Under Yang Xin's talking and talking, Zhou Qian's father finally agreed to let Zhou Qian skip a grade and go directly to the third year of junior high school.

This not only made Zhou Qian very happy, but Yang Xin was also very happy, because in this way, it was equivalent to reducing the time for him to complete Zhou Qian's side mission by one year.

June 25th is the day when the college entrance examination results are released.

Just after midnight, Yang Xin immediately opened the webpage for checking the scores of the college entrance examination, and then inquired about Tian Jiajia and Tian Wenwen's college entrance examination scores.

The first thing he inquired was Tian Jiajia's grades, and as he accurately entered Tian Jiajia's admission ticket and ID number, Tian Jiajia's grades were soon displayed.

Tian Jiajia: Chinese 146, Mathematics 148, Science 294, Foreign Language 141, total score 729, discounted score 10.

Tian Jiajia's grades were only one point short of breaking through 730. It's a pity that her foreign language lagged behind in terms of grades.

However, if the 10 points added by her preferential points are added, her score will reach 739 points, which is a very good score. With such a score, almost all schools in the country can choose it.

Later, Yang Xin began to inquire about Tian Wenwen's grades.

Soon, Tian Wenwen's results came out.

Tian Wenwen: Chinese 148, Mathematics 150, Comprehensive 298, Foreign Language 146, total score 742, discounted score 10.


Seeing this result, Yang Xin stood up from his chair in shock.

Tian Wenwen's grades are really good, only 8 points away from the perfect score, 13 points more than her sister Tian Jiajia.

This is a further 13 points.

But it's not surprising if you think about it carefully. Although Tian Jiajia is more talented than Tian Wenwen, Tian Wenwen can't help but spend two more years in high school than Tian Jiajia.

Tian Wenwen scored 742 points in the test this time. If she added her Olympiad extra points, it would be 752 points, which is two points more than the full score.

If there are no accidents, she should be the number one student in the college entrance examination in Anhui province this time.

With such a result, it was not in vain for him to spend a dozen points to bless them with aura.

While Yang Xin was inquiring about Tian Jiajia and Tian Wenwen's college entrance examination results, many people in other places were also inquiring about their college entrance examination results.

Tian Jiajia and Tian Wenwen's parents immediately called to check their daughters' college entrance examination scores.

After the scores came out, the family was naturally overjoyed.

Ms. Yang, I am the top student in the college entrance examination. I must be the top student in the college entrance examination. Tian Wenwen quickly opened the phone to Yang Xin to announce the good news.

From her tone, Yang Xin heard incomparable joy.

Mr. Yang, I didn't pass the exam. I only passed 729. Tian Jiajia was also talking to Yang Xin on the phone, and her tone was a little unhappy.

You silly boy, with a score of 729, you can choose whichever school you want. Yang Xin was also funny, probably because he felt uncomfortable being overwhelmed by his sister.

While Yang Xin and Tian Jiajia and Tian Wenwen were on the phone, there was also a person in the dormitory of the first year of high school attached to the Shanghai Music Academy who was inquiring about their college entrance examination results.

This person is Tian Jiajia and Tian Wenwen's eldest sister, Tian Sisi.

After Tian Sisi heard Yang Xin say that she has a talent for music, she applied for the middle school attached to the Modu Music School.

At the beginning, because she had no background in music, it was a bit difficult to learn, but after a year of study, she is now getting better at learning music knowledge.

This time the two younger sisters are taking the college entrance examination, and she also wants to see how her younger sister's grades are.

Sisi, why don't you sleep at night?

Tian Sisi was still playing with her mobile phone in the early morning, and her roommate came back from the bathroom and asked her.

My sister's college entrance examination results can be checked, let me check. Tian Sisi said to her roommate.

Oh, I forgot that today is the day to check the results of the college entrance examination,

How about it? Have you found it? Hearing what Tian Sisi said, her roommate immediately came over curiously.

I'm entering the number, and I'll find it right away. Tian Sisi answered while operating the phone.

After she entered the number and clicked to search, Tian Jiajia's college entrance examination results soon appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

146 in Chinese, 148 in mathematics, 294 in comprehensive science, 141 in foreign language, and a total score of 729. My God, this is your sister's score.

Seeing Tian Jiajia's grades on Tian Jiajia's mobile phone, Tian Sisi's roommate immediately yelled.

What's the matter? What are you doing yelling?

Her yelling woke up the other two roommates who were already asleep, and one of them said something to her dissatisfied.

Ai Wen, come and see, Tian Sisi's younger sister scored 729 in the college entrance examination. When she saw two roommates woke up, she hurriedly greeted her.

729 points? Are you sure?

Sure, come and see.

Hearing the score of 729, the two roommates immediately got up from the bed.

My God, it's really 729 points! Which province is this? Wan Province, I am from Wan Province. I remember that the best score in the college entrance examination in Wan Province in the past ten years is only 710 points. This 729 points is too exaggerated , It is estimated that he will be the number one scholar in the college entrance examination.

Tian Sisi, are you sure this is your sister? A roommate asked Tian Sisi.

Look at the name, my name is Tian Sisi, her name is Tian Jiajia, and I have a younger sister named Tian Wenwen, isn't it my sister, is it your sister? Tian Sisi said to the roommate who was asking the question.

But she had a happy smile on her face at this time, and she was proud of her second sister for getting such a high score in the exam.

My God, your sister is going to heaven. With such a high score in the test, are the test questions in Anhui Province this year very easy?

Then I don't know, that's right. My third sister also took the college entrance examination this year. Let me see how many points she got in the exam. Tian Sisi said, and started to operate with her mobile phone after speaking.

Next, she entered Tian Wenwen's admission ticket number and ID number into her mobile phone, and her three roommates also came to look at it curiously.

After Tian Sisi finished typing and clicked query, Tian Wenwen's college entrance examination results were displayed soon.

Seeing Tian Wenwen's college entrance examination results, a roommate immediately read it aloud.

148 in Chinese, 150 in mathematics, 298 in comprehensive science, 146 in foreign language, and a total score of 742. Damn! Is this still a human?

My God! Tian Sisi, is your sister a monster?

Could it be that this year's college entrance examination paper in Anhui Province is at the elementary school level?

After Tian Wenwen's college entrance examination results came out, everyone including Tian Sisi showed a look of shock.

Really, this score is too high.

Look here, there are 10 extra points for special features. So, Tian Sisi's younger sister scored 752 points, which is two points more than the full score. A sharp-eyed roommate noticed something unusual.

Fuck, it's true, fuck...

When everyone saw the bonus points, everyone was not calm.

A score of 752 is too much for them.

Now they saw a score of more than 750 points, and this score was obtained by the sister of someone close to them, which had a great impact on them.

Tian Sisi, you are only in high school, why did your two younger sisters take the college entrance examination? How old are they? A roommate asked Tian Sisi.

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