Arthur's voice was very soft, but it had a charm that made people indulge in it. The hot breath he summoned licked his ear, and the red color that fell from the tip of his ear instantly filled his entire ear. There was also a hint of mischievous smile. If Kai, who was familiar with Arthur, saw it, he would definitely know what was going on. If Gaia was still awake, she would definitely find it.

But now, as the person involved, Gaia was entangled by Arthur, trapped in the quagmire and unable to break free, and it was difficult for her to distinguish between east, west, south, and north.

"Do you want to sleep together?"


Gaia's hair suddenly blew up, and it seemed as if his entire body had become stiff. It was just a simple sentence, which was normal at the beginning, but now it almost made Gaia's head explode. The buzzing sound made Gaia feel at a loss.

"……"She stood up silently, her hands waved randomly for a few times, and finally found her place on the hem of her black dress. She stepped back a few steps, glared at Arthur with her watery eyes, and then disappeared in an instant, jumping into the void where Columnium was placed, leaving a sound behind."H"Echoing in the air

"This kid, I'm afraid he misunderstood." This made Arthur's smile even deeper. The fact is that Arthur likes to bully Gaia. Of course, the suggestion just now was not just a casual talk.

"I just looked at you gently, it should be quite comfortable to hold you."It's just that simple, but it's quite fatal to Gaia, who is childish, has already understood quite a lot in some aspects, and always can't help thinking wrongly.

Even though she had learned a thing or two about the Greek gods in the past, in front of Arthur, Gaia really couldn't say frankly,"As long as it's Arthur, it doesn't matter even if it's H."

So, after embarrassing the noisy Gaia, Arthur was the only one left. After simply adjusting the wavelength of his mental power, he fell asleep.

The nap that Arthur mentioned is the so-called connection of dream visions. Even if the physical body has not yet grown fully, the mental power residing in the void can even cross the world, the scope of the universe and the existence of the outside world. It may be in the past, in the foreign land, or even in the future.

In the space close to the dream, this is a dream of illusions, and it is also a special time and space similar to the real one. The existence called quasi-real space is the manifestation of the ability to construct visions in dreams.

"Oh, it's really strange, I should be asleep?" The chosen girl, Loli, should be a girl, a black-haired girl, is more than 20 centimeters shorter than Gaia, who is 1.45 meters tall.

Calculated by bone age, she is about five or six years old, and her height is also the standard of an ordinary five to six-year-old girl, unlike Arthur, a BUG-level monster.

But she has courage that ordinary children don't have. Even in this white space, she is not scared to death. She is just a little scared and confused. I don't know where to start.

""Where is this place?" She had a question, but in this white space with almost nothing, would anyone really answer her question?

"This is the world of dreams."The answer is yes. After leaving the black-haired girl alone for a few minutes, the figure that walked out of the white space was Arthur.

"It's really rare to see such a scene."The first thing he did was to look around at the space, then focus his eyes on the girl in front of him.

"So, don't you think about anything?"

""Ah, this." As if she was frightened and a little embarrassed, the black-haired girl stuttered in front of Arthur, a strange older brother who was too good-looking.

"Is this really possible?" She was still eager to try, and from her slightly shining blue eyes, underneath her cute and somewhat honest appearance, she seemed to be hiding a restless soul.

It seemed that all the girls Arthur met were like this, Ai Ge was like this, Gaia was like this, and the girl in front of him was almost the same. Basically, as long as they appeared in front of him as children, their personalities were almost the same.

Maybe it's because my soul is more interesting.

Arthur thought secretly. When facing the girl's expectant eyes, Arthur did not deny it,"After all, you also have a part in this dream, it doesn't matter if you play a little bit."

"Hmm, let's fool around a bit~" It seemed like he had really thought of it, and immediately he saw a pair of ponytails tied with black bows emerging from the void, and the moment they appeared, they disappeared again.

"Hey, it really works."

It was just a test. It didn't seem to happen in the dream. The girl just wanted to see her sister's hairstyle and see what was going on. After satisfying her curiosity, she turned her attention to Arthur.

"Oh, brother, you are……"Compared to these redundant and fun things, the girl seemed to be more interested in Arthur's identity. After all, there were only the two of them in the vast white space, especially Arthur's appearance was so strange. Even though the girl's wariness of Arthur was minimized because of his good appearance, her curiosity was not reduced at all.

"Me?" Arthur groaned, and did not intend to hide anything. He decided to satisfy the girl's curiosity."I am a BUG-level BUG, and my name is Arthur's big brother." He even used a childish name, which soon caused the girl to exclaim.

"Wow! Is it BB Big Brother?"It's a rather strange name. This is probably the abbreviation of BUG-level BUG. In simple terms, it means BB, but there is one thing missing.

"Then, what about Arthur behind?"It was quickly pointed out, and the girl who was reminded by Arthur immediately frowned.

"Oh, this~" He pondered for a few seconds and came up with the answer."You can add it later."

He called out lightly, a very childish answer. At this age, children seem to prefer code names rather than names.

"But BB's words weren't too bad."After all, it was she who proposed it, and Arthur himself didn't care much about it, so he just let her do it.

"So, lovely girl, what is your name?"As a symbol of acquaintance, we must first learn each other's names, and girls are also clear about this.

""Yes, BB brother~" He seemed quite polite. Even though he didn't do it properly due to his age, he still managed to complete it. He even looked relieved at the end.

Turning his gaze to Arthur again, his bright eyes no longer had the cunning and mischievousness just now, but were a little more gentle, which made people like him more.

"Toosaka, my name is Toosaka Sakura, BB big brother can call me Sakura."

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