At this time, Yang Xin's class has now become a veritable genius class, with 21 super geniuses in total.

If all these super geniuses can be taught by him, then he will be awesome.

However, there are also five ordinary students in the genius class, these are the few students who worshiped him as a teacher with Liu Zichen three years ago.

For gifted students, Yang Xin blesses them with all his aura.

As for the few students who were not geniuses, he just blessed the learning aura and adjusted the aura.

The reason why the memory halo and intelligence halo are not added is that when they go to other places to study in the future, without the blessing of the halo, after the learning speed slows down, they will not feel autistic.

Teacher Yang, are you free now?

That night, Yang Xin was correcting test papers for students with his mobile phone. He only needed to scan the test papers with the Dream Scholarship APP in his mobile phone, and then the APP scanned the text on the test papers, and then automatically compared them with the correct answers in the information database. Finally, Quickly judge whether the answer is correct or not.

This kind of correcting homework is undoubtedly very fast. In less than half an hour, Yang Xin has already corrected all the more than one hundred papers of more than two dozen people. .

However, Yang Xin still dislikes that it is not fast enough. He has already paid money to the APP development company, and he is going to let them develop an APP that can automatically generate test questions for each grade. In the future, his students can answer the questions only with their mobile phones. After answering the questions, the system will immediately You can correct it yourself, which can save a lot of trouble.

However, the premise of this is that the students can write good handwriting, because there is no way to use the app for the college entrance examination, and handwriting is required, so the students' handwriting should not be too bad.

In order to achieve the desired effect of Yang Xin, in addition to letting software companies develop apps, people also need to have people collect various types of questions.

Fortunately, this matter can be solved by spending money, as long as he asks someone to help him collect it.

Of course, these are all things to say later. At this time, a guest came to Yang Xin's office.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, named Tian Shengkun, who is a new teacher hired by the village with a lot of money.

Teacher Tian, ​​I'm free now, what can you do for me? Yang Xin asked Teacher Tian Shengkun.

That's right, I want to ask you for some teaching experience. Tian Shengkun said to Yang Xin with some embarrassment.

Ask me for teaching experience? Yang Xin was surprised.

The Tian Shengkun in front of him used to be honored as an outstanding teacher in the middle school of the town. If the village committee hadn't spent a lot of money, he wouldn't be able to hire him.

Would Yang Xin not be surprised that such a person asked him, a kid in his twenties, for his teaching experience?

Yes, I want to ask you for your teaching experience.

Tian Shengkun nodded, and said to Yang Xin: The so-called master is a teacher. Although I have only been here for two months, I admire your ability to teach students, so I want to learn from you or something. .”

Mr. Tian was joking, where do I have any teaching tips? My teaching tips are all commonplace things, such as cultivating students' interest in learning, and then adjusting the teaching speed according to the students' learning progress, etc., that's it. Yang Xin said to Tian Shengkun.

Then why do the students in your class learn so fast? Tian Shengkun asked Yang Xin.

This is naturally because my students have better learning talents.

Yang Xin said to Tian Shengkun: You know, my students are all students with better learning talents from various provinces. It's because they learn quickly, not how well I teach.

Although the students are talented, the most important thing is that you teach well, Teacher Yang, so don't be modest. I wonder if you have any experience to share with me, Teacher Yang? Tian Shengkun asked Yang Xin.

Hearing what Tian Shengkun said,

Yang Xin knew that he couldn't be more modest. After all, others came here with an attitude of learning. If he kept pushing, others would look down on him and think that he was a poor broom.

Finally, Yang Xin thought for a while and said to Tian Shengkun: Teacher Tian, ​​the reason why I teach so well is that the most important thing is to cultivate students' interest in learning.

When students are interested in learning, they will learn actively instead of passively. The efficiency of active learning is many times higher than that of passive learning.

Back then, Mr. Tao Xingzhi criticized some teachers and parents for forcing students to learn, but instead emphasized the need to inspire students to learn consciously.

This is how I teach students. I let students learn actively. When students can learn actively, as teachers, we just need to give them timely answers. When they can learn spontaneously, the learning speed will naturally be very fast. Yang Xin said to Tian Shengkun.

Yang Xin talked for a long time, that is to say, let the students learn spontaneously.

However, Tian Shengkun didn't know that there was only one thing that Yang Xin allowed students to learn spontaneously, and that was to bless the students with the aura of learning.

With the blessing of the learning halo, students will naturally learn spontaneously, which no one can compare with Yang Xin.

This... Tian Shengkun felt a little embarrassed when he heard Yang Xin say that.

He said to Yang Xin: We all know that we need to inspire students to learn independently, but how to inspire them, I wonder if you have any experience, Mr. Yang?


Now it's Yang Xin's turn to be in trouble, he has fart experience, if he has experience, why should he learn Halo?

But when he turned his head, he still thought of an excuse, and he said to Tian Shengkun: I think it should be to make students feel that learning is very fun. I usually give lectures in a way of entertaining and teaching. The students learn It’s very easy, and you can naturally not reject learning.”

Finally, Yang Xin said: And every teacher's experience is different. My experience may not be suitable for you, and your experience may not be suitable for me. If there is a common experience, then there will be no differences in the level of education in different places. It's out of order.

That's the truth. Hearing Yang Xin's words, Tian Shengkun nodded in agreement.

After coming here for two months, he can see how Yang Xin teaches students every day. It is a very common teaching method, and in his opinion, Yang Xin's teaching method is somewhat irresponsible.

Because he found that most of the time, Yang Xin let the students learn by themselves, and only explained to the students when they couldn't.

Even so, he found that the grades of the students in Yang Xin's class were one by one.

In Yang Xin's class, the primary school students can basically score above 98 or get full marks in other subjects except Chinese.

The students in the junior high school stage are also very good. Basically, they get more than 700 points in each exam.

If junior high school is nothing, then the high school kids are scary. Just a few days ago, Liu Zichen and Zhou Qian in Yang Xin's class scored more than 700 points on the midterm exam paper of the second year of high school.

The same was true for Zhao Zihan and Wang Lingni, freshmen in high school, who scored more than 700 points in the test.

These few students, in his opinion, are all seedlings of Tsinghua University and Peking University.

The most important thing is that among the four students, Liu Zichen is only eight years old, and Wang Lingni is only eleven years old.

And Zhou Qian and Zhao Zihan are not very old, only about 14 years old.

If all of Yang Xin's students can always have such academic performance, it is estimated that more than 20 people in the class will become Tsinghua University seedlings.

From this point of view, it was a little scary.

Therefore, Tian Shengkun, who has been teaching for more than 20 years, put down his face to ask such a support teacher who doesn't even have a teacher staff.

PS: Some book friends said that they admire me for asking for recommendation votes for every chapter, not because I want to ask, but because this book is in the most important stage of life and death, if you don’t vote for recommendation, my book may be abandoned by the website , so I can't help but ask.

Still the same sentence: Please vote for recommendation, the author is here to thank you eight.

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