
Isn't this the General Camp?

Why do we need an agent?

This surprised

Su Fan. Seeing Su Fan's surprised look, Lin Xiao's smile became even brighter.

"You will understand later. Now come with me and I will arrange accommodation for you."

"From now on, I will be responsible for your daily life in the General Star Camp. If you have any questions, please feel free to trouble me."

She deliberately emphasized the last sentence.

Moreover, Lin Xiao approached Su Fan with a smile, which made Su Fan clearly feel that her breath went straight into his nostrils.

Su Fan frowned slightly.

The other party's attitude surprised Su Fan. He didn't expect that there would be such a person in the General Star Camp?

This made Su Fan feel too surprised.

However, in just a moment, Su Fan's attitude towards the other party also changed immediately.

Because he realized that this woman named Lin Xiao was not as useless as she seemed on the surface.

She actually contained a strong aura.

She also has the strength of a Grandmaster!

You can't judge a person by his appearance!

Su Fan thought to himself.

He didn't expect that a Grandmaster would be arranged to be his agent, which surprised Su Fan.

In the previous small base city, people at the Grandmaster level could stand on their own, and it was impossible for them to be arranged to be a secretary or agent.

It can only be said that the General Star Camp is worthy of being the General Star Camp!

Big places are different!

As for the meaning of Lin Xiao's words, how could Su Fan not understand?

But he just nodded slightly, ignoring her secret glances, and immediately said:"Didn't you say you would take me to your residence?"

""Oh, yes, come with me!"

Then, Lin Xiao seemed to come back to her senses.

She walked in front, and Su Fan followed behind. Soon, the two came to the accommodation area.

This base is very huge. Su Fan and she were at the outermost edge just now. The atmosphere in the field seemed quite serious.

Because there were fortifications and fully armed soldiers everywhere.

After entering the accommodation area, I found that there were villas everywhere, and each villa was a residence for one person.

There was also quite complete greening around the villa.

Gardens, lawns, trees...

It made people feel as if they had traveled back to the blue planet, instead of in a desolate and depressing alien world.

"Here we are, this is your residence!"

Lin Xiao took Su Fan into a villa.

What came into view was a huge living room with sofas, TV and other facilities.

"The structure of this villa is similar to most villas on Blue Star. In addition to the basic facilities such as living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom, there is also a training room, etc., which can meet everyone's training and living needs."

Lin Xiao introduced it to Su Fan as she walked.

Su Fan followed her and took a brief tour.

Suddenly, he was shocked again on the spot.

He found that the equipment here is the most advanced, similar to those in the Shenglong Martial Arts School, far superior to the Jifeng Martial Arts School.

"There is everything here, no need to purchase anything extra. If the equipment inside breaks down or gets damaged during use, you can tell me and I will repair or replace it for you."

After Lin Xiao took Su Fan on a brief tour, she took him to the living room.


She picked up the remote control and pressed a button.

Soon, a holographic projection screen appeared in the living room.

On the holographic projection, there was a window.

The content on it was very simple.

There was only one line of words: Please enter the household information

"Come, stand here, I will help you operate it."

Lin Xiao pointed to the ground and said to Su Fan.

Su Fan responded and stood at the designated location.

Then, a beam of light shot out from the holographic projection, covering Su Fan's whole body, from head to toe, covering him little by little.

"Iris information entry successful!"

"Fingerprint information entered successfully!"

"Smart Butler link completed!"

"Welcome to the Star Camp: Su Fan, I am your smart butler!"

A mechanical voice came from the holographic projection.

As the voice sounded, the picture on the holographic projection also changed.

The original login information disappeared.

Instead, some basic information of Su Fan appeared, which meant that Su Fan was now the temporary owner of this villa.

"Don't underestimate the smart housekeeper. It can not only help control all electrical appliances and training equipment in the villa, but also log in to the Star Camp system directly, where you can have internal social interaction and exchange merit points for rewards."

Lin Xiao introduced again.

Su Fan looked carefully and saw that next to his identity information, there were functions such as social interaction, store, etc.

"In the future, you don't have to use holographic projection every time. You can use your mobile phone to access the smart housekeeper system. For example, some social activities, redemption, etc. can all be operated on the mobile phone. It is very simple and convenient."

Lin Xiao continued.

Su Fan also took out his mobile phone and tried it, and found that it was true.

There are all kinds of rewards in the merit point redemption store, such as genetic medicines, weapons and equipment, natural treasures, etc., which can be said to have everything.

And his merit points are not 0, but 15,000 points, because there is a prior redemption of the Holy Dragon Martial Arts Hall.

This is his first pot of gold in the General Star Camp.

If you want more merit points in the future, you need to find a way to earn them yourself. As

Lin Xiao was talking, her voice suddenly stopped, and she stared at the projection blankly, because she found that there was an S-level logo behind Su Fan's name.


This obviously shocked her!

She had never seen an S-level person before!

Unexpectedly, an S-level genius appeared here!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao turned her head to look at Su Fan, and there was a fiery light in her eyes.

But this light was only a flash, and she quickly returned to her cynical look.

However, how perceptive is Su Fan? Of course, he also caught Lin Xiao's abnormality.

But he didn't care.

Because Su Fan was still unfamiliar with the system operation of the villa, at this moment, he continued to ask some questions while trying various functions by himself.

Lin Xiao was also very enthusiastic and helped Su Fan familiarize himself with the operation.

"Oh, I have another question. Before I came here, the people from Shenglong Martial Arts School said that my resources here were supported by them. When will these resources be delivered?"

Su Fan was still quite concerned about this.

"According to the process, the first batch of martial arts support resources will arrive the next day, but these resources are mostly merit points. This is also convenient for members to exchange the materials they need according to their needs!"

Lin Xiao explained with a smile.

I see!

That's quite convenient!

"And considering that you are S-level, the first merit point support will definitely not be less than 100,000, which is quite considerable."

Lin Xiao's smile became brighter.

She played with her curly hair with one hand, and gently touched Su Fan's chest with the other hand, smiling sweetly and said:"If you are willing to give me some merit points, you can also unlock additional services.……"


Su Fan was speechless.

He was silent for a moment, then immediately changed his words and said,"If there is nothing else, you can leave. I will find you if I have something."

Lin Xiao rolled her eyes in annoyance.

""Beep! Beep! Beep!"

At this moment, the holographic projection kept flashing.

Then, the voice of the smart butler suddenly sounded:

"Alert! Alert! A large number of Crazy Owls have appeared in Area C. Several generals are in danger. Please ask nearby and free generals to go to support immediately!"

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