I Am Immortal

Chapter 481: The Buddha's lamp is extinguished, and the spiritual mountain is a puppet, and yo

Chapter 481 The Buddha lamp is extinguished, and the spiritual mountain is a puppet, and your path will be cut off!

 The deepest ancestral lineage of the Buddhist Kingdom in the West.

The light of the Buddha soars into the sky, flowing and changing. There are trees that are evergreen all year round, and flowers that never fade at all times. There are monks everywhere chanting sutras and listening to the Buddha's teachings. This place is the origin of all Buddhas. There are monks in every dharma lineage here to study Buddhism. The entire Buddhist ancestral land is centered on the Bodhi tree, and on the bluestone on one side of the Bodhi tree, there is a simple Buddhist lamp.

This lamp is almost immortal and has accompanied the Bodhi tree with its faint Buddha light for a long time.

When monks come and go, they all habitually pay homage to the Bodhi tree, and then they don't pay too much attention to this Buddha lamp. However, even if they don't pay much attention, their eyes will sweep over this Buddha lamp, and this happens every year. , do this every day, and only after confirming that the Buddha lamp is still lit will the Buddha teach the Dharma under the illumination of this lamp.

According to legend, this lamp will continue to burn until the Buddha returns and picks up the lamp in his hand again.

But today, an Arhat came here to pay homage to the Bodhi tree. He was about to get up and go to a Buddha's monastery to listen to the Buddha's sermon. His eyes glanced over, but his body suddenly froze. He saw a Buddhist lamp that had been burning for countless years. The flame of the lamp became dimmer and dimmer, and finally slowly extinguished.

Arhat’s expression froze.

Watching this scene happen as if in a nightmare.

With a horrified look on his face, he immediately stepped forward suddenly, rising up golden Buddha light and rushing towards the place where the Buddhas were teaching the Dharma.

On this day, all the seventeen Buddhist kingdoms are filled with Buddha light rising to the sky, and the sound of Buddha bells is ringing incessantly.

 The Buddhist lamp, which has been burning since the earliest times and symbolizes the orthodoxy of Buddhism, is extinguished today.

The Bodhi leaves hang down one-third and fall on the ground.

 Wither prosperity and death.


 “The burning lamp...is probably extinguished.”

"That is the lamp used by the Buddha to illuminate the left and right when he is teaching. Its status and significance for us Buddhists are no less than that of Taishang Taoist Eight Scenery Palace Lantern. For Taoists, all the major Buddhist schools have always said that the Buddha's lamp will To guide the Buddha on his way back, now is the opportunity for my Buddhist lineage to flourish."

“When the Buddha lamp goes out, it is no longer as simple as the death of an ancient monk.”

“The prophecies contained in the Buddha lamp are enough to destroy the hearts of disciples of all major Buddha lines in an instant, causing cracks to appear in the hearts of Buddhas.”

“How great will my Dharma be if it is exposed?”

 “How can we compete with the Taoist sect for this destiny in the world?!”

“We have sealed off the matter of the Buddha lantern, and used the technique of dream bubbles to reshape the Buddha lantern.”

The Buddhas discussed the solution to this matter in the brightest and purest place in the Buddhist Kingdom of the West. They used their magical power to cover up the matter of the burning lamps being extinguished. The matter was barely temporarily over, but the matter was clearly resolved. , but the Buddhas never left, but even though they never left, they never opened their mouths to talk about another matter.

 Looking at each other, they fell silent.

Only Nanmo Wheel Shining Auspicious Tathagata said slowly: "Fellow fellow practitioners, the burning lamp is extinguished, I am afraid it is also related to the matter of Landa Temple. Previously, you could not pay attention to this matter, but now in the nine states of the world, the luck is gradually returning. One, the borders of the human world are blocked by the Zhenwudang Demon Emperor, making it difficult for us to enter."

 “Now the burning lamp has also gone out.”

 “This is a great unknown.”

"What should we do in the future? Do we just watch the Taoist sect gradually become more and more powerful in the human world? Do we watch the next calamity belong to the Taoist sect? And my Buddha once again bleakly dormant for an entire calamity?"

“It’s time for you to make a decision.”

The rest of the Buddhas fell silent. It was a shame to go to the human world before and come back without even entering the border. Buddhism's plan to rise by relying on the prosperity of luck in the human world was thwarted before it completely took off. Now Ran Deng His death undoubtedly put another pressure on this matter, making them feel that there was no way to retreat.

 “The struggle for luck is to work step by step, and you need to move forward step by step.”

