I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 477: The End

The new generation of domestic fighter jets developed by the students of Teacher Yang shocked many netizens.

In the past, they only knew that Mr. Yang was very good at training students, and he even trained two Nobel Prize winners.

In addition, there are many top scorers in the college entrance examination and so on.

However, none of this happened without the birth of a new generation of fighter jets in the country, and the important technology of this fighter jet was broken through with the help of Mr. Yang and his students, which shocked people a lot.

In the past, no matter how good your students were, it was only your personal excellence.

Now, Yang Xin's students have developed the world's most advanced fighter jets, which is different. This is a matter of improving national security and deterrence.

In fact, what many people don't know is that many students who graduated from Teacher Yang are currently just absorbing nourishment silently, and they haven't made a big splash yet.

I believe that as time goes by, there will be many more shocks like this.

For example, Li Jie, a student of Yang Xin, is researching large rocket engines and has achieved good results.

There is also a student named Xiong Mengqing, who, like Zhao Zihan, has some very talented aircraft design talents.

His goal is to design a domestically produced supersonic airliner.

There are also many of his students who are excellent in all aspects.


At this time, the whole world has entered the superconducting era, and all walks of life have used superconducting materials.

Every year, the country earns a lot of money by exporting superconducting materials.

In September of this year, my country's first controllable nuclear fusion power plant was finally completed and started up.

According to experts, this controllable nuclear fusion power plant will be able to supply all the electricity output in the North China Plain after it is connected to the grid.

And just after my country's first controllable nuclear fusion power generation was successfully connected to the power grid, the Central News reported the detailed data of this controllable nuclear fusion power station with grand pen and ink.

In addition to reporting on the power station, several scientists who have made important contributions to the research of controllable nuclear fusion technology are highlighted.

Many netizens discovered that one of the important scientists introduced by the Central News was Mr. Yang's student Wenbo.

For a time, the name of Wenbo was well-known at home and abroad.

In addition, the Central News also mentioned Tian Wenwen. Without the room temperature superconducting material developed by her scientific research team, it would be impossible to realize the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Tian Wenwen is now an important figure in the Institute of Superconductivity of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the entire research team is headed by her.

Over the years, she has researched a total of four superconducting materials, each of which is needed by the country.

It was also in this year that Wenbo attracted national attention because of his significant contribution to controllable nuclear fusion technology.

On December 26, his wedding with Tian Jiajia was held in the auditorium of Dazhou Experimental Middle School.

In the past Wenbo, facing Tian Jiajia's pursuit, he felt a little inferior.

But now, he can accept it calmly, because he has proved with his strength that he is worthy of graduating from Master Yang, and he is no worse than Tian Jiajia.

Less than a week after Tian Jiajia and Wenbo got their results, Tian Wenwen and Luo Yuxuan held their wedding ceremony in the auditorium of Dazhou Experimental Middle School.

The wedding of the two sisters was not only blessed by relatives, friends, teachers and classmates, but also by countless netizens on the Internet.

Also in this year, the students of Teacher Yang developed the super-large rocket recyclable technology.

In addition, the students of Teacher Yang have begun to bloom in various fields.

The time enters 2040.

my country launched the sixth manned moon landing program.

This moon landing is different from the past. This time, 16 astronauts will be sent to the moon.

After they land on the moon, they need to build a base on the moon that can accommodate humans for a long time.

The purpose of establishing this base is naturally to store abundant helium-3 resources on the moon.

This resource is an important raw material for controllable nuclear fusion power generation.

The most important thing is that among the 16 astronauts selected this time, 9 astronauts are all students who graduated from the flight class of Teacher Yang.

As soon as the list was announced, it aroused heated discussions across the country.

Some people questioned whether the list was tricky, but the relevant departments soon gave an answer.

The astronauts this time were the best batch of pilots selected from all over the country, and the students of Master Yang's flight class were also selected by virtue of their own strength.

In fact, many netizens didn't know that if the upper management hadn't cut down the number of students in Teacher Yang's flight class, I'm afraid that the selection of astronauts this time would all be taken by students who graduated from Teacher Yang's flight class.


