If you can prove that you taught Tian Wenwen, then it's not you begging me, but I begging you to teach my son. Zhang Yuechi's father said to Yang Xin.

Okay, I'll prove it to you soon, I hope you don't break your promise. Yang Xin said to Zhang Yuechi's father.

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then he opened WeChat and sent a video to Tian Wenwen.

Tian Wenwen and Tian Jiajia are going to the capital and Feicheng to study at university. For the convenience of contact, Tian's parents and Tian's mother have already bought new mobile phones for the two sisters, so Yang Xin can directly send Tian Wenwen a video.

Teacher Yang.

Wenwen, the teacher asked for your help. Yang Xin said to Tian Wenwen.

What are you busy with?

It's like this, you help me record a video, you say this when recording the video, you say Zhang Yuechi's father, I am Tian Wenwen...

At Yang Xin's request, Tian Wenwen soon recorded a video for Yang Xin.

He felt that Tian Wenwen's video was not enough, so he asked Tian Jiajia to help record a video.

After the video was recorded, he directly found Zhang Yuechi's father's WeChat and sent it.

After a while, Zhang Yuechi's father replied to the message.

Are you that online tutor? Why do you have my WeChat?

Oh, I remembered, you are the one who bought fans to donate to the school last year, right?

I didn't expect Tian Wenwen to be your student! She's amazing, she's been hiding it.

Seeing the message from Zhang Yuechi's father, the corners of Yang Xin's mouth turned up, good guy, I finally believed him.

He replied: How is it? Believe it now, I also see that your son has some learning talents, otherwise I would not accept him as a student.

Mr. Yang, if I let you teach my son, can you make him as good as Tian Wenwen and Tian Jiajia? Zhang Yuechi's father asked Yang Xin.

I can't guarantee this. If you send your son to me to study, I can guarantee that he will be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. Yang Xin said to Zhang Yuechi's father.


Why am I lying to you? Let me tell you this. At present, there is also a very talented student named Liu Zichen on my side. He is only eight years old this year and has already finished his junior high school knowledge. If you don't believe me, you can come and have a look at me. After you read it, if you think it’s okay, you can send your son to me to study, if you don’t feel at ease, I can also tutor him online.” Yang Xin said to Zhang Yuechi’s father.

This, I need to discuss it with my wife, can I give you an answer after we have discussed it?

Okay, let's discuss it. Yang Xin replied.

That night, Yang Xin received a reply from Zhang Yuechi's father, and they were going to visit Yang Xin.

If it is true what Yang Xin said, Tian Wenwen and Tian Jiajia were really taught by Yang Xin.

And Yang Xinzhen had a gifted student who was only seven or eight years old and had already completed junior high school knowledge, so they asked their son Zhang Yuechi to study with Yang Xin.

On the third day, Zhang Yuechi's parents took Zhang Yuechi to Laozhai Village, Yushan County, where Yang Xin lives.

Mr. Yang, I didn't expect you to be so young.

Mr. Zhang, you are welcome to come here as guests.

After the two sides met and exchanged a few polite words, Yang Xin brought Zhang Yuechi and his family back to his home.

Yang Xin's home was a two-story building that the village raised more than a hundred thousand, and he raised a few hundred thousand himself, and asked the village to set aside a piece of land to build it. The house was only renovated in the first half of this year.

The first floor is used as a classroom and library, and the second floor is his own room.

Mr. Zhang, you mainly want to see if what I said is true? I'll show you something.

Yang Xin turned on the phone and showed some photos in the phone to Zhang Yuechi's parents.

in his cell phone,

There are some photos and videos of sisters Tian Wenwen and Tian Jiajia.

In the end, he sent a WeChat video to Tian Wenwen in front of Zhang Yuechi's parents to prove the credibility of his words.

You all know that Tian Wenwen is the No. 1 student in Anhui Province after graduating from the High School Attached to the University of Science and Technology, but you don't know that before she went to the High School Attached to the University of Science and Technology, I had already taught her the knowledge of the second year of high school, and she went directly to study Senior year.

There is also Liu Zichen, who is one year younger than your family's Zhang Yuechi, and has already started learning high school knowledge. If you don't believe me, I can call him for a test.

Your Zhang Yuechi's academic talent is very good. If you can hand him over to me, I guarantee that he will be admitted to Qingbei within ten years. Finally, Yang Xin promised Zhang Yuechi's parents.

Well, I don't know how much my son is studying with Mr. Yang, how much is the tuition? Zhang Yuechi's father asked Yang Xin.

It doesn't need a lot of money, as long as you get 5,000 yuan a year for living expenses, you don't have to worry about me saying this for your money. I'll show you the balance of my bank card and you will know.

After speaking, Yang Xin showed his bank card balance to Zhang Yuechi's parents.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, two hundred and twenty million... Seeing the balance of Yang Xin's bank card, Zhang Yuechi's parents suddenly exclaimed.

Yang Xin's money was naturally the authorization fee for his dozens of prescriptions. He Qingqing had transferred the money to his bank card account half a month ago.

Mr. Yang, I will trouble you to take care of my Zhang Yuechi from now on.

At this time, Zhang Yuechi's parents finally made a choice and chose to send their son to Yang Xin to study.

In their hearts, first of all, Yang Xin is the teacher of the top student in the college entrance examination in Anhui Province.

And the teacher is very good at teaching.

Secondly, he is interested in his son's learning talent, not to make money from his seniors.

Such a good teacher, why do they not let their children learn from each other?

After taking care of Zhang Yuechi's parents, Yang Xin left them to play in Laozhai Village for a few more days, letting them see the wealth of Zhai Village and understand his status in the village.

Husband, you said our son is so young, wouldn't it be good for us to keep him here? On the return train, Zhang Yuechi's mother asked Zhang Yuechi's father.

What's wrong? It's our son's blessing that Mr. Yang can accept our son. You don't even look at his status. The big boss of a pharmaceutical company has hundreds of millions of cash in his hands.

They came to teach for the sake of their ideals. As long as we have a good relationship with Mr. Yang and have a mentor-student relationship, even if our son doesn't get into college, he can live a good life for the rest of his life.

Zhang Yuechi's parents left their son with Yang Xin, so of course, Zhang Yuechi officially became Yang Xin's student.

The kid who used to play games with him and buy him skins, and find power leveling to make him apprentice, now behaves like a good baby in front of him.

However, it was the first time for the little guy to study in such a far place away from his parents, and when he parted, he cried heartbroken, and it took Yang Xin a lot of effort to calm him down.

After getting Zhang Yuechi settled, Yang Xin had a whim, maybe Wang Lingni and Zhou Qian could also come to study with him, so that he wouldn't need to spend system points to bless them.

With the saved system points, he can accept more students, and at the same time start more side quests.

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