Li Feng was a little hesitant, or rather afraid.

After all, doing this kind of thing is equivalent to breaking up with Manager Chen. Once he returns to Blackstone County, Manager Chen will not be severely punished, and he will be the unlucky one.

Han Zheng also saw that Li Feng was actually a bit indecisive and a more technical talent.

When discussing the pharmacology of medicated baths, he spoke clearly and confidently.

Once it comes to doing things, he starts to hesitate and can't make up his mind.

With his personality, if he really competes for the position of the big shopkeeper in the future, he will definitely not be able to defeat Chen Moshan's son.

Han Zheng could only add fuel to Li Feng's anger.

"Chen Moshan is so greedy that he is seeking death. I don't want to die with him. Why should I risk my life for fifty taels of silver?

If he doesn't leave, I'll have to take the people with me. The worst I can do is return the money to the shopkeeper when I get back, and then be taught a lesson by the boss.

But Medicine Master Li, you are so gentle and gentle. Once the demon comes, you may not be able to outrun those strong men. "

Li Feng also panicked when he heard that Han Zheng was leaving.

He gritted his teeth and said, "That's it! As long as you, Brother Han, can restrain Chen Moshan, I can order the guys from Sheng Hetang."

Chen Moshan is in charge, but he, Li Feng, has not been a vegetarian in Shenghetang for so many years, and his prestige is not weak.

"Leave it to me, that old guy can't cause any trouble."

As long as Li Feng is persuaded, the matter will almost be settled.

Han Zheng found Li Sancheng and told them his plan.

Neither Zhao Jinming nor Wang Bao had any objections.

Ever since Han Zheng led them to kill the pig demon, their prestige and trust in Han Zheng had been at its peak, and they had no choice but to follow Han Zheng's lead.

Li Sancheng rubbed his hands excitedly: "I've long disliked that old thing! When are we going to do it?"

"Without further delay, now!"

At this time, there is Lingtian.

Manager Chen was lying on the recliner, brewing a pot of tea, and leisurely watching the workers in Shenghetang picking the elixir.

If his hands or feet were too slow, he would scold him.

"Manager Chen is very laid-back."

Seeing Han Zheng and others approaching in a menacing manner, Manager Chen's heart suddenly lurched and he stood up from the recliner.

"What are you doing here?"

Li Feng walked out from behind Han Zheng and took a deep breath.

"Chen Moshan, if you want to line your own pockets by making false accounts and embezzling elixirs, that's fine.

But you shouldn’t be so greedy as to make fun of everyone’s lives!

The pig demon may catch up at any time, but you are delaying here. What are your intentions? "

Manager Chen's face suddenly darkened: "Li Feng, are you out of your mind? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Han Zheng said calmly: "Manager Chen, you are the one who is confused. Haven't you figured out what your situation is yet? I don't know what to say!"

After that, Han Zheng waved his hand and led Li Sancheng and the others straight to Manager Chen.

"Someone! Stop them!"

Chen Moshan roared.

Several of the guys he brought to the villa were also his confidants.

Among them, there was a guy with a sickle who was the fastest. He rushed to Han Zheng with the sickle.

"Bold! You are all guards hired by our Shenghetang. Are you going to rebel now?"

Han Zheng sneered and kicked the tall and muscular guy away.

This kick is not an adjective, but it really flew several meters away and hit the ground with a thud.

Han Zheng walked over, stepped on the guy's head and said coldly: "Why didn't I realize you were so courageous when I faced the pig demon before?

You are obedient to the demon, but you dare to show your sword to me. Do you think I am easier to bully than the pig demon? Or have you always been this brave? Um? "

As the force under Han Zheng's feet increased, the guy's face was full of panic.

He felt that as long as Han Zheng was stronger, his head would be crushed!

"Spare...spare my life!"

The guy was vomiting blood and begging for mercy in a vague manner.

Kicked the opponent to the side, the guy's body twitched twice and then stopped moving. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

This scene frightened the other confidants of Manager Chen, and no one dared to act rashly.

Only then did they remember the terrifying power of Han Zheng bathing in demon blood when he killed the pig demon yesterday.

That ferocious, little giant-like pig demon was killed by Han Zheng. Wouldn't they be seeking death if they stood up?

Besides, if things were like what Li Feng said, and the pig demon could catch up at any time, then Chen Moshan was indeed joking with their lives.

You have lived for seventy or eighty years and that’s enough for you, but they haven’t lived enough yet!

Han Zheng walked over, picked up Manager Chen's head, and slapped his face, knocking out his few teeth.

"Old guy, I've been putting up with you for a damn long time!"

Manager Chen still wanted to yell and curse, but Li Sancheng on the side took out a dirty rag from nowhere and blocked his mouth, and threw the five-flowered tie aside.

After clapping his hands, Han Zheng winked at Li Feng, which meant it was settled.

Chen Moshan didn't know whether he had lived too long and was old and confused, or whether he had been in charge for too long and was used to giving orders.

In this kind of barren mountain and wilderness with no village or shop, his status as a manager is a joke.

Whoever has a strong fist has the right to speak!

Li Feng said in a deep voice to the clerks: "Chen Moshan enriched his own pockets and was corrupt and perverted the law. Now he has been captured and will be handed over to the big shopkeeper after he returns to Heishi County.

Although we killed the pig demon on the way, we must speed up in order to prevent the pig demon's parents from tracking down and retaliating.

Now I will start picking the elixirs with all my strength. After I pick one, I will hand it over directly to me for screening and grading.

