Arthur is a bad guy.

A very bad guy, almost making Gaia angry, but in this situation, because it was her mistake at the beginning that gave Arthur so much trouble, Gaia couldn't stand up.

"She is, after all, your mother." This was the only way to persuade Arthur, a rather roundabout policy, but it didn't work.

"To be honest, it's unfortunate to have a willful mother like you." This was despised, but seeing Gaia's tearful eyes about to cry, Arthur also slightly changed his words.

"After all, he is different from my father. If he were my father, he would have left me a considerable inheritance."It was just a lame excuse, but someone actually believed it.

"If it is an inheritance, my mother also has it."She looked very proud, although Arthur didn't know what she was showing off. After a while, Gaia realized that something was wrong with Arthur and quickly came back to her senses.

"What's wrong, Arthur?"

"No, I just feel your innocence."

Or maybe he is stupid. To some extent, this guy is really easy to be deceived, which can be seen from the fluctuations of spiritual power transmitted from the universe.

The fate of the planet is fixed. Within the fate line determined by Gaia, even gods cannot escape. As human beings, as long as Gaia exists, it is impossible to go out of the planet.

When Gaia is annihilated and disappears mysteriously, it will be too late. Faced with the planet turned into a wasteland, it is difficult for humans to survive without initial resources. This is the so-called fate. What is even more surprising is that Gaia saw the difficult future of mankind in the determined fate line, and could not bear the suffering of this child, so she decided to exterminate mankind first. This is the source of spiritual power transmitted in the void universe.

UO, the strongest being from an alien planet, was called by Gaia to come to Earth to exterminate human beings. To some extent, it cannot be said that Arthur's birth on Earth has nothing to do with Gaia.

In theory, if the relatively balanced weight has a little more guiding bias, it will tilt towards the heavier side, so under the guidance of the root of the universe, Arthur came to this world.

Similar to UO, but with a higher status than UO, as the existence that responds to Gaia's call the fastest, because of the different way of birth, Gaia has a feeling of facing her offspring.

And because Arthur's status is too high, like the neutralization of ancestors and parents, then such a peculiar way of getting along is formed, so that Gaia doesn't know whether to replace herself as a mother or as a junior. It is probably a feeling of respect and love, admiration and control, and even more of the former. After all, Gaia is silly and easy to deceive, plus her occasional willfulness, and is completely incomparable to Arthur.

"However, a guy who can do so many strange things without saying anything can't be called cute."

Arthur sighed, looking at a wisp of golden cloud floating in the sky. It seemed to sense Arthur's gaze and stopped for a moment. After saying hello to each other, it floated away happily. The one from Venus seems to be a girl.

Due to the distance, as the fastest batch of UOs to land on Earth, the UOs from Venus landed only a few years later than Arthur, because the movement was too small to attract attention.

After all, it doesn't matter if the clouds floating in the sky are a little more or a little smaller. At most, it adds a natural beauty for people to stop, but few people will notice the difference.

"Think about it, you'd better tell me quickly. Of course, even if you hide it, I won't let you go."Arthur looked serious. He was serious before, and he became more serious when he thought about Gaia doing so many strange things.

"Why invite so many UOs here? To hold a planet party?"


How can I put it? Gaia was speechless when Arthur asked her. She was stared at by Arthur. This time, she had no complaints even if Arthur treated her like a child or a wife. However, she felt guilty about having sex with a mentally retarded man. Even if Gaia agreed, Arthur had to think about it. However, Gaia had not thought about this yet, otherwise this guy would never behave himself.

"How should I put this?"

"Just say it with your mouth.

Although he didn't look very honest now, he immediately calmed down after being glanced at by Arthur.

"That's right, it's embarrassing."I still don't want to say it


"If I tell you, Arthur, you won't laugh at me, right?"But there is no other way, so I have to try my best to get some benefits, but there is no way to get accurate guarantees.

"I'll try my best." That was the only answer. After a pause, Arthur added,"I promise, I won't hit you no matter how unreliable it sounds."

That was all. Then, there was no more.

"Haha, is that so? That's great."Not at all.

What Gaia said was completely different from what she said in her heart, and she was embarrassed for quite some time.

"This is also a very troublesome thing to say"


"Actually, I didn’t want to say it."


"That's it, that's it, I just don't want humans to leave this planet, out of my sight." As a result, he really said it, the legendary troublesome but difficult to talk about.

It was just a simple sentence, and the reason was so strange that Arthur didn't know how to comment.

"That's it?"

"Well, that's it. (Nods)"

"Nothing else?"

"There is nothing else. (Shakes his head)"

After a period of approval and denial, there was an even longer silence.

"Just for this reason." Then, Arthur spoke, and received Gaia's affirmation and her explanation.

"Yes, they are still so young. If I am not their mother watching over them, they will be bullied by children from other planets. How will they survive in the completely chaotic environment of the future?"

"Rather than struggling so hard, it is better to die peacefully in front of me."

How can I put it? It is like a doting mother who spoils her child and then asks a familiar killer to kill the child after she dies. Arthur really doesn't know how to evaluate the performance.

"If that's the case, why do you want to help humans?"It was probably this kind of weird, contradictory behavior that made Arthur most puzzled, but when it came to Gaia, there was no doubt at all.

"Because, after all, they are my children~" There is also a bit of sweetness, which is the poison of love, which comes from Gaia, the mother of the planet,"I love them~"

Looking at Gaia's performance in front of him, the happy smile on her face fell into Arthur's eyes, and there were only two words to evaluate it.

"Ghost mother."

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