I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 462 Discrediting

Apologize! Yang Xin lifted the boy up, and then came to Zhou Jiayu.

Yes, sorry!

Faced with Yang Xin's threat of force, the young man still put his precious head down.

And you, come and apologize! Yang Xin yelled at another boy.

The other boy, who had just seen Yang Xin's force, had already been terrified.

The boy who was beaten by Yang Xin was the eldest brother of the foreign students in their school, and his grandfather was the president of the country.

People like this were all rubbed against the ground. Now that he heard Yang Xin's scolding, he could only come over obediently, and then said to Zhou Jiayu, Teacher, I'm sorry!

After the two teenagers apologized, Yang Xin let them go.

Afterwards, he yelled at all the students in Teacher Yang's class who were watching: Your teacher Zhou was bullied, are you just watching the play?

Teacher, I wanted to vent my anger on Mr. Zhou at the beginning, but the translator said that they had backgrounds and that we couldn't afford to offend them, so we hesitated. I'm sorry! Teacher, if we encounter such a fact next time, we will be the first It's time to beat him up. A student from Teacher Yang said to Yang Xin.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention, you can receive it. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Official account [Book Friends Base Camp]

That's right, here, no matter who has a background, as long as the road is uneven, you will trample it down for me. Yang Xin said to all the students.

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to a group of foreign students, and then said loudly in Maozi language: I don't care how good you are in your country, but when you come here, you have to be good to me, or don't blame me for not giving you face .”

After a pause, Yang Xin continued to say to everyone: You are in your own country. Maybe your elders are so powerful that most people dare not provoke you, but here, I don't care at all. I don't care if you are the grandson of the president or a high-ranking official. Son, as long as he is disobedient, I will beat him like today.

Hearing Yang Xin's words, all the international students were silent.

Okay, this matter is over, everyone should leave. Yang Xin said to everyone.

finished speaking,

He said to Zhou Jiayu again: You change with Teacher Li Wenliang, you go and take him to help you, and let him take your class of foreign students.

Hearing Yang Xin's words, Zhou Jiayu quickly thanked and said, Mr. Yang, thank you!

Don't be polite to me. Yang Xin waved his hand and left directly.

When Yang Xin was about to walk a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, and then turned to the Chinese translator who was an overseas student and said, You can contact their elders and say that I can't teach these two students who beat the teacher. Let them quit school by themselves.

Yang Xin left, but when he heard the translator Yang Xin said, his expression changed immediately.

Teacher Yang, you can't do this, you can't do this!

The translator came back to his senses and immediately caught up.

Stop. But soon, he was stopped by two security personnel.

After Yang Xin dealt with this matter, he returned to his office.

This incident made him feel bad.

Not long after this happened, a call came to his cell phone.

Leader, what's the matter? Yang Xin asked the person on the other side of the phone.

It was the top few leaders who called him.

Teacher Yang, I heard that you are going to let Vladimir and the other two drop out of school? Is that true? asked the other end of the phone.

Yes, the two of them molested the female teacher on the first day of class. The female teacher said that they would beat them up afterwards. I can't teach such students here. Leader, you should let their elders take them back. Yang Xinchao called That said.

Mr. Yang, Vladimir is the grandson of the president of the northern power, can't we accommodate this matter?

Leader, it's not that I'm unaccommodating. You know my personality. If it wasn't for the country, I wouldn't accept a single foreign student.

Yang Xinchao said on the phone: What these two people have done now is unforgivable in my opinion. For the sake of the national interest, I can accommodate a little bit and let them go to ordinary classes. Anyway, my teacher Yang class will not accept them.

Hearing Yang Xin's words, the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and said, Okay, I'll talk to their elders about this...

The two foreign students who beat the teacher were finally assigned to ordinary classes.

I don't know how the higher-ups communicated with the two senior overseas students, but the two international students were severely scolded by their seniors.

After learning that his grandson was beaten, the president of the great country not only didn't get angry, but also said that if his grandson was disobedient, Teacher Yang could still beat him like this.

Except for the two international students who beat the teacher, the other international students were also severely criticized by the elders at home, telling them not to cause trouble abroad, because even if they were beaten, as elders, they would not be able to help them.

Teacher Yang's position in China is transcendent. He has cultivated too many geniuses. Even if he accidentally kills a foreign student, the country will protect him, even if it starts a war with other countries.

Therefore, after learning about their handling, the group of international students finally settled down.

However, just when this group of international students settled down, a video spread all over the world on the Internet.

At first, this video was spread on the Internet in the big northern country, and soon, this video was shared on the European and American Internet.

With the widespread spread of the Internet in Europe and the United States, this video was also sent back to China soon.

This video is exactly the video of Yang Xin beating the northern president's grandson that day.

In the video, Yang Xin seems to be extremely ruthless, and the international students who beat him screamed.

Many foreign media are reporting this news.

Through this video, many media have made up many stories.

For example, a media outlet in the United States reported that Mr. Yang is an extreme swollen foot advocate, and the foreign students just contradicted him, and then they were pushed to the ground and beaten violently.

In foreign countries, many netizens were very angry when they saw this video.

How can there be such a teacher? It's too cruel.

This teacher Yang is the teacher who taught two Nobel Prize students? Is this how he teaches students?

Is this Teacher Yang really a swollen footist? Why does he want to beat foreign students?

Is this the teacher of Yongdou's robber in the movie? Why did he do this? I used to regard him as an idol.

Overseas, as the media overwhelmingly condemned Yang Xin, foreign netizens' impression of Yang Xin also took a 180-degree turn.

However, compared with the one-sided condemnation from abroad, after the news reached China, many media and netizens were still very calm.

It is impossible for Teacher Yang to beat up this foreign student for no reason. It must be something this student did that made Teacher Yang furious. A netizen commented.

I believe that Mr. Yang is not that kind of person. I heard that the foreign student is the grandson of the president of a big northern country. If such a person did not annoy Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang would not be able to beat him for no reason.

Most domestic netizens do not believe that Mr. Yang is the kind of person described by foreign media.

However, there are also some people who can't tell right from wrong, easily believe the words of foreign media, and then condemn Teacher Yang on the Internet.

Of course, there are very few such people, and immediately after they publish their condemnation, many netizens who defend Teacher Yang will take turns attacking those who condemned Teacher Yang.

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