It seems that Gaia is more concerned about Arthur's address to him than the fact that he was beaten by Arthur.

At the age of eight, Arthur's strength reached the peak of the Transcendental, the early stage of the Grandmaster, the first level of the Great Vehicle, and his own Yuanli was so abundant that it almost exceeded the zenith. That was the posture that could only be achieved after shedding the mortal body and achieving the fairyland.

When the Yuanli was enough to affect the spiritual sense, Arthur had the ability to communicate with the earth Gaia and the ability to manifest the weapons in his inner world.

There is also the height. The eight-year-old Arthur grew to 1.72 meters. According to the fact that children grow faster, it is impossible for him to grow to this extent, but Arthur is not an ordinary person.

In terms of physical growth, the setting of the Star Spirit Body is the most suitable mode for combat. From the beginning, Arthur did not have much time to enjoy his childhood, and he did not have much interest.

But Kai, after being suppressed by Arthur in all aspects, it was rare for him to surpass Arthur in height. He thought he could be proud for a few years while he was older.

Although Arthur is growing fast, he is about to enter adolescence, isn't he? He can still suppress it for a few years, but Kai met this monster Arthur.

In February at the beginning of the year, after Arthur's height exceeded the 1.7-meter mark, Kai was silent. He grew faster than his big brother. He was 1.7 meters when he was just over eight years old, and now he has become 1.72 meters in March.

Arthur's height has been fluctuating and rising rapidly. After he exceeded Kai's height by a full 7 centimeters, he never compared his height with Arthur again.

As for the remaining comparison, we can't compare weight, right? There is no point in eating yourself into a giant. It's not that Arthur is too fat, but Arthur's weight measurement method is different from that of ordinary people.

As a multi-dimensional star projection, it is completely a question mark when it comes to weight measurement. As long as he hopes, he will definitely be heavier than Kai, but it cannot be reflected on the planet.

The height can fluctuate and adjust. When it falls on the planet, the maximum limit is less than one ten-billionth. It is still much heavier than the heaviest creature in this world. As a peculiarity of the projection of the star.

Naturally different from ordinary people, after all, it is impossible for ordinary people to communicate with Gaia at the end of the Age of Gods. This is an honor that only the strong at the level of the main god can have.

Even at the end of the Age of Gods, when the gods gradually disappeared, even the highest God King rarely saw Gaia a few times. For Arthur, this impossible became possible.

"What's the difference? Gaia is the land."It's just that Arthur didn't seem to have much respect for this original mother goddess, and there was a hint of disdain flashing in his purple eyes.

"You messed up your own planning like this, I'm lucky not to call you a fool, and Gaia."

Arthur was not polite and expressed it without reservation, expressing his contempt for Gaia's behavior of acting without considering the consequences and acting according to his own temper.

"In the period when the Golden Age of the Age of Gods faded and the second generation of the Silver Age of Fantasy Species came, you, as the Supreme God of the planet, should know what to do and what not to do."

The progress of the planet is influenced by the dominant primates and dominated by the planet itself, which is the so-called determination of the fate line. The fate line of the planet is the key to its survival.

In Arthur's cognition, many of them are caused by the human Alaya consciousness in order to obstruct the mysterious revival and the planet's return to the Age of Multi-species Gods, causing the planet to collapse and return to chaos.

This is normal. After all, no one wants their home to be occupied by others, even if the other party is a god with a longer residence permit on this planet, even if the planet allows reasonable residence.

But if they can monopolize it, few people want to share it. After all, it is easy to get along with each other but difficult to live together. Not to mention that humans are naturally exclusive, gods are arrogant, and the natural rules of fantasy species are different from those of humans.

It would be strange to say that the three parties can get together, and humans are also aware of such strangeness, so they will use gods and The fantasy species is awake, and with the advantage of its own awakening, it tries its best to make trouble in order to prolong the time of the mysterious recovery and return.

The destruction of the environment has caused the planet's turbid air to rise, and the destruction and extinction of species have made it difficult for the fantasy species to find a host carrier when they descend. The destruction of faith has made it difficult for the gods to rely on.

The purpose is to allow oneself to completely master this planet, so that one has enough power and time to deal with this possible smile and love you, this is the so-called human nature.

Human nature is selfish, so they are not planets, and it is difficult for them to become planets themselves, as well as the boundless greed that is almost engraved into the roots. It is the source of human progress and also a symbol of destruction.

Humans, as creatures with complex thoughts, naturally have a certain degree of complexity, but there is little change on a certain point, which is the so-called benefit, experienced in the Alaya consciousness. The same is true in the world.

People die for money and birds die for food. This is common sense, but while thinking rationally, there is also a bit of emotional kindness, which reflects the complexity and contradictions of human beings. It is also the rational deflection left under the integration of human consciousness that enables humans to achieve a certain degree of self-help characteristics in the destruction of the earth. For her, it is to save herself.

The remedial method introduced under the circumstances of individual selflessness and large-scale selfishness is also the difference between humans and planets.

Humans live on planets and are nurtured by the earth until the planet is destroyed, or there is no way to wait for destruction, or have a certain ability to go to the interstellar space to find the next habitable planet.

The planet has no way, the earth is itself, in response to human destruction, she laments, cries, or expresses her dissatisfaction with warnings like natural disasters, but there is nothing she can do. It cannot be said.

In the era when the Age of Gods disappeared and the planet's ether dropped to the lowest level, it was difficult for the gods to show themselves, not to mention Gaia, the original mother goddess, who could only observe the recklessness of mankind with a pair of eyes.

This is the helplessness of the planet's land. When the cycle ends in destruction, which is usually caused by humans, it will happen to Gaia. This guy has sentenced himself to death from the beginning.

It is true that there will be danger at the end of the cycle. This is not only the recklessness of the races on the planet, but also the intervention of alien invaders, who will exterminate and enslave the natives of the planet, plunder the nutrients of the planet when it is dormant and turn them into the fruits of their own power, etc.

This is always a low-probability event, with a probability similar to that of winning the first prize in the lottery. Compared with Gaia fixing her own future and forming a 100% absolute behavior towards destruction, it fully deserves Arthur's word"idiot".

"Idiot."Then, he really said it, not saying anything that came to his mind, just saying what he thought, Arthur was not wrong in his evaluation of Gaia's behavior.

To be honest, even if the mother goddess of every planet deserves respect, only Gaia in front of him, Arthur can't find a reason to respect her, because of this guy's character.

As a being billions of years old, he is as willful as a naughty child, which makes Arthur look a little more contemptuous.

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