After all, he just needs to take action, and he doesn't care about anything else, including plans.

"OK, I will discuss it with them later and then tell you the final plan."

Liang Ying nodded at Su Fan.

Su Fan responded and quickly retreated.

For the next period of time, the entire Dongyuan war zone was boiling.

Because Liang Ying told everyone about this matter, which made all of them have great fighting spirit.

Huangfu Wufeng immediately came to Su Fan and said to Su Fan:"Su Fan, if you really want to take back the other levels, you must take us with you! We know that you are very strong and may not necessarily need our help, but in fact, if we can help you, it will definitely be of some use!"

"Yes, with our help, we can help you solve many things that are not convenient for you to do by yourself!"

At this time, many people followed.

Seeing them say this, Su Fan's attitude was of course very calm:"Okay, then let's go together!"

His attitude was also quite serious.

After getting Su Fan's affirmative answer, everyone was of course very happy.

"Is that really possible? I thought you were so powerful that you would think we were not important in the battle!"

Someone said with a smile

"Of course not, no matter how strong I am, just as you said, there are still many things I can't do. Therefore, having people like you around to help me can really help me solve a lot of unnecessary troubles!"

Su Fan's attitude is very simple.

After all, for someone like him, he will definitely not care about many other things.

After taking down those passes, if there is no way to rebuild them, it will definitely be of no use.

Therefore, other people are needed to come to support at this time.

But no matter what.

After receiving Su Fan's answer, the others showed a very excited emotion.

After all, humans have been suppressed by all races for a long time in the past, and it is difficult to turn over.

But now, more and more human powerhouses are born, which is indeed helping the human race to have greater combat effectiveness in such a world.

In this In this situation, the appearance of Su Fan was enough to inspire a strong fighting spirit in many humans.

Then, not long after, Liang Ying had figured out the plan.

In fact, their plan was very simple.

Most people followed Su Fan.

When Su Fan took back a level, the others would rush forward and occupy that level.

Because none of them knew whether there would be ferocious beasts or alien races appearing next, they needed to work very hard.

Seeing this, everyone was very excited.

Because no matter what, this was indeed their best strategy so far.

"Well, now that the decision has been made, there is nothing more to say. Let’s go together!"

Someone shouted immediately.

Then, everyone started to move.

At this time, a very serious look appeared in their eyes.

Although Su Fan did not speak, his mobility was very strong. At this time, everyone found that Su Fan's figure immediately turned into a residual image and rushed towards the direction of the fifth level. His speed was really very fast. In almost a blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the vicinity of the fifth level.

After the nine-layer pass of mankind was occupied by aliens, some of them became the strongholds of aliens, but there was another part that was not occupied and was simply abandoned.

But even in this abandoned part, there are many fierce beasts and aliens entrenched here.

Among them, there are also many fierce beasts with very strong strength.

Therefore, it is not easy for humans to take these places back.

And now the fifth level is indeed similar to what Su Fan imagined. There are a large number of fierce beasts here.

Although the number of aliens is not large, there are indeed some very powerful ones.

Each of them is very powerful. Obviously, those aliens deliberately left them to deal with humans.

But now, after Su Fan saw this scene, he was also Without thinking, he rushed towards one of the beasts.


With one punch, he punched the other fiercely.

At this moment, many of the beasts were also very crazy, and they realized how terrifying Su Fan was at the first time.

At this time, these aliens also retreated, obviously intending to distance themselves from Su Fan.

But Su Fan's punch was extremely turbulent, and the powerful force crushed it fiercely.

In an instant, all these aliens were blown up.

The fighting power of those aliens was indeed strong, but unfortunately, Su Fan's fighting power was also stronger. Big.

Facing such a powerful alien race, he didn't even have to worry too much, so Su Fan now immediately realized that his combat power had indeed reached a point that was stronger than he had imagined!

It was also because of this that Su Fan now had no scruples.

His figure was like an afterimage, and in the following time, he rushed through the group of enemies in front of him.

His speed was very terrifying, like a long rainbow, rushing back and forth in front of those enemies.

Not long after, he eliminated all the enemies in front of him.

Those who followed Su Fan were also shocked by all this on the spot.

"Isn’t Su Fan’s strength too terrifying?���It has helped us to recapture one level after another so easily. With Su Fan here, it will be very easy for us to recapture the other levels!"

Seeing this, everyone was also moved.

And the next thing they have to do is to occupy this level.

After all, for them, this is what they have to do.

When everyone occupied the level here, they saw some fierce beasts appearing again from all directions.

Among this group of fierce beasts, there are also some alien races.

But unfortunately, everyone was prepared, and the strength of these alien races was not particularly strong.

They were quickly eliminated by everyone.

After Su Fan dealt with these people, he did not stay any longer, but rushed to the next level!

Soon, Su Fan came to the fourth level.

Unlike the fifth level, there are many alien races guarding the fourth level, and there is even a base built by alien races!

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