I am Kaka

Chapter 84 Lightning breaks the door

After finishing his national team debut, Kaka returned to Sao Paulo.

Although he played only ten minutes, he still left a deep impression on people, while Cheney and Belletti were more pitiful, they didn't get a minute, that is, they went to get acquainted. , just an extra bragging capital.

Kaka had just returned to Sao Paulo, and suddenly found another acquaintance in the team.


This guy really joined the Sao Paulo team just like the original history, but the time was a little earlier, obviously being misled by Kaka.

The personnel changes in Brazilian football are really random everywhere.

Hey, hey, Kaka, what's that expression on your face? Falcao opened his arms, and what was waiting was not Kaka's surprise hug, but a look of disgust.

That's how we in Sao Paulo express surprise.

Don't lie to me, I grew up in St. Paul.

Okay, you're welcome, bro, Kaka gave him a big hug, So, you're ready, aren't you?

Of course, let's go conquer the world. Falcao, who had just completed his identity change, was in a complicated mood, full of expectations and confusion. I don't know if it was to cover up his anxiety. His words and deeds seemed a lot more exaggerated .

This road is more difficult than you think. If you just have the mentality of giving it a try, then I can only say I wish you a good time. If you come here with ambition, then I will tell you for sure , no matter how much you have prepared for this day, it is definitely not enough.

Oh, you're not cute at all, man.

That's because the professional arena is not cute at all. Kaka patted him on the shoulder, and introduced him to Cheney and Belletti by the way.

Compared with the joy of Kaka and Falcao's reunion, Alvarez's face was much more serious.

He stood on the sidelines of the training field, watched the players coming out of the locker room one after another, blew the whistle around his neck, and called them all over.

Kaka, Belletti, Cheney, how do you feel? I am not asking the data given by the team doctor, but your own feelings. The conflict between the club team and the national team is always irreconcilable. Every club The manager has a love-hate relationship with the national team.

Love is because players can get exercise and grow in the national team, and hate is of course because national team games often increase the physical exertion of players and bring about ups and downs in state.

The FIFA virus is no joke.

Cheney patted the two gloves on each other, and said: Boss, I just went to watch a game, how can I feel? You should ask Kaka, he played, but I guess his condition It must be good, the kid scored in his first national team game.

...I just kicked for ten minutes, I'd rather be tired from driving.

That's good, it seems that you are all in good condition, Alvarez said to everyone, I don't need to say more about what to do tomorrow, right?

Of course, blow them up.



Falcao lightly poked Kaka, What's going on?

Don't you even pay attention? We will play Botafogo tomorrow, Kaka said. Last time we were conceded seven goals by them.

...Is it that exciting? Are they that strong? Or are you... no, we are that weak?

How can this kind of thing be said clearly? Brazil lost 1:7 to Germany.

What? When?

Last night, live.

... Kaka, you are going to be twenty years old, you can't indulge in that stupid game anymore.

Oh! You wouldn't have seen me without that crap.

What the hell?

Alvarez interrupted the crap that Kaka was about to export,

Drive people to training.

Everyone's training state collapsed, and the morale of the Sao Paulo team that appeared at the Keo-Martin Stadium the next day almost reached its peak.

Botafogo is Kaka's old opponent. He met this team in his first professional game and first time in the final. Kaka's statistics are also very gorgeous, with four goals and one assist. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the sufferer of Botafogo.

Who knows that when the two teams met in the Brazilian League last season, Botafogo directly gave Sao Paulo an unforgettable 7:1 in the away game.

It is said that revenge is revenge, but Kaka has no hatred for the other party in his heart. In professional football, it is normal to win and lose. In the last game, he did not use any means to win openly, and Kaka lost nothing to say.

But this revenge must be avenged.

How to lose is how to win back.

Sao Paulo is sharpening his sword up and down, and he is about to avenge his shame. Botafogo, who is playing at home, is also ambitious and wants to sprinkle salt on Sao Paulo's wounds.

The battle was imminent, and Kaka rarely used a stride as soon as he got the ball in the opening game.

Kaka dribbles the ball in the middle, he is so fast, no one in Botafogo can stop him...

Just when everyone thought he was going to drive straight to break through and shoot one-stop, Kaka suddenly distributed the ball to the right.

Ricardinho responded from the right, and after getting the ball, he also went crazy, and passed the ball to Fabiano who came out to meet him at the front of the penalty area.

Fabiano feints to catch the ball, but deftly misses it as it rolls over.

Kaka quickly followed without making any adjustments, and directly slammed the door.

The football flew straight into the upper right corner, and the goalkeeper didn't respond at all.

GOAL!!! Kaka made a lightning goal! Sixteen seconds into the game! The Sao Paulo team created the record for the fastest goal in the Sao Paulo State League One! The midfielder dribbled the ball, split the side, and passed back. Sao Paulo's offense did not have any Pause! Fabiano's clever leak and Kaka's precise shot created this goal! We all know that Sao Paulo's game is obsessed with revenge, but we all underestimated their determination and ability...

Some spectators were still looking for seats, while some spectators had just turned on the TV, only to hear the narrator yelling like crazy as soon as the screen came on.

Kaka scored in sixteen seconds!

They quickly saw the replay.

Fabiano kicked the ball back, Kaka dribbled past the two in the middle, and then Ricardinho passed Botafogo's right midfielder on the right, and crossed the penalty area when their defender was about to come up. Fabiano lifted the ball and missed it. Kaka suddenly inserted a long-range shot and scored. The football crossed the goal line and the time was exactly sixteen seconds.

Kaka held up his hands and pointed to the sky.

Fabiano ran up from behind, put his hands on his shoulders and jumped up, Ricardinho also gave him a warm hug...

The Botafogo coach called his captain to the sidelines, almost pulling his shoulders and shouting: Didn't you tell you to be optimistic about Kaka? Why is there no one around him when he shoots? You want to be all Brazilians. Is it a joke?

The captain sniffed aggrievedly, but didn't dare to say what he wanted to say after all.

Who doesn't know that Kaka must be defended against Sao Paulo, but how many teams have really defended it?

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