“If we take one step back, the Taoist Qi will take a further step; if we take ten steps back, we will take ten steps forward.”

 “In the end, we will have no chance at all!”

“Humph, his Taoist sect only talks about being upright, but doesn’t it actually want to occupy the luck of the world to strengthen itself? Doesn’t it think it is the right way?”

 “Nothing more than a hypocrite!”

 The Buddhas actually have no objections to this conclusion.

In their eyes, the Taishang Xuanwei Zhenren and the Zhenwu Dangmo Emperor are also direct descendants of the Taoist sect, and they are the kind of direct descendants who are extremely upright. The presence of one of them is enough to represent the Taishang and the Taoist sect.

He sits in the human world and excludes all Buddhas. Behind this matter, it is just that the Taoist sect wants to usurp the fate of humanity and is unwilling to give up this great opportunity!

 This is a moral dispute!

 There is no distinction between superior and inferior, let alone good and evil.

 Therefore, they were extremely indignant and dissatisfied that Taishang Xuanwei intercepted the Buddhas and allowed the Taoist sect to rise again with the help of luck in the human world, but did not allow the Buddhas to enter the human world.

“Tai Shang Xuan Wei is a disciple of the Taoist sect and a disciple of Tai Shang.”

“What the Taoist sect wants to do is actually no different from what we want to do, and he has no right to say that our Buddhist sect’s behavior is inappropriate.”

 "If you want it, unless he doesn't use Taoism's methods, unless he doesn't represent Taoism."

 “But, how is this possible?”

All the Buddhas shook their heads. They smiled contemptuously at the possibility that Taishang Xuanwei's move did not represent the Taoist sect. Namolun Panzhao Jixiang Tathagata said: "He is already the inheritor of the mantle of Taishang Taoist ancestor. He wants to refute The things that my Buddhist lineage does cannot be done unless he himself opens up a way to the world."

 “Otherwise, you are just a hypocrite.”

"But the focus now is not on this, but on how we should do it..."

Another Buddha said: "What can I do if the Tathagata All-Illuminating Auspiciousness says this? Taishang Xuanwei's body is bound to bring luck. When you and I step into the world, we will definitely be killed by him. Even if he only has the power of one move, who can Dare to bet?"

“Or, Omni-Zhao Jixiang Tathagata, are you willing to be the first to step into the human world, use your energy to control Taishang Xuanwei, and nullify his inevitably earth-shattering move, creating enough time for us?”

 So the Tathagata Namo Wheel Shining Auspicious no longer spoke.

Which trick did you waste?

It's not so much that the move was wasted. To put it bluntly, it's just blocking the sword with one's own life.

  In exchange for the death of oneself, other Buddhas can enter the human world.

 This is simply a dead end!

If you want to truly nourish Buddhism with humanistic energy, you need to step into the human world.

 But before you can step into the human world, you must first face Taishang Xuanwei’s first sword.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a chuckle. The Buddhas' eyes moved and looked in the direction of the chuckle. They saw a solemn and dignified Buddha sitting on the lotus platform. The Buddhas saw his calm smile and couldn't help feeling unhappy. , asked: "Why did the Tathagata Infinite Life Wisdom and Brightness suddenly laugh, but do you have any advice?"

This [Holy Infinite Life Wisdom Determined King of Light Tathagata] immediately apologized gently and said: "How dare you, how dare you?"

"It's just that all Buddhas used to have great wisdom, great judgment, and great compassion, and could decipher all dharmas. Why are they so confused today? Could it be that they were condescended to by Taishang Xuanwei? He just said, We cannot enter, but Buddhism is vast and boundless, how can those who practice Buddhism be Buddhas?"

The eyes of the other Buddhas lit up and they looked at each other, but they shook their heads and said: "You mean, let the remaining Bodhisattvas and monks enter the human world?"

"However, the mighty king Li Zhai in the human world is too murderous. We are only afraid of Taishang Xuanwei [who sits in the center of the human world and relies on the turbulent momentum of luck]. However, even if ordinary Bodhisattvas enter, they will not attract Taishang Xuanwei. Even with that sword shot, it is no match for the mighty king who is currently in the world and has an invincible military front."

 “Huh...you are obsessed with it again.”

The Buddha of Infinite Life and Wisdom and Light shook his head and said with a smile:

“Who said we can only rely on cultivation and strength to fight in the world?”

"The human destiny is strong and can defeat the Dharma and Dharma, but it is ultimately obtained through the practice of all people in the world. It is strong, but it cannot last long. The only person in the world who is qualified to control the human destiny is not just King Mighty; but Mighty King It is impossible for the king's luck to maintain his peak invincibility."

