[System prompt]: Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission, the system reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it.

In mid-November, after Zhou Qian's mock exam score reached 650 points or more, the system finally judged that he had completed the side mission.

Zhou Qian's side mission, the system reward is 30 points.

With thirty points, he can expand the number of students again.

Currently, students around him include Liu Zichen, Zhou Qian, Wang Lingni, Zhang Yuechi, Zhao Zihan and Li Kexin.

There is also Luo Yuxuan, who is from the countryside and his parents are not around, so he has not recruited him yet. He is currently cultivating a relationship. When he has the opportunity, he will definitely recruit this student.

After Zhou Qian's side mission was completed, Yang Xin's system points increased to thirty-five again.

Do you want to spend ten credits to view student information?


As the system deducted ten points, soon, a student's information appeared in Yang Xin's mind.

Name: Niu Qiao.

Bone age: 9 years.

Sex: Male.

Potential ranking:

Imagination: 90.

Creativity: 86.

Observation: 79.

Memory: 68.


Talent ranking:

Physics: 90 (super genius)

Chemistry: 85 (Excellent Genius)

Mathematics: 83 (excellent gifted)


This is a nine-year-old boy with the surname Niu, which is an uncommon surname.

According to Niu Qiao's information, his parents are both from the Northeast, but they are now working in Sichuan Province. His father is the county magistrate, and his mother owns a clothing store in the county.

Niu Qiao's identity made Yang Xin feel a little tricky. As a child of the county magistrate, his parents strictly controlled him, and his grades in school were also very good.

To tell the truth, it is not so difficult for such a child to poach him.

He tried to call Niu Qiao's mother and talked about online one-on-one tutoring, but Niu Qiao's mother naturally refused.

In addition to attending classes at school every day, Niu Qiao also attends talent training classes after school. How can she have time for online tutoring classes?

In such a situation, Yang Xin could only temporarily give up on this student and continue to check the next student.

Soon, the system sent the information of the next student to Yang Xin's mind again.

Name: Shen Shuangshuang.

Bone age: 10 years.

Gender: Female.

Potential ranking:

Observation: 89.

Imagination: 86.

Creativity: 85.

Memory: 59.


Talent ranking:

Chemistry: 90 (super genius)

Physics: 84 (excellent genius)

Mathematics: 82 (excellent gifted)


[System prompt]: The host triggers a task to teach Shen Shuangshuang elementary school knowledge, and rewards the system with +20 points for completing the task.

Shen Shuangshuang is a fourth grade student, so she needs to complete the fourth, fifth and sixth grades to complete the task, so the system rewarded her with 20 points.

Hey, is this Shen Shuangshuang's father? I am here as an online one-on-one tutor...

Still the same routine, still the same rhetoric.

Shen Shuangshuang's father agreed to let Yang Xin tutor his daughter after Yang Xin said that the first month would be free tutoring, and he promised that Shen Shuangshuang's grades would be greatly improved, and that the fee would not exceed 1,000 yuan per month in the future. .

From Shen Shuangshuang's memory talent, it can be seen that 59's memory has not passed the mark, and such a memory score will definitely not be very good.

It's just that what Yang Xin doesn't understand is why a person with a poor memory can have the talent of a super genius.

If such a person had not been discovered by the system, it is estimated that she would not be able to develop into physical chemistry in her whole life, and become Yang Yangyang's radiant super genius.

After dealing with Shen Shuangshuang's parents, Yang Xin turned his attention to the last student, who was also the tenth student with the highest physical and chemical talent among the students scanned by the super scan.

Name: Yang Yangyang.

Bone age: 12 years.

Sex: Male.

Potential ranking:

Imagination: 88.

Observation: 87.

Creativity: 85.

Memory: 77.


Talent ranking:

Chemistry: 89 (Excellent Genius)

Physics: 87 (excellent genius)

Math: 76 (average genius)


Yang Yangyang, a very smooth name, is only 12 years old and is in the sixth grade.

His talent is a grade lower than that of the ninth place, and the ninth place is still a super genius, but when it comes to him, he is just an excellent genius.

But even so, Yang Xin did not give up on this student, because the system released side missions.

[System prompt]: The host triggers a task to teach Yang Yangyang the knowledge of junior high school, and reward system points +10 for completing the task.

Following the same routine, Yang Xin once again obtained the consent of the students' parents and became Yang Yangyang's online one-on-one tutor.

Yang Yangyang's grades in school are actually not bad, and he can get 70 or 80 points in the test. However, after Yang Xin promised that he would be able to break through 90 points in one month, and the tutoring for the first month was free, Yang Yangyang's parents agreed. Let Yang Xin tutor his son.

Yang Xin plans to tutor for one month first, and after one month Yang Yangyang's grades have improved significantly and he has become familiar with Yang Yangyang's parents, then he will identify himself and let Yang Yangyang come here to study.

At present, the top ten geniuses in physical chemistry scanned by the system have been discovered by him. Except for Niu Qiao and Yang Xin, who may not be able to handle it for a while, the other nine students believe that they will be able to gather together to go to school soon up.

These ten students, ranked according to their talents, are: the first place is Liu Zichen, 7 years old.

The second place is Zhou Qian, 13 years old.

The third place is Zhang Yuechi, 8 years old.

The fourth place is Wang Lingni, 11 years old.

The fifth place is Zhao Zihan, 14 years old.

The sixth place is Luo Yuxuan, 13 years old.

The seventh place is Li Kexin, 11 years old.

The eighth place is Niu Qiao, 9 years old.

The ninth place is Shen Shuangshuang, 10 years old.

The tenth place Yang Yangyang is 12 years old.

This time, the information inquiry of the three students cost Yang Xin 30 points, which made him only 55 points in an instant.

For now, if they want to continue to gain points, they should rely on Liu Zichen in a short time.

He has already completed the knowledge of junior high school, but the test score is still a little short of 650 points. The system judges that the task will be completed only if the test score is above 650 points.

The reason why Liu Zichen has not completed the task is mainly because he is too young and his mind is immature. He can only learn the knowledge above junior high school by relying on his intellectual aura, so he is a little slow to learn, otherwise Zhou Qian would not have finished all of his studies. He's not done yet.

Fortunately, half a month after Zhou Qian's task was completed, Liu Zichen successfully passed the junior high school examination, achieved a total score of 650 or more, and completed the main task about him.

[System prompt]: Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the task reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it.

[System prompt]: The host triggers the main task, teaching Liu Zichen high school knowledge, the task is completed, and rewards the spiritual halo (weakened version, permanently valid.) System points +30.

After Liu Zichen's main task was completed, the system rewarded him with a permanent weakened version of the intelligence halo and thirty points.

PS: Please vote for recommendation, it is too important for this book now, thank you all.

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