Don’t worry, everyone, whatever happens happens to me, Li Feng, and it has nothing to do with you! "

Li Feng has worked in Shenghetang for more than thirty years. From apprentice to senior pharmacist, he has great prestige.

The most important thing is that with Han Zheng's force backing him up, the guys at Sheng Hetang didn't dare not agree.

None of Manager Chen's confidants thought of doing anything wrong.

Everyone speeded up, and it didn't even take half a day. They picked the elixir in two hours and loaded it all into the truck.

Before setting off, Han Zheng suddenly stopped Li Feng.

"We can't go the same way as before. If we bump into the pig demon head on, we'll be stunned."

Li Feng thought for a while and said: "The previous road is the nearest road. If we change the road, I know one.

However, that road needs to pass through many scattered villages, which is winding and winding. The road is quite far, about two hundred miles farther than the previous road. "

"It doesn't matter if it's more than two hundred miles away. Now we have so many more people and elixirs than when we came here. Safety is the most important thing."

Li Feng nodded, feeling that what Han Zheng said made sense.

Although Han Zheng looks young, he acts extremely steadily and is mature and prudent.

The two of them agreed on the plan, and naturally no one else objected.

The caravan set off, and Han Zheng's vigilance was heightened to the extreme along the way. After all, there was a pig demon incident ahead.

Fortunately, we didn't encounter any problems. Although this road took some detours, there were still some people living there. There was a small village every one or two hundred miles.

It's just that all these villages are extremely dilapidated, and the villagers are poor and numb. In some villages, the villagers can't even afford a complete set of clothes.

Previously, Han Zheng thought that the people in the slums of Heishi County were already suffering enough, but he did not expect that the people in the outside world were suffering far more than those in the county.

Looking at the ragged villagers, Li Feng sighed: "There have been many natural and man-made disasters in recent years. In addition, Shannan Road is already barren and hilly, making it unsuitable for growing food. The people's life has become even more difficult.

Even if they don't die in wars and are not used as food by demons, there are still a lot of people who starve to death every year. "

"The court doesn't care?"

Li Feng sarcastically said: "The imperial court? If the imperial court could manage it, would there still be Wenxiang Sect causing rebellion?

Just look at our county magistrate in Heishi County. He took office three years ago and was promoted to court twice.

On weekdays, apart from drinking and reciting poems, he was drunk and dreaming. What kind of affairs did he take care of in the county? "

After hearing what Li Feng said, Han Zheng remembered that there was a county magistrate in Heishi County.

However, the presence of this county magistrate is appallingly low. The only ones who really matter in Blackstone County are the two gangs and the three gangs.

"And our county magistrate is pretty good. Although he is incompetent, at least he doesn't mess around.

I heard that in Yongning County next door, there is real peace.

The local magistrate is a corrupt official, who joins forces with the local gangs to wipe out the land and destroy families at every turn.

Many people in Yongning County could not survive and fled to Heishi County to make a living. "

Han Zheng shook his head gently.

This was the case at the end of the dynasty, and there were countless more outrageous and darker things than this in the history books of the previous life.

In short, the rise and fall are the suffering of the people.

"Physician Li, how far are we from Heishi County?"

"There are about two hundred miles left. Lijia Village is about ten miles ahead. We can take a rest when we pass by the village."

After speaking, Pharmacist Li shouted to the people in the caravan: "If you go faster, you can rest when you reach the front."

When we came back, because the car was full of medicinal materials, the speed was inevitably slowed down.

When crossing some difficult sections, the staff from Shenghetang had to help push the cart.

So after walking for a long time, everyone was a little tired, so we had to take a break every three or four hours.

Half an hour later, a small village appeared in front of the caravan and others.

"Hey, why is there still red smoke coming out of this village?"

Li Sancheng followed Han Zheng and muttered something strange.

Han Zheng also felt something was wrong.

Most ordinary people only eat two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

One is because of lack of food, and the other is because of distress for firewood.

It's noon now, and almost no one in the village knows how to light a fire for cooking. And even if they do, why is the smoke red?

Moreover, the red smoke was a bit strange, the color was as scarlet as blood, and the smoke shot straight into the sky without being affected by the breeze at all.

"Stop first."

Han Zheng raised his hand to stop the caravan temporarily and walked to a slightly higher mound to take a closer look.

The red smoke in the village is not cooking.

Instead, hundreds of villagers gathered in the open space, cut their hands open, and let the blood drip onto the incense sticks as thick as their thumbs.

When the incense soaked in blood was ignited, the incense with scarlet blood soared into the sky, straight into the sky.

Although the villagers were bleeding, their faces were intoxicated under the scarlet incense.

Even if some people have turned pale due to bloodletting, they still look elated.

In front of many villagers, two men in white robes were leading the villagers to recite scriptures.

"A loving mother, she saves all sentient beings.

Get the wonderful method from heaven, and be dominated by the true spirit.

We believers, smell the fragrance with sincerity.

No fear of life and death, and you can be transcendent.

Join my sect, and live forever in your hometown.

No life and no death, nine levels of bliss! "

The chanting voices of hundreds of villagers were uneven, and there were vague accents.

But the voices were mixed with indescribable fanaticism and intoxication, which was extremely evil.

Li Feng walked to Han Zheng with an ugly face.

"Oh no! It's the Wenxiang Sect!

Didn't they say that the Wenxiang Sect has been active in Huainan Road?

This place is already the territory of Shannan Road, and it is even less than 200 miles away from Heishi County. How could the Wenxiang Sect appear here? "

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