The key point is that he did not expect that Black and White Zetsu would be so difficult to catch.

But it is normal.

After all, he is an old monster that has lived for thousands of years. If he can be caught so easily, Black Zetsu should have died countless times.

Keep up the good work.

After knowing that there are still loopholes in his sealing technique, Qingkong was not discouraged. Anyway, there will be many opportunities to meet in the future, so just treat it as a chance to test his ninjutsu.

Turned back and went home, took a shower and went to bed.

On the other side.

After escaping from Konoha, Black and White Zetsu were still frightened and broke out in cold sweats.

They didn't expect that they would be exposed so quickly, and they were almost caught.

What a terrible experience.

If Black Zetsu did not have a Ghost Cutter dagger handed down from ancient times that could break most sealing techniques, it would be really difficult for them to escape.

"How come you came out so quickly? Did you find any news?"

In the dim cave, Payne frowned when he saw the black and white Zetsu on the stone wall.

"What are you still investigating, Boss? We are lucky to have escaped.���"

White Zetsu complained, and then repeated the story.

After hearing that Qingkong had a strong perception ability and sealing ninjutsu, even Pein couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

It's difficult!

If it goes on like this, how can we save people?

It's been two days, who knows what that shameless kid will do to Xiaonan, what if he......

Thinking of this, Payne clenched his fists, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

"no...Boss, don't be too angry. It's not that we don't work, but we were discovered as soon as we entered. How can we investigate?"

Thinking that Pain was targeting him, Bai Zetsu quickly waved his hands to explain.

"It's none of your business!"

With a cold face, Payne said,"If you can't sneak in directly, then use spore clones to transform into people from Konoha. I don't care what method you use, you must find Konan's location as soon as possible!"

"this...Okay, let's try again."

White Zetsu agreed, and then slowly sank into the stone wall and disappeared.

The next morning.

Black and White Zetsu took action. They first killed the two Genin outside Konoha, and then used their clones to transform into each other's appearance.

Because the White Zetsu clone can imitate chakra, this kind of transformation technique is also very powerful, and even the Sharingan and the Byakugan can't see through it.

Afterwards, the two White Zetsu clones with changed appearances returned to Konoha in such a swagger.

However, relying on the identity of Genin, they can find the whereabouts of Konan they want to find.

Because Konan was detained by Qingkong himself, except for him, Izumi, Tsunade, Kimimaro and a few other people, no one else knows it. Even the Jonin can't do it, let alone the Genin.

By the time they really find out the news, I'm afraid little Qingkong will be born.

It's just a waste of effort.

"Little brother, are you eating ramen?"

White Zetsu transformed into a Genin and came to Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant, and happened to meet Naruto.

It was said that since being scolded by Qingkong last time, Naruto had been depressed for several days. Only now did he start to go out of the house and interact with people.

"Ah, you...Don't you know me?"

Naruto stopped eating chopsticks and asked in surprise.

He is the incarnation of a demon fox. Even though he has grown up, the people in the village still keep a distance from him and never take the initiative to talk to him.

"Hmm? Haha, of course I know you."The White Zetsu clone sat down next to Naruto and said with a fake smile.

Speaking of which, although the transformation technique of the White Zetsu clone is powerful and can be regarded as the best in the ninja world, it is not without weaknesses.

First, the White Zetsu clone cannot stop using this transformation technique, which means that it has to keep running chakra. If it stops running, the transformation technique will be unlocked.

Second, it can imitate chakra, but it cannot use the ninjutsu of the transformed object.

And the third point is that it has no memory of the transformed object.

Naruto is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and the White Zetsu clone knows it, but it doesn't know what Naruto experienced in Konoha, being excluded and bullied.

After all, White Zetsu is a product of modern times, not the old monster Black Zetsu.

But it was this point that made Naruto feel something was wrong.

Knowing his identity, he still tried to get close to him. If he said it was okay, Naruto's brain couldn't agree.

""Little brother, what happened two days ago was the great battle, did you experience it?"

He thought to himself.

Naruto also perked up and said with a smile:"Of course, I was there that day, weren't you there, big brother?"

"No, I was on a mission outside before, so I was a bit disappointed that I didn't see Lord Qingkong show his power."

Then my brother, can you tell me about the situation at that time? In return, I will treat you to this ramen."

"Really, big brother?"Naruto pretended to be very surprised

"Yeah, I never lie."

"Wow, big brother is so nice, let me tell you about it."

Next, Naruto talked about what happened that day.

But because the distance was too far and he was wary, all he said was nonsense and useless.

The White Zetsu clone became impatient and couldn't help asking:"Well, you said that Lord Qingkong captured an enemy, who is it?"

"Not sure"

"So where was this person imprisoned?"

"have no idea"


The White Zetsu clone was very depressed. His emotional talk was in vain, and he wasted several bowls of ramen.

While he was stunned, Naruto suddenly jumped up, kicked him down, and not only did he fly on his face, but he also put a kunai on the neck of the White Zetsu clone. The

White Zetsu clone was completely confused.

What are you doing? Beating people after eating!

Or did you get drunk after drinking some ramen soup?

"Humph, you spy, now I have caught you!"


It turned out to be exposed.

Although I couldn't figure out the reason, the White Zetsu clone was also a ruthless character. Without saying a word, it immediately released the ninjutsu and killed itself.


Looking at the dead White Zetsu clone, Naruto was also stunned.

The point is that he didn't expect the other party to be so heroic. He didn't even say hello and died.

Isn't this insulting?

Naruto was very unhappy. He thought it was a great achievement, but who would have thought it would turn out like this.

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