This year, half of Yang Xin's son... classmate Liu Zichen also got married, and his wife is Lin Wanying, the niece of his university tutor.

This little girl has taken a fancy to the talented brother Liu Zichen since she was eight years old.

After more than ten years of getting along, the two finally entered the marriage hall smoothly.

2050 AD.

my country's first lunar base has finally been completed. More than 500 people will stay in this base for a long time.

Most of these people are Chinese, but some of them are foreigners. Because they paid a lot of money, the country took them to play with them.

There are many jobs for these people to stay on the moon, but one of them is to mine helium 3 resources.

This is the world's first mining of mineral resources outside the earth.

In 2050, the country has built 5 controllable nuclear fusion power stations in the country, which can completely meet the various electricity needs of the people of the country, and the electricity bill is extremely low.

Even if every household turns on air conditioners, refrigerators, and other high-power electrical appliances, the five controllable nuclear fusion power stations can satisfy everyone's electricity consumption.

In addition to China, Huaguo has also helped countries around the world build various types of controllable nuclear fusion power stations, which meet the electricity consumption of many countries around the world.

Of course... there is a fee for these.

With the continuous development of the power industry, the traditional petroleum energy has been eliminated all over the world.

Since the 1940s, the oil-rich countries in the Middle East have become poorer, because no one wants their oil, and even if they do, the price is very low.

Under such circumstances, Saudi Arabia, the wealthiest country in the past, has also stepped into the footsteps of Venezuela.

It's just that they used to be a rich country and took a series of measures, but after more than ten years of continuous decline, Saudi Arabia no longer has the style it had decades ago.

By 2050, Hua Guo's national power has surpassed the former world hegemon by a large margin.

Some of the people who contributed the most are Yang Xin who has cultivated various talents for the country.

In the past, Washington was the political center of the world, but now it is the capital of Youzhou, Huaguo.

In 2054, Yang Xin's daughters Wu Guoer and Yang Xiyue were married at the same time. Both of them were married to their classmates and students of Yang Xin.

The wedding of Wu Guoer and Yang Xiyue has attracted the attention of people all over the country because they are the daughters of Teacher Yang.

When Yang Xiyue got married, many of her senior brothers and sisters came. Even if they didn't come, it was because of important matters that they couldn't leave.

Over the past few years, more than 10,000 students have graduated from Yang Xin's Yang Teacher Class.

Many of these people have achieved their own achievements in various fields.

If you want to talk about personal connections, among young people, Wu Guoer and Yang Xiyue have the most extensive connections because she is Yang Xin's daughter.

In the next few years, Yang Xin's son Yang Xizhen also got married, leaving him with a son and a daughter. Yang Xin can be regarded as having a grandson.

In June 2086, He Qingqing passed away, leaving Yang Xin with infinite pain.

[System prompt]: The host's own lifespan has expired, and you still have the system's lifespan +1138 years, so the system is about to take your soul through the 1980s, please be prepared...

October 6, 2086.

This is a sad day. The death of Yang Xin, a national strategy-level teacher, caused people all over the country to cry.

Before his death, Mr. Yang fulfilled his promise and handed over the property of himself and He Qingqing, as well as the dream scholarship platform, to the hands of the state.

All she left to her children was his personal connections and spiritual wealth.

For Teacher Yang's memorial service, more than 100,000 people rushed to Dazhou, most of them were his students.

In addition, all the people in Dazhou gathered spontaneously to send off Mr. Yang, the pride of Dazhou people.

For this reason, the country even dispatched hundreds of thousands of military and police as security.

When Teacher Yang passed away, the national flag was flown at half mast to mourn him...

Not only the country, but also the United Nations and countries around the world have lowered their flags at half-staff for him...

PS: This book is over, but the new book is also starting, the new book Rebirth 80 Starts from Private Teachers, the new book is definitely better than this book, I hope you can bookmark it and read it, it is best to vote for recommendation votes to support it, thank you all!

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