On April 30, the final quota for Wenhai Province was finally announced.

Because before Xiaobai and the others evolved, they lost twice, and Chi Wan ranked second. The first place was still Chen Yansheng, the tough guy.

However, although the other party won the first place, his face was very ugly. When he accepted the award, he acted like the presenter owed him a large sum of money, which scared the girl who presented the award to death.

After he got off the field, there was no smile on his face. He looked at Chi Wan fiercely and did not come over to say harsh words like the cannon fodder in the novel.

He walked away from Chi Wan without saying hello to the other finalists.

When he passed by her, Chi Wan smelled a familiar smell of medicine, but before she could think about it, the other party was already gone.

Before Chi Wan could say anything, Guan Tianjun, who saw his performance, immediately became dissatisfied and said, "Bah! What a young master's temper. Chi Wan's men defeated him, and he still drags him like this."

Although he is my defeated general, you are also his defeated general.

Chi Wan looked back faintly.

Seeing Chi Wan's eyes, Guan Tianjun touched his nose, frowned and said, "What's the matter if I lose? Anyway, he's not the only one I lost, so he doesn't count in it."


Chi Wan really wanted to applaud him for his strong words.

Although I lost, I lost too many people, and he was inconspicuous in it.

Guan Tianjun held his head high and accepted Chi Wan's admiring eyes. He had learned the trick of pretending to be powerful.

"What nonsense are you saying to disturb the morale of the army?" Coach Zhang slapped Guan Tianjun on the head again, and a clear voice came out.

Guan Tianjun touched the back of his head and showed a smile as "intelligent" as his beast-controlling one.

Chi Wan wanted to get started and touch it. If this trend continued, it would not be surprising if Guan Tianjun came over one day and said that he had mastered Tietou Gong.

"Well done! The special rewards are all arranged by the school. I won't say anything anymore. You have given the school face this time. Remember to squeeze the school hard. Lao Zhang is stingy and is good at pretending to be poor. Keep your teeth deep. Don't Be polite to him." Coach Zhang patted Chi Wan on the back and taught her his experience. He didn't feel bad at all for cheating his teammates.

After the game, the smile never left his face.

Wanlin has gained a lot this time, twice the number of people in the finals.

In addition to Chi Wan, Ding Weijing lived up to Coach Zhang's trust and secured a spot in the finals with third place.

Coach Zhang can already see that the school will recruit a lot of high-quality freshmen next year, leaving Qionghua behind and getting rid of the title of second child in ten thousand years.

here we go again!

Seeing Coach Zhang's eyes empty, Chi Wan and Ding Weijing looked at each other and sighed.

In order to celebrate Wan Lin getting two places, the stingy Principal Zhang held a rare small celebration banquet.

Only when they arrived did Chi Wan find out that a sponsor was responsible for the majority of the banquet.

I almost thought Principal Zhang was possessed.

Seeing this scene, Chi Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

I always feel that plucking the feathers of an iron rooster is not a good thing.

At the celebration banquet, all the members of the school team came. Regardless of whether they participated in the competition or not, after all, someone was treating them.

Chi Wan received a warmer welcome than Ding Weijing, after all, she had too many labels.

"High school freshman", "senior year beast control competition finals", "scientific researchers" and "new evolved types".

Fortunately, although these people wanted to invest, they didn't pay too much attention when they saw that Chi Wan was not happy. They handed over their business cards and left.

After getting rid of the speculator who handed her his business card, Chi Wan walked to the corner of the banquet, where the rest of the school team had already started eating.

Guan Tianjun's mouth was full. When he saw Chi Wan coming over, he swallowed it down with a glass of drink. He pointed at some of the dishes and said, "Finally here, this, this... and this, they all taste good, eat more." .”

The banquet was in the form of a buffet, but most people present had no interest in eating, so the seven of them were spared.

Chi Wan also summoned his three beasts, and there were many people who did this.


Xiaobao ate big mouthfuls and was very happy.

It has long been blocked by the buffet owners collectively. It is rare to have such an experience.

Xiaobai stayed far away from it, fearing that food residue would get stuck on his fur.

After evolving, its personality changed drastically and it began to pay attention to its appearance.

Chi Wan asked the doctor and learned that this was normal, so he ignored it and just prepared some extra cleaning supplies in the dormitory.

After finishing the evening buffet, Chi Wan and the others said goodbye to Coach Zhang and returned to school.

As for Principal Zhang, who hosted the celebration banquet, he was wrangling with sponsors and had no time to care about them.

Back in the dormitory, Chi Wan opened the Beast Tamer Forum.

Wenhai Province is considered to be the last province to announce its quota for the finals. The other provinces have already completed the competition and their quotas have been announced. They are now posted at the top of the forum and are open to discussion by others.

【shock! A senior high school student bravely competed in the beast master competition for senior high school students and won a spot in the finals]

[The birth of a genius girl, everyone has to step aside]

[Let me go, is there no one in Wenhai Province? Even in the first year of high school, he can reach the finals]

The first few posts have a lot to do with Chi Wan.

Chi Wan randomly clicked on one and read the comments.

[Although Wenhai Province is weak, it’s not that bad, right? Even the first year of high school can make it to the finals? 】

[Are you out of date? Do you still remember Chi Wan who was on the hot search during the Chinese New Year? 】

[What kind of celebrity is this again? I don’t know much about the entertainment industry. 】

[He is a genius who can make people feel the difference in IQ, cigarette link]

[I’ve finished reading, brothers, does such a person really exist? Light a cigarette]

[Existence, the above information is out of date. The latest news is that her two beast masters have reached the elite level, and they are both newly evolved types. They have not appeared before, and it is not clear what skills they have. 】

[There are so many geniuses in the world, so what if there’s one more of me, just lie down]

[New evolved type? It's not like she discovered it again. Mortal with fish lips]

【Probably not! 】

【No way! 】

There was a series of wailings below, and Chi Wan was quite happy to see them.

It's just that the people below are blowing her to the sky, which makes her client feel a little embarrassed. The three-story villa has been dug out.

While watching happily, a strange phone call came through. Chi Wan picked it up and said directly without waiting for the other person to speak: "If you don't apply for a card, you don't manage your finances, you don't buy a house."

The person on the other end of the topic was obviously stunned, paused for a moment, and then answered: "Hello, Miss Chi Wan! We are..."

"I told you not to apply for a card, can't you understand what people are saying?" Chi Wan hung up the phone directly.

There was a 200,000 bonus for the second place in the beast control competition. After receiving the bonus, she received various calls from various financial management companies to apply for cards and buy houses.

However, the intermediaries are becoming more and more powerful. They even have specific names, but I don’t know if they got it illegally.

On the other side, an admissions officer from a certain university was speechless when he saw the phone call being hung up.

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