The man sat like this for a long time, like a sculpture.

I don't know if it was the restlessness of the storm in his eyes or he was a little tired from sitting for a long time. As the afterglow of the sunset fell, the man's tense body suddenly began to tremble.

"Cough cough..."

With this movement, his pale face began to flush, and he coughed.

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

First a light cough, followed by a series of violent coughs, as if he was going to cough out the entire lung.

Suddenly, the man who covered his mouth and coughed stiffened all over, carefully moved his right hand covering his mouth, and looked at his palm.

There was a little bloodstain the size of a thumb on the palm of his hand.

The color of the bloodstain was very strange, not blood red or dark red, but pink.

Looking more carefully, there was no bloodstain at all, and there was clearly a ball of pink flesh in the palm. In the pink flesh, countless buds were wriggling and entangled, as if they had life, which made people's scalps numb and very scary.

The man looked at the buds in the palm of his hand, his whole body stiffened, his pupils lost focus, and he stared at them wriggling. His eyes were filled with despair, as if their appearance represented some other meaning.

While the man was stunned, a trace of undetectable filthy breath in the room floated down from the roof and rushed into the man's mouth like lightning.

"Damn it!" The man lost his mind for a moment, then he came back to his senses slightly, and suddenly clenched his open palm into a fist, as if he was afraid of being seen by someone. At this time, the breath also completely invaded the body.

"Who!" The ugly-looking man suddenly realized something, raised his head suddenly, and looked up.

On the beams of the practice room, except for the faint spiritual light that spread out, there was nothing at this moment.

The man suppressed madness in his eyes, and with a cold light flashing, he wanted to get up and carefully explore something. But before he could move, his face suddenly changed, and his breath fluctuated more violently.

As his breath fluctuated, the few flesh and blood in his originally skinny body began to wriggle spontaneously, as if they were scrambling to escape from his body.

This sudden, beyond-normal pollution outbreak caught the man off guard, and it became very difficult to suppress it.

What made his face even uglier was that this outbreak was obviously abnormal. It seemed that there was an extra kind of pollution in his body. They were constantly fighting at this moment, trying to pollute him and make him completely crazy.

While the man was desperately suppressing the madness in his eyes, Wang Zijia, who was sitting on the side of the road a thousand meters away, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked in that direction, did not stay any longer, and turned away.

He originally planned to come and find out the bottom first, but when he controlled the clay to escape into the courtyard, he found that although the other party's cultivation was very high, he was already on the verge of losing control. Not to mention discovering him, he had no time to pay attention to changes in the outside world.

Therefore, Wang Zijia made a sudden decision and tried to plant a demon.

As for whether it would succeed or not, it depends on the situation.


Wang Zijia quickly stood up and left, but after taking a few steps, his face changed.

Not only did he fail to plant the demon immediately this time, but the mana in his body suddenly began to consume violently at this moment, which had never happened when testing on Bai Qian.

In the dark, he felt that a crazy, evil, chaotic and inexplicable thing was competing with him for the control of the extraordinary characteristics in Du Kang's body, trying to pollute it into its own shape.

That consciousness and Wang Zijia saw each other, and there was still some doubt, as if wondering why they were both polluted, but could not merge, with the difference between you and me, and the awe was clear.

Because of this, Wang Zijia felt for the first time how evil the pollution of his spiritual root planting demon was.

While Wang Zijia quickly went to his yard, he flipped his hand and took out two magic coins, constantly replenishing the mana that was constantly lost in his body.

Fortunately, Du Kang, the original owner of the body, seemed to hate the other pollution more, or he might have felt that the new power was not crazy.

Therefore, although he discovered the power of the demon in the spiritual root that had infiltrated his body because of the struggle between the two kinds of pollution, he did not stop it, and even deliberately let it go, treating it as another force, and working together to suppress the pollution that had already eroded many of the extraordinary characteristics of the spiritual root in his body.


More than an hour later, Wang Zijia in the practice room suddenly shook all over and opened his eyes with surprise.

"It's done!"

According to the feeling in the dark, Wang Zijia felt that he had barely fought for victory and had initially controlled the spiritual root of another person. In surprise, he no longer hesitated, and his mind moved decisively.

Sure enough, the red copper weight emerged, bringing Wang Zijia's consciousness to a familiar and unfamiliar chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

As he moved his mind, a large number of weights suddenly emerged in the originally empty chaos.

Among the black and white weights, there was a huge blood-red weight, which was particularly conspicuous.

Weight: Evil Origin Pollution

Status: Polluted

Value: 3214

Introduction: The source pollution left behind by the weak evil at the time of its demise. The demise of the old evil is also the birth of the new evil, and there is no way to stop it. This reproduction at the cost of the life of the evil is the most vicious curse in the world.


Looking at the blood-red weight that was half the size of a fist, Wang Zijia swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and was very greedy.

No wonder he clearly felt the competition this time. It felt that the other party was not polluted by ordinary pollution. The extraordinary characteristics of his spiritual roots had already become the embryo of a new evil.

He moved his eyes away with difficulty and looked at the other weights.

Compared to Wang Zijia's previous ignorance, the other party was simply a typical cultivator. Wang Zijia sorted it out for a long time before he initially cleaned up a set of panel information.

Name: Du Kang

Cultivation: [Boy] Late Stage

Daoist Practice: Ninety-eight Years (19539/20000, cultivation level regressed due to pollution)

Spiritual Roots: Top Spiritual Roots (Third Grade)

Skills: Wanyu Code (including Boy Chapter, Sacrifice Chapter, Second Grade)

Spells: Talisman Paper Making (Great Success), Rune Control (Great Success), Rune Reproduction (Great Success), Basic Swordsmanship (Great Success), Talisman Sword (Great Success)

Spiritual Material Smelting (Minor Success 15

Looking at the panel that was much richer than his own, Wang Zijia was a little envious, but It's a pity that I can't steal it for myself.

Judging from the other party's combination of magic, this person has obviously started to prepare for the promotion to the chief wine. If he hadn't been delayed for twenty years by the pollution, who knows what his cultivation level would be now!

Especially the other party's Taoism, a blank breakthrough, a hundred years of Taoism should be capped at 10,000, but the other party's is capped at 20,000.

Two hundred is worth a year of Taoism, which is obviously the result of refining magic power. This means that his chance of breaking through to the chief wine is much greater than that of ordinary cultivators.


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