I have been looking forward to it." And Iskandar, facing Arthur's pressure, could not help but respond, but the solemnity in his eyes remained.

No matter who it was, it would not be easy to face Arthur. He had such magic that he could make others face up to his characteristics. Even Gilgamesh had to admit the oppression caused by his power.

Even before the battle, both sides could still reminisce and express their reluctance, but when it came to the battlefield, Arthur's existence, in Gilgamesh's eyes, was the strongest enemy.

""I will lead the attack!" Gilgamesh's declaration ignited the flames of war at the beginning of the battle. Instantly, a void wave was released, and a pure golden long sword rushed out and fell towards Arthur.

Arthur turned sideways and held the hilt of the sword. He suddenly swung the pot and hit Gilgamesh in front of him. The wave turned into gold powder and dissipated, reflecting the excitement in Gilgamesh's eyes.

""Crash!" The sound waves raged, and the extremely sweeping impact wave announced the start of the battle. In the eyes that flashed with the glory of red lotus, they were gradually covered by the golden light.

""Drink!" The void rippled from the side of Gilgamesh, and several golden chains shot out and collided fiercely with the materialized spear.

"Ding!"The first blow, the sound of the explosion, the spreading sparks and the afterimages of the light collided in the air and made waves of sound.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!" Waves of metal clashed, spears and chains clashed in the air to form an impenetrable golden light net. The roc collided with the roc, and the figure suddenly retreated violently, and the chains shot down penetrated the earth.

"Boom boom boom boom!!"It shattered the surface of the earth, and rolled up dust and gravel, which flew and burst, and instantly turned into endless golden beams that penetrated the dust barrier.

""Haa, Heaven's Chains!" At Gilgamesh's shout, the pure golden chains flew out rapidly, as if they sensed the excitement, his will, and the strong fighting spirit in his heart.

""Clang!" The piercing chains moved forward without hesitation and sank into the Gate of Babylon that opened in the void.

""Bang!" It turned again in the air to form a perfect arc, and quickly surrounded the encirclement formed in an instant, forming a cage to bind the gods.

The pure golden light that came into view blocked the forward advance direction, and the pure golden ripples locked at the top position of the entire sky spread out.

""Boom!" The Gate of Babylon opened. From the first door to the final thousand-meter coverage, such a powerful coverage was completed in just one move.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!!!" The sky was covered with golden ripples. Sensing the loss of mana in his body, Tokiomi could not help but frown and be alert. A storm rolled up the earth. Saber and Iskander pushed forward from the left and right sides, ready to take action at any time.

In such an exaggerated scene, in front of Gilgamesh who was completely serious, ordinary Servants could hardly hold out for even a round. However, facing Arthur who had the same bug, the result was the most uncertain.

"Look up at the sky!"

""Hua La!"

As Gilgamesh's palm fell, the sky fell, and endless golden chains fell from the sky, attacking this area that was difficult to dodge with normal speed and agility.

As if realizing that Arthur's teleportation-like movement method could not be used on land, even his A++-level agility in the attribute panel was useless in the face of this saturation coverage.

Staring at the zenith, the golden light dotted with purple eyes, the whole sky turned into a heavy object and was pushed by the chains of the sky. The special aura presented by Arthur rotated instantly.

""Dang!" The swirling spears responded to the chains on the ceiling. This was a clash of blades, a collision of strength and strength, an extremely violent impact wave, sweeping across the

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding!!"The light of the Heavenly Chain poured down like a rainstorm and a strong wind, like a mountain torrent. The spear wheel rotated, forming a pure white barrier to block the flow of the Heavenly Chain, and it could not advance an inch.

""Heaven·Reverse Moon!!" A reverse moon rose from the earth, opposite to the sky, forming the first pole of the sky. The solitary moon in the night sky evolved, the first round of the Extreme God Heaven Evolution. The moonlight barrier turned into an invisible giant hand, holding up the sky below, and bounced the pure golden sky chain away, breaking it back and piercing the hole of the Gate of Babylon, turning into golden light and disintegrating.

