Everything was a spontaneous action, an act of completely venting the inner astonishment and excitement, because Arthur's performance, such a level of terror, the residual power alone can cover the entire territory, in the hearts of the knights is no less than the surrender of a dragon.

However, unlike the dragon, Columminiard did not plunder treasures or invade cities, so it is not too famous in the cognition of ordinary people.

In the eyes of the knights, the existence of holding an equal first-level treasure in the hand, what does it mean? Anyone who understands it knows that this is a strategic-level terror, not to mention that Arthur is still so young.

Arthur, who has already become a strong man, can achieve the feat of conquering a city at the age of less than ten. Not to mention, even if he can only live to the age of thirty, he can live for twenty-two years. Thinking of this fact, how can the knights present not be excited.





All these cheers were because of Arthur. Arthur's strength made them see peace. The peace of Ector Territory would not be a problem as long as Arthur existed.

In their eyes, Arthur was the young master of Ector Territory. His strength was the strength of Ector Territory, which was strong enough to make other city lords dare not act presumptuously.

As the garrison knights of Ector Territory, many knights present were selected from nearby villages and towns to join the Knights. For them, Ector Territory was their hometown. It was everyone's wish to hope that their hometown would enjoy peace forever.

They even selectively ignored the word Great Britain that Arthur said. Marquis Ector noticed that from the meaning of Arthur's expression to the cheers of the knights at the moment, he could see the meaning of some potential expression.

It's time.

With Arthur's current strength, he is no longer limited to genius, or a tender seedling that needs to be cared for by others when it is just born, but a real strong man, a towering tree that can support others in the wind and rain.

Thinking of this, Eckert felt a little excited, but more relieved. It seemed that a string that had been taut in his heart suddenly dropped, making this somewhat dull old knight couldn't help but smile.

"Go back, Tross."That was a joy from the bottom of my heart. Even Tross, the butler who knew Marquis Eckert best, was somewhat surprised. But when I thought about it, it seemed reasonable.

"Yes, sir."There were no extra words, and unlike when Arthur first arrived and even when he was growing up, Tross, the butler, was no longer concerned about everything.

In Tross' eyes, Arthur, who had grown into a strong man, had the same meaning as Marquis Ector.

It was time.

Since he had grown to the point where he could be called a strong man, he had the obligation to go out and endure the wind and rain. If everything depended on the adults' care, even if Arthur had become a strong man, he would still be a weak man.

In this regard, Tross was worthy of being Ector's confidant, and what he thought and did was similar to Ector's. This was Arthur's purpose, to use this opportunity to tell them that he had grown up.

"Hmm~ Do you have to be so direct? Arthur?" Then, after watching the whole process, Gaia raised his own questions, even a little puzzled,"Will there be any trouble if it is exposed like this?" He said it directly. Compared with Arthur, he didn't care too much about the concerns about the current situation.

"Isn't this good?" A casual look appeared on his handsome face."As the saying goes, if you are not strong enough, you can go around in circles. If you are strong enough, you can kill him. I don't like to go around in circles."

There was also a certain degree of roughness, similar to the recklessness of the muscle system. What was inconsistent with his easy-going appearance was that Arthur's performance was like a ferocious beast.

"If it is a tiger, it must roar in the mountains and forests. If it is a flying dragon, it must soar into the sky. Raising a tiger to the state of a cat and turning a dragon into a small snake is probably because it is originally a cat-type and snake-type behavior, which is not in line with my style."

If you don't show your strength for too long, you may even forget that you are so powerful.

In Jiaduo's words, it is Arthur's truest thought,"and I haven't experienced a big war for so long, I am a little itchy."

The main purpose is that because he is too invincible, he will come here to travel and play a few hands, and then he will have eight years of peaceful life. Although it is interesting, Arthur's temperament is the kind of person who shows how to show it.

He showed enough bad taste, so that Gaia couldn't stop complaining

"Ah~ I always feel so pitiful~" He silently lit a candle for the unlucky guy who was eyeing Arthur. Before Gaia could mourn, Arthur's answer came over.

"A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. The so-called evil habits caused by jealousy must be punished."Arthur's face was indifferent, and there was no emotion on his face. But in Gaia's eyes, there was enough understanding.

"Arthur, you are really strict."

"Because, this is necessary, the evil that I cannot stand."

That is when the judgment came. As Arthur's eyes flickered, the purple lightning that had been lingering on his hand and had not completely dissipated, the arc jumped slightly, spread into the air and disappeared.

Leaving the forest, the knight team that had dispersed under the command of Marquis Eckert, and Kai who also left, did not even say hello to Arthur.

Only one person walked, and took Gaia, the spear spirit, out of the forest and headed in the predetermined direction. Basically, the places they passed were areas that Gaia rarely came to.

"Phew~ The new scenery I saw with Arthur is really nice."To be more precise, I haven't walked with Arthur yet. Until now, Gaia seems to have kept enough freshness in his eyes.

"Wow, there are so many beautiful flowers here, red, blue, it looks so pretty"

"Is this the arrangement of the rockery? Not bad~ Not bad, it looks really well matched"

"Hey, this is the river path from the back mountain, huh~ it's a bit icy"


It floated back and forth like this, occasionally exclaiming, expressing its own opinions, occasionally touching a point with its finger to make a comment, and after floating for several weeks, it flew back to Arthur's side.

"Alas, Arthur, what are you going to do now?"This guy can't calm down no matter what. When he is with her, Arthur doesn't need to talk too much to feel the excitement.

Perhaps as a resonance of the same high-level weirdness, Arthur is really good to Gaia, both inside and outside, he maintains enough patience.

"Now, it’s time for a nap."

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