After hearing the results of Zhang Tianyang's interrogation, Han Zheng also fell silent.

There are many tortoises in Chiqian, but in a small place like Heishi County, there are many weird ones.

Pang Feiyan and Shen Conghai are really like sleeping dragons and phoenixes, no wonder they like each other.

Of course there are secret methods or treasures that can reshape the body, cleanse the marrow and cut away the hair.

But the question is, even if the Wenxiang Sect has such a thing, will they give it to you?

I just ask you to help sneak into Blackstone County, and then help cover up and deliver the message, and I can help you reshape your body and cleanse your marrow.

If the Wenxiang Sect was really so generous, they would have completely defeated Da Zhou.

"Now that you've asked, it's a good thing. It's better for Shen Conghai to collude with the Wenxiang Sect alone than for the entire Shen family to collude with the Wenxiang Sect.

Are they the only two members of the Wenxiang Sect in the city? So the undercover agent has been found, right? "

Zhang Tianyang frowned and knocked on the table: "Theoretically, we found it, but there are some things that don't add up.

Although the news I got is that someone in Heishi County is colluding with the Wenxiang Sect, the problem is that Shen Conghai's so-called collusion is really not a big deal, and it is not worthy of our people going out of their way to convey the news.

Also, someone had investigated this matter before, but the person died in mysterious circumstances.

Although the man who died was not as strong as me, he was still in the late stage of the innate metamorphosis state, and Shen Conghai couldn't kill him with his strength.

Moreover, after interrogation, Shen Conghai also said that he had never seen anyone else. I am sure that he did not lie to me. "

"Could that be done by other masters of the Wenxiang Sect?"

Zhang Tianyang shook his head: "No, the two people from the Wenxiang Sect also said that except for them, no other Wenxiang Sect members have ever entered Heishi County.

They came to Heishi County to establish a front line. The Wenxiang Sect had already occupied almost all the villages outside Heishi County, so they wanted to enter Heishi County to explore the news.

Even though I’ve been caught now, why do I feel like I just can’t get it right? And I seem to have overlooked something. "

Zhang Tianyang rubbed his head vigorously, but he still couldn't find a clue.

The Sanhe Gang has killed two gang leaders, and it has been confirmed that they did not collude with the Wenxiang Cult.

The Black Tiger Gang was destroyed by Han Zheng. The Sky Eagle Gang also investigated it themselves and found no suspicion.

The Song family keeps a low profile, and I have never noticed anything unusual.

Shen Conghai is the only one in the Shen family who has no brains, but what he does is not too harmful.

"What about the disciples in the martial arts school? Let them disperse, or should we continue to patrol the streets?"

Zhang Tianyang thought for a while and said: "Let's continue patrolling the streets and stay vigilant. I still feel something is wrong. Now is not the time to relax.

Although the soldiers guarding the city in Heishi County are better than the county government's policemen, they are not much better. If something goes wrong, they can't be counted on. "

After all, Blackstone County is also a county town, and there are soldiers guarding the city, but the number is not large, only more than 200 people.

These soldiers are not so much guarding the city as they are gatekeepers.

Normally, soldiers had to keep vigil at night, but Han Zheng saw them sleeping secretly at night more than once.

At this time, the smell of alcohol suddenly came from the county government office, and the county magistrate Lin Wenzheng stepped into the county government office burping from wine.

Han Zheng stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I have met the county magistrate."

Zhang Tianyang didn't even stand up, he just casually cupped his hands and asked, "Why are you free to come to the county office today?"

He is from the Dang Mo Division, which is directly under the central jurisdiction of the imperial court. He is not in the same system as the military or other officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he even looks down on each other very much.

The world of the Great Zhou Dynasty is now like this, and these corrupt officials and mediocre people cannot escape the blame.

Lin Wenzheng said with a smile: "Captain Zhang, I heard that you have captured the demons of the Wenxiang Sect and the undercover agents lurking in Heishi County?"

Zhang Tianyang nodded.

"Now that everyone has been arrested, let the temporary police officers you hired to patrol the streets be withdrawn first, and the gate of the county town should be opened, so as not to cause a commotion.

Today, shopkeeper Guo from the grain store, shopkeeper Wang from the cloth shop, and others came to me to complain. The atmosphere you create every day is so tense that they can no longer open their doors for business. "

Zhang Tianyang suddenly frowned: "Are they still complaining? They don't even know what time it is now. The Wenxiang Sect is watching Heishi County from outside. How can they relax at this time?

Moreover, when the Wenxiang Sect enters the city, the first batch to be killed will be fat sheep like them, and all their dirty money will be scattered! "

The Wenxiang Sect has always won people's hearts. The first thing they do after entering the city is to open a warehouse to stockpile grain, and then kill big households to share the wealth.

