In the Biyou Palace, a middle-aged man wearing a wide blue robe, with silver hair and a beautiful beard, sitting cross-legged on a lotus platform, holding a whisk in his right hand and pointing two fingers upwards with his left hand.

Around his body, thousands of golden lights shone.


Tongtian Sect Master opened his eyes.

"On a whim, is there any change in this catastrophe?"

He calculated with his fingers and soon understood.

"Sanxian Island, are you the third generation disciple of my Jiejiao?"

Without any movement,

Tongtian disappeared from the Biyou Palace and walked in the void!

He put his hands behind his back and looked at the many disciples of the Biyou Palace.

I don't know what he was thinking.

Tongtian went to see Jin'ao Island, passed by Luofu Cave, went to the Western Realm, and looked at the chaos in the mortal world, shaking his head slightly.

He traveled all over the place, and no one noticed his existence.

When he arrived at Kunlun Mountain, a Daluo Jinxian's sight penetrated his body and looked forward.


Tongtian came to Sanxiao Island and came to the three who made him slightly excited.���In front of the disciples!

Lin Ge sat cross-legged quietly in the cave, and a large amount of pure energy emerged from thin air, pouring into Lin Ge's real body continuously.


If he was not mistaken, this was the Heavenly Yuan Qi of Yuxu Palace, right?

"Strange power, I can't tell where it came from!"

Tongtian made some calculations and showed a trace of doubt on his face.

"I wonder if it can bring some changes to the sect?"

He looked at Lin Ge thoughtfully, ready to stay here and observe for a while.

But when he saw that there was no movement from the other party, he turned and left.

In a cave somewhere on the island,

Yun Xiao looked up at the sky.

She seemed to feel that someone was passing by.

Forget it, it should be a wrong feeling, continue to practice!......

【Your cultivation has been raised to the seventh level of the Golden Immortal! Refining is complete!]


Lin Ge woke up from the continuous breakthrough.

In the process of refining the two strands of the origin of the world, he entered a mysterious state.

His mind was smooth and flexible, and many fantastic ideas emerged.

It can be described as the feeling of a calculator turning into a supercomputer. Under normal circumstances, it might take him several years to completely refine the two strands of the origin of the world, but now he has completely refined it so quickly.

"My comprehension improved temporarily. Is this also an auxiliary function of the chat group?"

Lin Ge checked his account.

The remaining 10,000 points had been used up.

However, it was totally worth it!

In certain situations, it was even more cost-effective than the realm breakthrough function!

The 200,000 points this time were only enough to upgrade to the early stage of the Golden Immortal, but with the addition of these two strands of the world origin,

Lin Ge directly reached the late stage of the Golden Immortal, which was beyond his previous expectations!

"The skills I have can only be cultivated to the peak of the Golden Immortal. I need to find an opportunity to ask Master for the subsequent skills!"

Brother Lin thought, he wanted to stay alive for a while, but the chat group also needs to have a law to follow in order to assist in breakthroughs!

At the same time,

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【One Man’s Martial Arts World], how are you handling things in that world?

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

We have communicated well. I am now almost considered an ancient national master! By the way, did Huoyun Evil God say bad things about me again yesterday? Did anyone record it?

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa】:

【Recording], I wonder if you are satisfied?

Xie Xiaofeng has been watching the chat page, and was the first to send out the recording of Huoyun Evil God.

As a newcomer, he would earn as much as he could, and

20 points could be exchanged for some very useful mortal items!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

You kid, what's wrong with me saying a few words to you? The immortals are here, shouldn't you have come here yesterday? ?

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

It's okay, I remember it. Do you think you can still beat me now? Do you want to have a life-and-death battle? (Exclusive red envelope * Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa)!

【Ding! The third young master of Shenjian Villa received his exclusive red envelope!】

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

Thank you, big boss!.JPG!

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

Just show off all you want, and show off your sword-wielding and flying skills all day long. If we both have the same luck, do you think I can't beat you?

【One Person’s Martial Arts]:

That’s not necessarily true. If we were born in the same era, I, Feng Yuxiu, would not be worse than you!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Have you all redeemed some immortal arts? So many points?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Complete the tasks. For example, the hidden task that the immortal completed yesterday will directly reward you with 100,000 points!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Ah? But how can we be as strong as an immortal?!!

Li Hanyi thought of that boundless river in the sky.

Is it true that an ordinary person can create it?

The weight of that river alone can crush countless of me, right?

【[Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Who says you have to reach that level to trigger the mission? I am also a mortal, how did you see me get the immortal method?

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

The First Emperor also exchanged for immortal magic? That's amazing. But although I am the Sword God, I can't control the power of the world and serve you like you, the First Emperor! Can you teach me some tips?

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

You should ask me this question! I have a lot of experience and insights in this area!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: What do you mean?

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

I have 80,000 points now! Screenshot.JPG!

【The Third Young Master of Excalibur Villa]:

I’m so jealous. Why don’t you share some tips and tricks with me?

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Very simple, change the world's situation, stir up the martial arts world, and you can usually trigger the task! Even simpler, challenge the world's number one, a fool-proof task!

【Snow���Sword Immortal]:

It seems much simpler when you put it this way, but I’m not strong enough to do that yet!

【The Third Young Master's Sword]:

This......I challenge myself?

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

By the way, since you are in the modern era, Feng Yuxiu, can you send me some technical books? I was very touched by the last Chinese history I read! We can trade if the price is right!

【One Man's Martial Arts】: ? ? ?

Shi Huang, you finally got it? In this way, I don't care about those points, I will just give you some for free.

Let me show you the Modern Agricultural Books》,《On the Protracted War》,《Industrial Revolution》,《Modern and Contemporary History of Science and Technology》,《Research on the strategy of strengthening the country with talents》......These are all for now, take your time to read them, and I’ll find them for you after you’ve finished reading them!

【One Man's Martial Arts】:

Now I am cooperating with the country, and I can also recruit some experts to help you transform the Qin State! But you have to protect them!

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

As expected of a wealthy man, he doesn’t even care about a few points missing!

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【One man's martial arts world], really? Don't worry, I will arrange shadow guards to protect them at any time!

【The Third Master's Sword】:

@【One Man’s Martial Arts World], can you get a large number of the guns in the video? I think changing the Excalibur Villa to the Excalibur Villa should be considered as stirring up the world situation, right?

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