I am in the chaotic world of demons and warriors, and I have become a martial arts god

Chapter 97 Ye Family Arrow Technique, Moving Mountains and Shaking Gods (Extra chapter for the leade

Ye Liuyun and his sister were in a tough fight, and Han Zheng was unable to continue his attack. He had to drag Yang Tianqi back and resist the vines with Ye Liuyun.

Yang Tianqi vomited blood and said apologetically: "I am the one who held us back again."

Han Zheng shook his head and said: "After all, it is a great demon in the Xuan Gang Realm. It can make countless mistakes, but we can't afford a single mistake.

However, I seem to have roughly figured out the real weakness of this mountain god in the fight just now.

Its vines seem to be endless. Even if they are cut off and fall to the ground by us, they can be restored. If we continue to fight with these vines here, we will definitely die when we are exhausted.

The body of this mountain god is a giant tree. I have seen the power of its branches. It is stronger than most warriors in the early stage of the Xuan Gang Realm.

But It has been using vines to restrict our movements, preventing us from breaking through to the tree.

Only when I was closest to it just now did it use the branches of the tree to attack.

So I guess that its real strength is its body, but its real weakness is also its body.

Even if it is a great demon in the Xuan Gang realm, it is still just a tree, a tree that cannot move!

Only by damaging its foundation can it be truly killed. "

Han Zheng stared at Ye Liuyun: "Brother Ye, as long as you let me get close, I am sure I can severely damage its foundation. Can you help me get closer to the mountain god?"


Ye Liuyun had no choice but to believe in Han Zheng.

Besides, Han Zheng's performance along the way was worthy of his trust.

Although Yang Tianqi was seriously injured, he was still capable of fighting.

He and Ye Caiyun stayed beside Ye Liuyun to help him resist those vines.

They were far away from the mountain god tree demon, and the power of the vines was also weak, so they could still resist.

Ye Liuyun took out an arrow that shone with a brilliant edge from his quiver.

The Ye family's Lingyun Zhentian bow is a powerful bow technique. The power of the Xiantian Realm combined with ordinary bows and arrows is extremely amazing. The Xuangang Realm can even directly use the Gangqi as an arrow to fight the enemy.

And if it is combined with this kind of special arrow, its power will increase exponentially.

However, each of these arrows is very expensive. The arrow body is made of the best hundred-refined steel, and the arrowhead is made of various special materials, so that it can show the power of water, fire, wind and thunder under the infusion of true qi.

The Ye family can afford such a large consumption because they have a mine. Fuyun Valley itself has a Yuanjing mine.

Although Ye Liuyun was born a bastard, he still received the same treatment as his family should.

With his hands pinching the seal, Ye Liuyun's blood and qi were burning crazily, and the majestic blood and qi were infused into the arrow, causing a dazzling stream of light to burst out from the dazzling arrow.

"I can only shoot three arrows at most by burning my blood with the Ye family's Heart-burning Arrow Technique. After three arrows, my blood and qi are exhausted and I have no fighting power anymore."

As Ye Liuyun finished speaking, the arrow in his hand exploded with a thunderous sound and had already left the bow.

Fierce Wind Piercing Cloud Arrow!

Countless streams of true qi swept through, crushing the vines with a fierce gale.

Han Zheng's internal force roared violently, and the power of the Dragon Elephant Prison-Suppressing Force was pushed to the extreme by him.

His figure also jumped out like an arrow from a bow, following the passage shot by the Fierce Wind Piercing Cloud Arrow and heading straight for the Mountain God.

He needed enough distance to perform Moving Mountains.

Moving Mountains can move the blood and qi of warriors, and demons also have blood and qi, so it works just as well.

Moreover, the Mountain God giant tree is already in a state of lack of blood and qi, and Moving Mountains can cause huge damage to it.

Countless vines entangled the arrow crazily. Even though it was an arrow shot by Ye Liuyun at the cost of burning his blood, it was instantly submerged by the arrow.

But then another flaming sky-burning arrow shot over, instantly igniting those vines and opening a new passage for Han Zheng.

Ye Liuyun's face was already pale, but he still took out the third arrow.

The arrow was surrounded by the cold and chilly demonic energy, and the whole body was as black as ink.

Cold Prison Devouring Demon Arrow!

Wherever the arrow passed, the vines quickly withered and died, and were quickly frozen.

Ye Liuyun's third arrow finally broke through those vines, and the giant tree mountain god suddenly let out a sharp scream.

