Li Jingzhong originally thought that the other party wanted to go out and mediate, which was indeed difficult.

But judging from the other party's intention, he probably just wanted to find guards to go to Lingtian Manor.

"You want my martial arts disciples to escort you to Lingtian? But my disciples have been in the martial arts hall for less than half a year, and they are not yet apprentices."

Chen Baiqing smiled and said, "Who doesn't know your methods, Master Li?

Even if the disciples you taught are less than a year old, they are better than those who have been in the gang for several years.

I heard that your first assessment is over, and the disciples who stayed must be elites.

Don't worry, I won't use them in vain.

The elite disciples you selected will go for 50 taels per trip, the same price as the escort head of the escort agency.

Other disciples Thirty taels for the disciples, more than those escorts. "

Li Jingzhong took a sip of tea, pondered for a moment and said: "You came at the right time.

My disciples are all talented, and can be said to be the best in recent years.

However, they all paid to learn martial arts in my martial arts hall, and this kind of thing still needs their own consent.

I will call the most outstanding disciples, and they can decide whether to go or not. "

Li Jingzhong asked the servants to call Han Zheng and the other five people, and told them about escorting the people of Shenghetang to Lingtian Manor.

Of course, he didn't talk about the current situation of Shenghetang, but only said that they needed to escort.

Among the five people, Guo Mingyuan and Song Tianqing refused directly.

The Guo family is rich, and Guo Mingyuan is even a big customer of Shenghetang. How can he care about the fifty taels of silver?

The same is true for Song Tianqing. The net profit of his shop every day is more than fifty taels.

Lin Qing thought about it and gave up.

His father was the chief clerk of the county government. Although he was not as rich as the two, he was also rich.

It is better to practice quietly than to escort others.

Although Chen Zhao's family is not rich, his parents still left him some property, so he would not spend more than he earned.

Besides, it is dangerous to travel for business, so he thought about it and refused.

Han Zheng said directly: "Disciple is willing to go."

Practicing is practicing wherever you are, but he is really short of money.

The ten taels of silver he got from Ma Gui is almost gone even if he lives frugally.

Even if his father is still alive, the monthly salary may not be enough to support him.

Guo Mingyuan looked at Han Zheng with a little disdain.

Going to escort for fifty taels of silver, is this kind of stuff worthy of competing with him?

Li Jingzhong sent the other four people out and smiled to Chen Baiqing: "My disciple has the most solid foundation and the strongest combat skills among this group of people. He is just right for this trip."

Chen Baiqing also knew that Li Jingzhong would not lie. He nodded and said: "One person is a little too few. Four people are better."

In fact, most escort agencies only need three or four people to escort.

The dozens of people escorting a large number of goods are mostly civilians who carry goods.

The escort master is only responsible for fighting the enemy at the critical moment, not carrying goods.

It is expensive to hire too many escort masters. It is not cost-effective if the escort fee is more expensive than the goods.

"Master, what do you think of Li Sancheng? His foundation and strength are not bad."

Han Zheng recommended.

He knew that Li Sancheng was also short of money and would definitely be willing to go on this trip.

Li Jingzhong thought about it and nodded: "Li Sancheng is good. Call him in and ask him if he wants to go."

Now Li Jingzhong knows all the disciples in the martial arts hall.

Although Li Sancheng was a bit lazy, his strength could be considered as upper-middle class.

After Han Zheng called Li Sancheng over, the other party agreed immediately and then looked at Han Zheng with gratitude.

He called him for such a good thing, he is definitely his brother!

Then Li Jingzhong selected two more disciples whose family background was not very good, but whose strength foundation was very solid.

The four of them, with Han Zheng as the leader, agreed to meet at the gate of Shenghe Hall tomorrow.

After returning home, Han Zheng practiced as usual until midnight, and then prepared to go to bed.

Before going to bed, he checked his current attribute status.

In the past half month, he has broken through 20 acupoints and one meridian.

The growth of strength can only be said to be stable, without much breakthrough.

[Name: Han Zheng

Cultivation: Postnatal Kaimai Realm (open 120 acupoints and five meridians.)

Martial arts: Postnatal Iron Elephant Kungfu proficiency (70%), Postnatal Vajra Fist proficiency 75%

Current status: lack of pain sensation, abundant blood and qi]

"The proficiency of Iron Elephant Kungfu and Vajra Fist is almost complete, and then I can break through.

But the problem is where to get the materials needed for breakthrough? Do I have to sacrifice my own parts or kill people?"

Han Zheng rubbed his head and felt a headache.

Even if he wanted to become a murderer, it was not so easy to kill people to collect blood and qi.

Martial artists in Heishi County are either in martial arts halls, gangs, or government offices.

He was almost caught when he killed Wang Xiong, and the result of touching others was that he was wanted and had no place to stay in Heishi County.

After thinking for a while, Han Zheng stopped thinking about it. He had to keep his energy before he set off tomorrow.

This was Han Zheng's first time out of Heishi County. As far as he could remember, he had never been out of Heishi County since he was a child. He had always been wandering around the county.

The next morning.

Han Zheng hadn't gotten up yet, and Li Sancheng came running over and banged on the door.