Of course, this does not mean that the Wenxiang Sect is a rebel army. It is really good for the poor people.

After killing the big families, less than 10% will fall into the hands of ordinary people.

And if the common people take these three melons and two dates, they will definitely be grateful to the Smell-Incense Cult, and will not be so resistant to bloodletting and smelling the incense.

Once you start bleeding and smelling the incense, you will definitely be intoxicated when you see the ninefold bliss in the incense and will never be able to stop. You may even continue to smell the incense until your energy and blood are exhausted and you die.

Lin Wenzheng let out a wine burp, waved his hand and said, "Zhang Captou, even though I said that, the Wenxiang Cult still hasn't come yet.

Shopkeeper Guo and the others are also anxious. For example, the Guo family's granary is in Zhuangzi outside the county. If you seal the city gate, how can they get food?

It’s impossible for the Wenxiang Sect to not retreat for a day, so let’s close the city for a day, right? I'll starve to death like that.

How about this, just give me some face, and let's be quiet for a day today, and give Manager Guo and his team a day to get food, what do you think? "

Zhang Tianyang hesitated for a moment, although he was a little reluctant, but he still nodded in agreement, because Lin Wenzheng's attitude was very humble.

Although Zhang Tianyang looked down on this useless county magistrate since he took office, he really didn't cause any obstacles to him.

Before, those useless yamen runners were solved by themselves, and the other party agreed to let the martial arts school disciples act as temporary constables.

Now that Lin Wenzheng said he would give him some face, Zhang Tianyang couldn't refuse.

"Then I will go and inform Manager Guo and his team, Captain Zhang, don't worry, the Wenxiang Sect can't get in in a day."

Watching Lin Wenzheng walk out of the county government with a burp, Han Zheng shook his head and said, "Our county magistrate lives a carefree life every day."

Zhang Tianyang said lightly, "He is not as good as the best, but better than the worst. Although he is incompetent, he is not guilty of a heinous crime.

I have seen some local officials almost drive the people to death, and they are eager to squeeze a copper coin out of beggars.

Go and let the disciples of the martial arts school go back and rest, today is a holiday.

Then go to the account office one by one to collect the silver, and it is also your credit to catch the people of the Wenxiang Sect. "

Han Zheng nodded, called Li Sancheng and the others back, and told the martial arts school disciples not to patrol the streets today and collect silver one by one.

But not patrolling the streets does not mean they can rest, they still have to go back to the martial arts school for class.

Patrolling the streets for a few days, they also missed a few days of classes. These martial arts school disciples are all from civilian backgrounds, of course they are reluctant to skip classes.

And today they got fifty taels of silver, and they were all very excited.

Li Jingzhong also felt that they missed a lot of classes, so he simply gave them a big class today.

Of course, Han Zheng did not have to go to class, and he was even arranged by Li Jingzhong to practice some practical teaching for everyone.

After class in the evening, Li Sancheng, Chen Zhao and others directly pulled him to treat him to a meal.

"Why treat me to a meal? The county is in this state now, and there are still restaurants open. "

Li Sancheng smiled and said: "It's just a little thought from everyone. This time I got the silver, but it's all thanks to you, brother.

It's true that no restaurant was open a few days ago, but since we don't have to patrol the streets today, I contacted the boss in advance to prepare the food. "

Chen Zhao nodded seriously on the side.

"In fact, we didn't help much when arresting the demon from the Wenxiang Sect. It was all thanks to you, Brother Han, who suppressed Shen Conghai, that we were able to catch him.

Later, we also heard that you were retaliated by the Black Tiger Gang because of this. These causes and consequences are actually all of us, but you took them all. "

The other disciples also nodded in agreement.

They are not ungrateful people. It doesn't make sense for them to get benefits, and all the pressure is borne by Han Zheng.

Unable to refuse, Han Zheng followed them to have a meal.

It was still the small restaurant that Li Sancheng found before, but the dishes were much worse than before.

The grain prices in Heishi County soared and supplies were in short supply. After the carpet-style searches in the past few days, everyone had little surplus food in their hands, and it was difficult to put together a table of food.

"Brother Han, what are your plans for the future and where are you going? "

Chen Zhao looked at Han Zheng and asked.

Everyone almost believed that Han Zheng would definitely leave Heishi County in the future.

He broke through to the Xiantian realm while still in the martial arts hall, and his combat power was amazing.

Aristocratic children like Shen Conghai were not his opponents, and gang leaders with rich practical experience like He Sheng were not his opponents. He could even cross two small realms and kill Pang Heihu.

Han Zheng's strength was already a stage higher than theirs.

They would stay in Heishi County to be guards and escorts, and Han Zheng's future would be in the rivers and lakes, in the world, and definitely not in Heishi County.

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