Capital, Institute of Mathematics.

Everyone is called for a meeting today, mainly to discuss whether Xiao Chenggang's solution to Meng Qi's conjecture should be announced to the outside world.

In the conference room, an old man looked at the dozen or so people below and said.

Okay, please share your views.

Dean Zhou, I think we don't know whether Xiao Chenggang is dead or alive at the moment. If he surrenders to the enemy country, we will announce his achievements, which is tantamount to helping him make a name for himself. I think this matter should be discussed in the long run. An old man turned to Zhou Yuan Long said.

Leader, I think Xiao Chenggang's achievements should be announced. Regardless of Xiao Chenggang himself, this achievement belongs to him after all. It is impossible for us to impersonate people, and it is impossible to hide this achievement forever. Instead of this, we should announce it. Get out. A middle-aged man said to Dean Zhou.

What do you say? Dean Zhou looked at the others.

I agree to announce it, but I think we can announce it in the name of our Institute of Mathematics. An old man said.

I don't agree to announce it in the name of the research institute. This is plagiarizing other people's research results, and this trend cannot be raised. Some people objected.

We can announce it in the name of the research institute, but the main personnel can write Xiao Chenggang!

No, this achievement was completed by Xiao Chenggang alone. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. If people know about our private achievements, our reputation will be ruined.


Okay, there is no need to argue about this matter. The results belong to Xiao Chenggang alone, and our department cannot use any name to seize them. Dean Zhou said: Everyone can't argue, let's vote to decide. Those who support the announcement please raise your hand .”

Hearing Dean Zhou's words, some people raised their hands.

Ten votes to six votes, there are many people who support the announcement, so let's announce it.

On August 1, the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences held a press conference, announcing to the outside world that Xiao Chenggang had solved the Monkey Conjecture of the world's seven major mathematical problems.

As soon as the news was released, it caused a sensation all over the Internet.

Only two months have passed since Xiao Chenggang's disappearance.

Now that the Institute of Mathematics announced the fact that Xiao Chenggang had solved Mengqi's conjecture, Xiao Chenggang's name was once again hotly discussed by all netizens.

I said how could there be a mole who tried his best to get Xiao Chenggang out of the country. It turned out that he solved the world-class math problem.

The moles in some countries are so hateful, I think we should take revenge.

What a pity, the talents of the world's top mathematicians!

It's a pity, the mole is too hateful, and I strongly request the country to strictly investigate it.

I believe that Xiao Chenggang definitely didn't take the initiative to go abroad. If he took the initiative to surrender to the enemy, it is impossible not to leave the manuscript that solved Monkey's conjecture in China.

It's horrible, it seems that some people have been neutralized.

Netizens, after learning that Xiao Chenggang had solved Hodge's conjecture, most of them expressed regret and regret.

Many people also took this incident as a patriotic teaching material to explain to their children, telling their children how hateful the enemy is.

After the Institute of Mathematics announced that Xiao Chenggang had solved Hodge's conjecture, countless mathematicians came to the capital soon.

Some foreign mathematicians also came from thousands of miles away, and everyone wanted to see how Hodge's conjecture was solved.

As many mathematicians gathered in the capital, Xiao Chenggang's solution to Hodge's conjecture was soon confirmed.

Therefore, not only the domestic media, but also many foreign media also reported on this matter.

For a while, Xiao Chenggang's name was not only famous in China, but also known to many people abroad.

Especially in mathematics, almost everyone has become a celebrity that everyone knows.

There are many people who, after learning of Xiao Chenggang's disappearance, felt very sorry.

There are even some people who mobilize their own contacts to find out the whereabouts of Xiao Chenggang. It would be a pity if such a talented mathematician disappeared into this world.

However, everyone's efforts are doomed to be in vain. No matter how hard they search, it is impossible to find Xiao Chenggang's whereabouts, because Xiao Chenggang is dead.

In addition, none of his family members and aunt's family can survive.

In terms of national righteousness, Xiao Chenggang chose righteousness.

He knew that his death would affect his family, but he still chose to die generously.

However, even if Xiao Chenggang died, the achievements he left behind were enough to make his name go down in history.

It's just a pity that such a top mathematician died at the age of 21.

On August 10, Yang Xin announced the students of Yang Teacher Class this year.

There are six hundred students, not many and not many.

These six hundred students come from all over the country.

Ahh! I was chosen, haha, I was chosen, haha! A junior high school student in Sichuan province laughed maniacally while holding a mobile phone.

What's the situation? The junior high school student's mother asked the junior high school student.

Mom, I was selected by Teacher Yang, hahaha!

Let me see, it's really ah, hahaha, my son was selected by Master Yang...


In Guangxi Province, a man held his mobile phone in ecstasy and shouted to a woman who was cooking: Honey, come and see, our daughter has been chosen by Teacher Yang.

Let me see, let me see. Hearing this, the woman ran to the living room as if flying.

Haha, it's really our daughter, haha, she was really chosen...

I'm going to call my mom and tell her the good news.

A few minutes later.

Honey, what does it smell like?

Oops, my gas stove is left on.

A few and a half hours later, the fire truck Ula Ula came to the community.

Your house is on fire, how can you still laugh? Someone asked the couple in surprise.

Because we have more happy things than the house. The husband of the couple said.

Because our daughter was selected by Teacher Yang, we only need to renovate the house if it burns down, but our daughter was selected by Teacher Yang, which makes us even happier. The wife also said.

Your daughter has been selected into Teacher Yang? No wonder you are so happy. Passers-by said to the couple in a very envious tone.

Everyone knows what it means to be selected into Teacher Yang's class.

Meanwhile, across the country, many others are in ecstasy.

In the eyes of many parents, it is much more gratifying for their children to be selected into Teacher Yang than for their children to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

In Guangdong Province, a middle-aged man who was in a meeting received a call from his wife.

What, our son was chosen? Haha, okay, I'll be right back.

A look of ecstasy appeared on the man's face.

I have something to go back immediately, the meeting is over now.

After speaking, he left without waiting for everyone to respond.

A few hours later, he drove to his hometown, a mountain village in Guangdong Province.

Notify relatives, friends and everyone in the village that I will hold a water banquet in my hometown, and let everyone in the village eat for free for nine days...

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