"EX……"On one side, he passed through the cage of the sky, and the leaping figure released magic power, slashing down the pure golden sword wave to shatter the earth, passing through the earth, and falling straight into the gap between the moon disks.

On the other side, in the collision of pure gold and bright light, violent sparks bounced off, reflecting Iskandar's rough face, sweeping past the spear spinning round, and throwing it fiercely, passing close to the ground, but was instantly swept up by the turbulent flow of the void.

"Second round, death!"The pinnacle of pure skill, under the aura of the initial liberation of Yuanli, the light formed a bend, and the power deviated and collided with the sky.

"Boom!!"This is the magical light stream released by the Sword of Promised Victory, the force of the spear piercing through the void.

The heat called the release of the treasure, the rapidly rotating force, broke the blockade of the Heaven's Chain, and the sky was cleared, exploding under the energy light of the huge cross star.、

""Boom!" In response to the sky, the spear suddenly collapsed, pushing Arthur's body with the force of shattering the earth, and instantly leaped into the sky.

Saber and Iskandar, who were staring at the ground, were stunned by the failure of the attack that they were sure to win just now. However, in a flash, Arthur held the spear in his hand, posing a strange posture, and raised it horizontally to the void.

"Three Wheels Dance!"The shadow of the shattering spear swept from the sky, turning into a typhoon, violently releasing thunder and lightning, sweeping down the energy, pure white light, and the sharp blade pierced by the pure weapon will envelop the figures of all of you.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!" At the moment of the terrifying force bursting out, the long sword shining with golden flames collided with the endless spear shadows, bursting out with a strong impact, forcing Saber's figure back, leaving a clear chasm in the earth.

""Dang!" In the energy blade released by the magic power, the sword shadow that passed by quickly was suppressed by the power of the spear, and the suddenly extended arm completed the summoning of the treasure.

"The golden sword of victory!!"Having achieved dual wielding, Saber used one hand to bless the storm and the other hand to control the flash, sweeping countless slashes across the sky.

At this moment, the sky became violent, the air currents and storms raged, shattering the earth and leaving trenches, the light became chaotic, and even the night seemed ambiguous in front of the brilliance of magic.

"Boom! Crack!"The sword light gradually shattered, and the figure was suppressed in an instant, showing a hollow moment, and disappeared by the exploding Wind King barrier, facing the sweeping of the gun shadows in the sky, the intuitive warning was ringing

""Boom! Boom!" Instantly, the earth began to shake, huge cracks and earthquake waves appeared, expanding under the blowing of dust.

Iskandar, who had no time to care about anything else, waved the spear that appeared in the inherent barrier, and gradually twisted, collapsed, and turned into a light spot and dissipated under the sweep of the pure white spear light.



The phantom of the spear blade shot down, and the horse suddenly jumped up and threw Iskandar off the horse, leaving only a look in Iskandar's eyes.



The horse was drowned by the impact of the light, and Iskandar, who had lost his balance, was instantly filled with awe in the face of the sharp aura of weapons.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!" Facing the endless gun shadows, it penetrated the illusionary void, fell to the ground, rolled up thick dust and a touch of bright red color, turned into a faint light spot and floated away

"Dingdang!!"The sharp edge released by the collision of weapons, countless ripples, from the vastness at the beginning, suppressed to the smallest area at the end.

Guarding beside Gilgamesh, the self-disciplined defensive treasure opened the turbulence, arousing fierce electric current conduction, countless treasures rain wheel dance, the lowest reaching B level, turned into arrows in Gilgamesh's hand.

The flying golden light pierced like a meteor, collided with the energy light falling from the sky and fell, holding the special sickle in his hand and sweeping through the space, stabbing out, colliding with the spinning spear, and collapsed and dissipated under the terrifying force.

Treasures less than B level have no effect at all in this indestructible beam raindrops. The sharp edge swept and closed, and with the fierce gun shadow covering, the treasure rain released from the Gate of Babylon seemed to be out of power.

The night sky was shrouded in moonlight, reflecting the pure brilliance under Gilgamesh's solemn eyes, and compared with the ripples in the void, it instantly fell into the blade in his hand, cutting off the strong magic light rising from the earth.

"The sword in the tree!!"

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