Arthur's words immediately alerted everyone present. Even though Arthur himself did not intend to do anything, as a privilege of the strong, his actions were enough to stir other people's hearts and make them restless. It was normal.

Not to mention that as a servant's last resort, the existence of the Command Spell could be said to be a restraint, or a symbol of making the servant fight to the death. And it seemed that they were the only ones who could make Arthur fight to the death.

This could only be said to be that they were overthinking. If Arthur really wanted to deal with them, he would not need to release the Command Spell at all. But he did not specially explain too many unnecessary words to waste time.

Instead, his attention was turned to Elijah. Under Arthur's flash, his cute face seemed a little confused and tangled, as if he was thinking about something distressing.

"However, I didn't think that there was anything that needed to be done by a foreigner."

"Don't worry, even if there is, as long as I don't want to do it, the so-called Command Spell can't bind me."

The use of the Command Spell, in the relatively detailed version that Arthur had explained to her before, let Elijah understand the role of the Command Spell.

It is not necessary to maintain the existence of the servant in this world. Even if it is used up, Arthur will stay until the Holy Grail ends.

But as a tool that allows Arthur to meet his own small demands, this is explained according to the rules of the regular servants of the Holy Grail. It is not so useful to put it on Arthur.

It's just that this relatively honest words immediately ushered in Elijah's muttering.

"Since you can use it yourself, why do you need me to do it~" Arthur turned his head away with a little dissatisfaction. He didn't say much about this because he believed that Elijah would know his limits.

"So, what instructions does Arthur want Elijah to give?" He quickly turned around and looked at Arthur with a questioning look, but he got a rather confusing response.

"The command of the Command Spell is up to you."


Elijah was silent for a moment. This was undoubtedly a very troublesome answer. It was related to Arthur's own characteristics. No matter how much foreign magic flowed into him, it would become energy to supply his own activities.

The difference was the time of conversion. When dealing with the compulsory instructions of consecutive Command Spells, if it was contrary to Arthur's will and he refused from the inside, it would take about two to three seconds until the conversion was completed.

Of course, the premise was the use of multiple Command Spells. After all, Arthur could call upon just one Command Spell by himself, and the most binding force that could be caused was to slightly stumble his steps.

At this moment, the most accurate use of multiple Command Spells initiated by Elijah made this cute girl's face wrinkled into a bitter gourd because of Arthur's casual answer.

""Huh, foreigners are really something, they always give me some strange problems." Finally, she sighed and smiled with relief on her cute face, showing that she had already thought of it.

"Sure enough, if it was Arthur, the command of the Command Seal should be like this."The face with a slight smile, with the sincere joy of having figured out the problem, was reflected on his lovely face. He immediately put it down, adjusted the position of the back of his hand, and his face, which was reflected by the red light of the Command Seal, looked a little serious. At this moment, Ilya seemed to have the excellent qualities of a Master.

"With the Command Seal as the order, as long as the foreigner wishes, go and accomplish it!"

"Second liberation, as long as the foreigner wants it, please make it happen!"

Just like this, the command seal was used in a really random way. The invisible storm rolled up in the void, and the turbulence rushed through the hair, reflecting the astonished faces of everyone present, as if they were astonished by Ilya's chaotic order.

Or perhaps they were shocked by this equally chaotic master and servant, so that they could hardly react, and only showed surprised faces. The first to react was Gilgamesh.

"Drink, drink, drink hahahahaha, interesting, interesting, just as I thought, King Arthur, you are the most interesting treasure in this Holy Grail War." He instantly showed his joy, and in the words that came through the magic circuit, he also said a few words to Tokiomi, making Tokiomi, who was already seen as boring by Gilgamesh, even more silent.

"yes……"He just responded silently. The seemingly inappropriate master and servant, after forming a long cooperation, seemed to be accustomed to each other's behavior.

"……"Then, Saber, who was also Arthur, was about to draw his sword the moment he heard Gilgamesh's words, but when he realized that the other party was not talking about him, he immediately let go of his dissatisfaction. He once again focused his attention on Arthur. The special fluctuations coming from the spiritual base were exploding in all directions with the momentum of some special fluctuation conversion.

"The so-called king divides the territory, develops the land, suppresses the rebellious, governs the subjects, and makes laws. What are the laws? The king (I) is the law!"

The release of the Command Spell instantly built the spiritual foundation, and the momentum of the transformation changed from the mysterious and ethereal one that originally belonged to the foreigner to the majestic and awe-inspiring one that was difficult to look at directly.

The job called Judgment can only be achieved by those who are absolutely powerless. The law is attached to the country before it is the law, and the strength of the country depends on its own strength.

That is the basis for reaching the judgment, and it is also Arthur who is now the ruler of the special job. The moment it is completed, the invisible oppression on the servants makes them frown.

It has nothing to do with anything else, it is just an instinctive reaction. The suppression of other ordinary jobs by the ruler is very faint, but it clearly exists. At this moment, the faces of everyone present became more solemn.

With the Command Spell, the special magic power acting on the Holy Grail of the Void formed a job change in an instant, and constructed a treasure in an instant. The bronze tripod thrown from the hand instantly flew high into the sky, emitting a burst of ancient breath and expansion.

This is a treasure, enough to separate the entire land and the world continent. The strange bronze utensil that is stable broke away from Arthur's hand, and instantly completed the shape change posture, rotating in the sky

"Jing, Yang, Yong, Liang, Xu, Yu, Yan, Qing, Ji, heaven, earth, people, wind, rain, abundance, smoothness!"

In correspondence with Arthur's eyes, the gesture fell into the void, and the bronze tripod, from a tangible instrument at the beginning, turned into an invisible blazing white ball of light, which made the air flow stagnant, suppressed the terrifying momentum and made the servants present sweat.

The divine power is difficult to offend, and the momentum created by power is the most extensive in the world. The projection of the terrifying thought appeared at the moment, and the last character that fell was instantly engraved

""Suppress!" All the airflow and turbulence settled, and the atmosphere and the visible and invisible existence were fixed. The pure white light ball that was running in a stable manner was thrown into the air and instantly sank into Irisviel's body, the part where her heart was.

""Plop!" The sudden and powerful heartbeat was different from the usual simulation of a tool. It was the pulse of life. But Irisviel didn't wait to enjoy it.

""Kill the evil and eliminate the different!"

Arthur raised his sword with such a speed that it was hard for people to react. In an instant, a pure white light ball pierced through Alice's body and rose into the air. A pure golden light flashed in the eyes, and a thick black mist appeared and disappeared with the light, emitting bursts of wailing.


"Oh, it's just third-rate."

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