I am Kaka

Chapter 16 I'm Actually a Striker

Santos’ attack also failed, and it was Baptista who ended their offensive. This young midfielder was the biggest discovery of Sao Paulo last season. He was not only energetic and active in running, but also extremely accurate. , This season has made rapid progress, but because of the position, it has received less attention.

It was also born out of nowhere, and the attention Kaka attracted was much more exaggerated. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was the focus of the audience.

The biggest advantage of the substitute players is their sufficient physical strength, so Kaka has never been stingy with his running. In the midfield, he was caught in a fierce fight with the Santos players. Let alone the defensive ability, the attitude must be in place anyway.

In the reports of many scouts, comments such as active defense, but defensive skills and defensive awareness are a little green, and there is a possibility of becoming an all-round midfielder after accumulating enough experience, and just like they have seen As it came out, Kaka is not only a little green in defense, but also quite average in terms of organization and scheduling.

His passing ability is still good. Basically, every time he passes, he can accurately find his teammates and allow the opponent to receive it comfortably. However, for the role of organizing midfielder, passing is only a basic skill. And mastering the rhythm is the key. Kaka's passing is more out of instinct. He passes it when he sees which teammate is in a good position. As for the next step or even the next step, it is up to fate.

In fact, the situation on the field is changing rapidly. Many midfield masters pass the ball just like Kaka. Most of them are out of instinct. It is impossible to have any space and time for thinking, but after analysis by various experts, they found that there are obviously one, two, three, four, five and six passing routes around him, but he can choose the best one. Not only avoided the defense, but also opened up the situation, making the messy midfield suddenly smooth and clear.

In fact, people spread it blindly. I am afraid that when they spread it, they didn't know if there was anyone in that place to respond, but the spread was good and reasonable...

This kind of thing depends on the tacit understanding of teammates on the one hand, and the accumulation of experience on the other, but the most important thing is that two words: talent.

Some people have been students for decades, but the handwriting they write is not as good-looking as the Erha at home who pissed on the ground casually, while some people deal with steel and concrete every day, but the handwriting they write is impressive. Amazing, good-looking don't want it.

This is talent.

I have a few catties and a few taels. Kaka still has a little bit of money in his heart, so when he gets the ball, he prefers to take the ball to the vicinity of the penalty area, and then choose to pass or shoot according to the situation. This is not the case in Brazilian football. It seems so abrupt, because the Brazilian team is notoriously weak in terms of tactical literacy, which is simply two extremes with European teams. Compared with cooperating with teammates, most Brazilian players or South American players prefer to bring their own. The ball breaks through.

A clip in the movie Become Famous is very illustrative: the head coach throws a ball forward, and then asks the protagonist Santiago to chase it. The head coach asked in a daze, what did you think of, and Santiago was stunned for a moment, then he said stupidly that maybe I could shoot halfway, the coach said no, the ball always runs faster than you, so we have to pass the ball .

So for a coach, a player who can pass the ball is a good player, and a player who can pass the ball well is a top player, but for the unrestrained Brazilian, the problem that I can solve by myself is to pass a ball of wool what.

Pulling away, let's talk about the game.

Kaka's second game was far more difficult than the first, and he enjoyed the defensive treatment that only core players can have, which also made it difficult for Sao Paulo's midfielder.

Sao Paulo is in trouble again. Kaka has not been able to play the role of a super substitute. When the breakthrough is limited, his poor organizational skills cannot help the team open the situation.

The youngster is still a long way from being a top midfielder.

Cafu's words basically represent the aspirations of a large part of the football emperors.

Fast speed, strong breakthrough ability, good passing ability but poor vision and overall situation view, suitable for counterattacks, not suitable for midfield commanders, this is everyone's judgment on Kaka, probably the two Kakas at the moment The biggest difference in a period.

What the fans can see, of course Alvarez can see it too.

He called the assistant coach to his side, the two communicated and quickly made adjustments.

Lula, warm up. The assistant coach shouted to a young black player on the bench.

Well, this guy seems to have the same name as the head coach of the Santos team, or the same nickname? Nick name? Abbreviation? God knows what.

Huh? Lula froze for a moment, then stood up ecstatically and began to warm up.

Lula is a jack-of-all-trades player, except for the goalkeeper and the referee, he can play in all positions on the field, but he is not very good, so unless the current situation is full of injuries, he will rarely be able to play. What opportunities to play in important games.

Go up and replace Luis. Alvarez called Lula who had finished warming up to his side and told him.

Louis? I play forward? Lula asked uncertainly.

Although he can play in any position, the forward is the worst position he plays, and objectively speaking, Fabiano played quite well in this game, at least more reliable than Burgess who just played .

You play in midfield, Alvarez's words let Lula know that he was thinking too much, let Kaka go forward and play center forward.

Lula understood in seconds.

It seems that the coach has given up on Kaka's organizational ability. This is to let himself organize the offense and liberate Kaka.

Well, it really is still the life of the support.

Lula was well aware of his position and came to the fourth official to wait for the dead ball.

The Sao Paulo team made the last substitution, this time it was the teenager Lula, well, almost all of them are teenagers, the average age of this team is less than twenty-five years old...he wants to replace It turned out to be Luis Fabiano? Is Alvarez crazy? Cafu also subconsciously believed that this was a counter-substitution.

Many people also expressed doubts about Alvarez's substitution.

Fabiano, who has just arrived, has made rapid progress and is already the most threatening player in the Sao Paulo team. Everyone does not think Lula has the ability to replace him.

Fabiano left the field with a displeased face. Lula hugged him and ran to Kaka, saying: Kaka, you play Luiz's position, and I will play in the midfield.

I play forward?

Sounds good hey.

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