I Am Immortal

Chapter 6: see **** in dream

  Chapter 6 Seeing God in a Dream

But he said that Qi Wuhuo went back with the jade pillow in his arms, lay on the bed, and fell asleep drowsily as soon as he closed his eyes. The jade pillow was hollow, and he was in a daze. As it grows bigger, it suddenly accommodates itself.

  Qi Wuhuo fell into an abyss, covered in cold sweat.

   When I was in a daze, I seemed to have opened my eyes, but saw that it was already sunset, but I had slept for a long time, and it was snowing again outside, and the whole world was silent.

Qi Wuhuo raised his hand and pressed his forehead. He thought for a long time before he came back to his senses. When he looked aside, the package was still there. It contained books, clothes, and copper coins. Then he remembered that Mr. Su sent something earlier. , I was alone at home, and fell asleep in a daze.

   It should not be.

   It is not necessary to mention the food and drink that day.

With the copper coins given by Mr. Su, Qi Wuhuo finally didn't have to go to the town to do some odd jobs in exchange for money in this winter, so he had more time to study hard. In addition, the knowledge annotations in the books were extremely detailed, and progress was made. faster.

   In the spring of the next year, Mr. Su recommended him.

Qi Wuhuo won the first place in the Spring Examination, and became famous all over the world. He bid farewell to Mr. Su and went to study in the city. After another three years, he also won a battle in the Autumn Examination. , the capital of Dongzhou County.

  Where they come and go, they are all from high-ranking families and descendants of aristocratic families.

   Even state officials treated him with courtesy.

   It's just that Qi Wuhuo has an upright personality, and he doesn't want to accept the family's support in life.

Even if there is an aristocratic family who likes his talents and wants to bet in advance, the husband-in-law who adopts him as the main branch of the family is also unwilling. Those girls are eye-catching, but when they meet a dumb guy, they are naturally outraged, and they have refused to pay attention to him ever since. .

And Qi Wuhuo also circulated in the literati circle that "he is not lustful, if he is not a gentleman, he is Longyang". Every time the girls of the aristocratic family talked about it, they all laughed. Xie Fengfeng gritted his teeth secretly.

   Some friends also asked about it, but Qi Wuhuo replied in doubt:

   "It's just that I haven't met someone who is in love with each other."

   "If I am really good to Long Yang."

   "The emperor will cause disaster."

  The friend's face was pale, and he covered his hips with his hands, moving away for miles.

  Afterwards, I went to Beijing for a study tour, and lived in a remote place, near the surrounding mountains. One day I was asleep, and suddenly woke up. I was wondering when I heard the sound of knocking on the door.

  After all, this is the edge of the outer city of the capital. Those martial arts thieves, or Buddhists who know a little bit of magic, after all, have some skills, so they can come here.

  He who came at this point must not be a normal person.

  The seventeen-year-old Qi Wuhuo stood up with his sword in hand, holding the sword behind him with one hand, and gently pushed the door open with the other. He thought there were thieves outside, but when he looked up, he was slightly taken aback.

  The person standing under the moonlight is clearly a girl who is only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Wearing Tsing Yi, with an elegant look, when he saw Qi Wuhuo opened the door, he saluted immediately, with red lips and white teeth, full of smiles, and winding skirts, his elegance and beauty were three points higher than those of the ladies of the aristocratic family, and his temperament was elegant, not to mention .

  Qi Wuhuo studied alone, Mr. Su taught swordsmanship, the sword in his hand has killed people, and he also encountered ghosts while studying in ancient temples. When he was young, he studied and nourished his spirit. He had no fear, just cupped his hands and said:

   "I don't know why the lady knocked on the door in the middle of the night?"

  The beautiful girl who easily drooped her hair only pursed her lips and smiled, saying:

   "I can't afford to be treated like a gentleman, I'm just a maid."

   "My lady has heard the gentleman's talk on weekdays, and she has been hesitating for a long time. Today, she heard the young master playing the piano quietly. She was so happy and couldn't help it. She would like to meet and make friends. But I don't know if it is presumptuous, so I asked you to come down and ask."

  Qi Wuhuo knew something was wrong, and slightly raised his eyes to look at the moonlight.