"Why did you come so early? And what did you prepare so many things for?"

Han Zheng was shocked when he opened the door.

Li Sancheng was carrying a large luggage half a person's height, which was almost like moving.

"We are going out for several days, so I have to prepare everything. I will bring all the pots and pans.

Those escort agencies carry much more things than I do."

Han Zheng was speechless: "We are not escort agencies, but we are responsible for protecting the safety of Shenghetang's caravan. They are rich and powerful, so don't they prepare these things?"

"That's right."

Li Sancheng scratched his head, unloaded most of the luggage, and only took weapons and clothes to follow Han Zheng. He also bought a few buns at the street corner for breakfast.

When Han Zheng and Li Sancheng arrived, the other two martial arts school disciples had also arrived, and the caravans at the entrance of Shenghetang had begun to gather.

There were not too many people, about twenty or so Shenghetang guys, and eight carriages.

As the head of Shenghetang, Chen Baiqing would naturally not go in person. He had to stay in the county.

The leader of the team was an old man in his seventies named Chen Moshan, who was Chen Baiqing's distant uncle in terms of seniority.

So many spiritual medicines were invaluable, so Chen Baiqing certainly didn't feel comfortable leaving them all to outsiders to escort, so he had to place someone of his own.

There was also a doctor in his early forties named Li Feng, who was the pharmacist of Shenghetang and was responsible for selecting medicinal materials.

Chen Baiqing bowed to Han Zheng and the other four and said, "Brother Han, I'm sorry to bother you this time. You must bring the spiritual medicine back to Heishi County safely."

"Don't worry, Manager Chen. We will be loyal to the trust of others and will not bring down the reputation of Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall."

The leader Chen Moshan shouted, and the caravan was fully prepared and started on the road.

However, when passing by the city gate, Chen Moshan suddenly asked the caravan to stop.

There was a group of beggars at the city gate. There were the most pedestrians and caravans coming and going here, so they usually gathered here to beg.

Chen Moshan walked up to the group of beggars and shook three pieces of silver.

"Five hundred miles out of the city, one tael of silver per person, who is willing to go?"

"I, I, I!"

Many beggars swarmed around Chen Moshan, vying to raise their hands.

Chen Moshan took a few steps back with a little disgust, and pointed at three beggars who looked relatively healthy.

"You, you, and you, come with me."

Han Zheng was surprised: "What does this mean? Why do you want to take three beggars on the road?"

Chen Moshan looked at Han Zheng with a little disdain: "I don't know what the shopkeeper is thinking, and he actually let you, who know nothing and have not even been out of the county a few times, escort the caravan."

After saying that, he didn't explain, and directly called the caravan to leave.

Han Zheng frowned slightly.

Why does this old thing seem to have a grudge against him?

This is the first time he has met him, how did he offend him?

Li Feng, who was traveling with him, came over and smiled, saying, "Don't mind it. Manager Chen had a quarrel with the shopkeeper.

His nephew runs a small escort agency. He wanted to let his nephew come this time. One hundred taels would be enough.

But the shopkeeper thought his nephew's small escort agency was too weak and couldn't even find a mid-stage post-natal warrior, so he rejected it and went to Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall to find you."

Han Zheng understood immediately.

It turned out that he blocked someone's way to wealth. No wonder the old man was unhappy with him and others.

But Li Feng took the initiative to come and tell him these things. I guess he is not the same kind of person as Chen Moshan.

"Pharmacist Li, why did Manager Chen just ask three beggars to join the caravan?"

"They are 'meat dishes'."

"What does meat dishes mean?"

"It means literally."

Li Feng sighed: "Now the world is in chaos, and merchants traveling abroad are most afraid of encountering two dangers, demons and bandits. Meat dishes are prepared for demons.

Demons eat people, so in order to avoid losses, just feed them.

So every time before the caravan sets out, they will find a few people from the beggars to take with them as meat dishes, usually one or two silver coins per person.

If they encounter demons, they will become meat dishes, and if they don't, the silver will belong to them."

Li Sancheng, who was standing aside, turned pale when he heard this: "It's just one or two silver coins, and you sell yourself as a dish?"

Li Feng shook his head: "You young people don't know how to manage money, rice and oil. Salt is expensive.

These beggars have no food to eat, and one or two taels of silver may be able to turn their lives around and no longer be beggars.

Besides, it is not every time that we can encounter monsters. Instead of starving to death here, it is better to fight once. ”

Han Zheng frowned slightly: "But Manager Chen asked us to protect the caravan, and he also prepared meat and vegetables. What's the point of us?"

"Of course it is used to prevent bandits. How many people can monsters eat? The meat and vegetables exchanged for a few taels of silver are enough to feed monsters.

But if you encounter bandits, the wealth in the carts is tens of thousands of taels. ”

Li Feng patted Han Zheng on the shoulder: "These are all experiences. You will be familiar with them after going out a few times."

Han Zheng glanced at the beggar in the caravan who knew that he was going to be meat and vegetables and might be fed to monsters but was still in high spirits.

He has a new understanding of the world now.

Human life is like grass, so cheap that it is outrageous.

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