It sensed the crisis.

These demon-slaying division warriors who were only in the innate realm were able to break through to it!

Countless black branches entangled like a big net, covering the Cold Prison Devouring Demon Arrow and consuming the demonic energy on it.

Ye Liuyun smiled bitterly and put down his hands, which were already cracked and covered in blood.

He still lacked a little strength, what a pity.

At this moment, Ye Caiyun also burned his blood and qi, and the flaming sky-burning arrow suddenly shot out!


Ye Liuyun's face suddenly changed.

"Brother, don't treat me as a child. I am also a disciple of the Ye family and a silver-patterned black armor guard of the Demon-Slaying Division!"

Ye Caiyun smiled at Ye Liuyun. Although her face was pale, she was tough.

At present, only the seriously injured Yang Tianqi of the three people still had the strength to fight.

He did not have the powerful secret method of burning blood and qi like the Ye family's Heart-burning Arrow Jue.

Yang Tianqi could only simply stimulate his blood and qi to the extreme, even to the point where his meridians could not bear it, and frantically chopped at the surrounding vines.

At this time, in front of Han Zheng, with the last flaming sky-burning arrow shot by Ye Caiyun, those branches were instantly ignited.

Han Zheng finally rushed to the giant tree of the mountain god and saw the details of the mountain god's true body.

That giant tree is not just a tree.

Half of its body has even turned into something with the texture of flesh and blood, but it secretes muddy yellow mucus.

It was not until this moment that Han Zheng suddenly discovered what the true form of the tree demon mountain god was.

It turned out to be an old locust tree.

The vines behind Han Zheng were gathering madly, and they didn't even bother to attack Ye Liuyun and the other two.

He guessed right, the true form of the mountain god was its biggest weakness!

Han Zheng's internal energy burst out violently, and his hands suddenly clenched in the air!

The whole old locust tree seemed to be pulled out of the air by Han Zheng's attack, the demonic energy scattered, and the earth trembled!

In an instant, countless dense eyes on the tree stared at Han Zheng, making a deafening roar.

"Ant! Are you looking for death!"

Moving the mountain shook the body of the mountain god, and the huge locust tree was pulled out from the ground by Han Zheng's moving the mountain.

This scene was also something Han Zheng didn't expect.

Although Banshan is powerful, it can't shake the warriors in Xuangang Realm. It can only move their blood and true essence.

This was the case before, whether it was against Yuan Longshan or the Devouring Ghost Boy.

This tree demon mountain god looks stronger than Yuan Longshan and the Devouring Ghost Boy, and his body is even more spectacular. How could he be pulled out so easily by Banshan?

As the roots of the tree demon left the land, Han Zheng's face suddenly changed.

To be precise, the roots of the tree demon are not rooted in the ground. The ground is empty, with only a huge stone furnace.

At the end of each thick root is a gray-white girl.

Those girls are not empty shells. Han Zheng can feel that their three souls and seven spirits are imprisoned in their bodies, and they let out a shrill wail.

There are less than ten roots of the mountain god that are still normal roots, and there are no girls.

At this time, as Han Zheng moved it away from the furnace, the gray-white flame instantly rose into the air, even igniting half of the mountain god's body.

The mountain god let out a deafening wail, and the roots of countless girls at the end actually supported its huge tree body and tried to stand up.

But its body was too huge, and only the roots at the end that had merged with the girls had the strength to support it, and the other roots could only tremble slightly and could not move.

Although Han Zheng didn't know what happened, he knew at this time that he was going to kill him while he was sick!

The surging bloody evil spirit on Qiu Shui Jinghong was filled with blood, and it chopped down with a cold knife intent, and immediately tore a huge knife mark on the tree body.

What was revealed under the knife mark was not the structure of the tree, but a texture like flesh and blood, and it kept gushing out muddy yellow mucus.

The mountain god let out a miserable howl, and those roots no longer supported the tree body, but danced like tentacles and entangled with Han Zheng.

With the power of the dragon elephant, Han Zheng's blood and qi swelled and surged, and the Qiu Shui Jing Hong knife in his hand was filled with Shura blood.

With one slash, several roots were cut off by Han Zheng in an instant, and a large amount of muddy yellow liquid gushed out.

The bodies of the girls also fell to the ground, and instantly rotted and turned black, turning into a pile of rotten bones.

At the same time, the imprisoned souls roared and rushed towards the mountain god to bite.

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