  Thinking in my heart, I thought that it would be too late to hide when a monster came to the door, so I laughed to myself: "I insist on what I want, but I dare not ask for it. I am waiting here. I don't know when and where I will meet your lady?"

   "Puff, gentleman, don't be suspicious, it's today."

The woman in Tsing Yi smiled, then turned away, Qi Wuhuo pondered for a long time, dressed in a green cloth robe, sitting on a stone table outside the door, not far away was a mountain, closed her eyes and meditated, with a long sword in front of her knees, the sound of the wind was still there, Bamboo Whirling, even though she knew she was a different kind, she had no fear at all.

   After a while, I heard someone coming.

  Qi Wuhuo slowly opened his eyes, and the sword in front of his knee whistled slightly.

It's just that if I was prepared, I was slightly surprised by the battle of the visitors. Under the moonlight, there were hundreds of visitors, all wearing silk and satin. A sedan chair was carried over, and there were maids with lanterns at the front and back, all of them were bright and moving , the ring is jingling, and on the side of the sedan chair is the girl in Tsing Yi seen earlier, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

The place where Qi Wuhuo lives is already on the edge of the outer city of the capital. It is called the outer city, but it is actually just a gathering place around the capital. It is close to the mountains and has a stream of water. There are blankets made of 300 kinds of precious and exotic animal skins, and there are many spiritual fruits, fine wines, and delicacies on it. In an instant, it seems like a banquet place for dignitaries and dignitaries.

  Even the spring outing feast of the prefect of the prefecture was not so extravagant.

  Qi Wuhuo was slightly surprised, his face remained unchanged, and he sat down calmly.

  The [Miss] did not come down, but said: "I have been at home for a long time, and today I heard the sound of the young master's piano, and I am very happy. The hospitality is poor, and I hope that the gentleman will not be disgusted."

After a short exchange of pleasantries, the lady was only in the sedan chair, playing the piano and counting songs, all of which were written by everyone. Qi Wuhuo didn't like playing the piano, but Mr. Su said that a gentleman had to learn the six arts, and was forced to learn, and he had heard many. It sounds like a young lady, the melodious and clear sound of the piano is the best he has heard so far during his study tour.

Afterwards, Qi Wuhuo used words to test her, but this faceless girl was smart and quick-witted, and she often made high-sounding remarks. Her foresight, insight, and judgment of the current situation in the world were all accurate, and she was even better than Qi Wuhuo's teacher. .

   And the lady seemed to be surprised by some of Qi Wuhuo's words, and sighed from time to time.

  The two talked very well, and before they knew it, it was almost sunrise, and they parted just now. At that time, the sun was rising in the east, and there was a mist in the forest. Qi Wuhuo, holding a long sword, sent the woman away in a sedan chair, thinking for a long time.

And after that, the girl often came, always came when the night was dark, and would leave when the sun rose. After several months, Qi Wuhuo gradually let go of his vigilance, playing the piano from time to time , sometimes chatting at leisure, can have this good friend to discuss, and his knowledge and understanding of the world will gradually improve.

  He also knew in his heart that this girl was absolutely extraordinary.

  But although he is not of my generation, he is upright, but it doesn't matter.

  On the night of the fifteenth day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, after drinking tea and talking a few words, Qi Wuhuo is tuning the piano.

Suddenly the beautiful maid in Tsing Yi smiled, listened to a few words, chuckled lightly, there were strong men on the left and right brought thick blankets and spread them on the ground, and immediately the girl in Tsing Yi raised her eyes and glanced at Qi Wuhuo with a sly smile For fun, holding a golden jade ruyi in his hand, he leaned over and hooked the curtain with ruyi, and gently opened the car curtain.

  Qi Wuhuo was playing the piano by himself, his heart was as calm as water, but he was surprised when he saw this, and the sound of the piano paused slightly.

  The chaotic sounds continued, and the people in the sedan chair had already left.

  The green silk water cloud shoes stepped lightly on the carpet, and the voice of Er Er was soft, yet generous, and joked:

   "Wuhuo, why is the sound of the piano chaotic?"

  (end of this chapter)

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