 “Oh? You mean...”

"The Mighty King wanted to achieve supreme achievements, but his lifespan was limited. What he did was ultimately too hasty. Today, although the court has surrendered, it is just surrendering to force. There is resentment in their hearts, and they feel that he has gained the throne. Being dishonest and acting violently is a great way to destroy one's destiny as a human being."

 “Don’t forget that his elder brother and younger brother are still alive.”

The Buddha of Infinite Life and Wisdom and Light said gently: "We can let the monks enter, divide the court, and raise two other python dragons. There is no need to defeat this mighty king, we only need to raise these two python dragons. Entering can divide the human world and cause the mighty king's human destiny to decline rapidly."

“Even if King Mighty makes a decision and wants to break this catastrophe, he still needs to personally kill his younger brother and elder brother. In the world, filial piety and brotherhood are the principles of the world. If this happens, the people’s morale will be greatly lost, and the destiny of humanity will be greatly weakened.”

“And if the fate of human beings declines, then the fate of human beings that Taishang Xuanwei can control will decline greatly.”

“Even if he comes with full force at that time, it is difficult for him to pose a threat to the Buddhas. We can enter from outside the pass, take advantage of the great momentum, and counterattack to persecute him. In this way, the great momentum can be achieved, and the Buddha’s Dharma can be magnified by the Tathagata.”

The Buddhas were suddenly enlightened. They looked at each other, clasped their palms and admired. Just as Guanshiyin judged the 17-line Buddhas of this era, they had been waiting for such an opportunity for too long, and had longed for it for too long. They would never let it go easily. , immediately put his hands together and praised him for his kindness.

 Then he saluted and thanked the longevity Buddha.

【Holy Infinite Life Wisdom Determining Bright King Tathagata】put his hands together and said with a gentle smile: "Everyone, fellow practitioners and poor monks, everything they do is for me, Buddha Tathagata. You and I walk the same path, but why do we need to say thank you?"

“I only hope that the Buddha’s Dharma will be glorious and great, and that all Buddhas can save all living beings.”

 “I only wish that the common people would never have to suffer from birth, old age, sickness or death again.”

 “You can live forever and gain infinite life and wisdom.”

He clasped his hands together, and all the Buddhas praised him for his great wisdom and great aspirations. Behind him, there was infinite Buddha light, clear and quiet, which illuminated people's eyes, making it difficult to see clearly. However, the Buddhas did not notice that this dignified and compassionate Buddha had his hands clasped together. Behind his back, there were threads connecting his body, and then spreading towards the sky.

Looking from a distance, the [Holy Infinite Life and Wisdom Determining Bright King Tathagata] sitting on the lotus platform looks like a puppet on a string.

Countless threads spread from his body to the sky.

 As for where these threads will go, no one knows or sees them.

In the Antarctic Changsheng Heaven, the Emperor Changsheng, who looked gentle and calm, drank tea slightly, with his sleeves hanging down, and flipping through the archives with his right hand, looking at the many things happening in the world, his eyes were peaceful, as if they had penetrated the thirty-third heaven, and fell on the Taoist. It's just that the fate of the world is too heavy and thick, covering his eyes so that he can't see clearly.

However, although he could not clearly see the appearance of this man, he was aware of various things in the world during this period.

Through these things, we can also infer what the young Taoist did in reverse.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor tapped the table lightly with his fingers, made a clear sound, and said calmly:

"Retreat the Buddhas and subdue the human world; help the black dragon swallow the python at the border, depose two human emperors in succession, and replace them with a fierce martial artist of a generation; make this humane Qi prosperous, and transport the human Qi into the body, and it only takes a few months after leaving the mountain , but I did a lot of things, which was a bit interesting."

 “Another show of tactics at the border that makes the world law.”

“Are you planning to rely on luck in the world to become enlightened?”

  “Another one Jiazi.”

  "It should be that we plan to use this armor to build momentum and use this armor to reach the border."

“However, you want one armor, but I am unwilling to give you one armor.”

 “It would be great if you could be on my side.”

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor sighed slightly and looked at the world.

He knew the Taoist's talent and his future achievements, so he went down to earth to meet the young Taoist while he was still practicing in seclusion on the mountain, to show off his own way, and then invited him to accompany him; but also because of his The future is too high. When the young Taoist refused to go with him, he naturally became his enemy.

 Just because you have a lofty future, you must go all out.

 Allowing an enemy who is qualified to threaten you to grow freely is a kind of stupidity and even more arrogant.

 It’s just a pity, a pity…

It's a pity that I can't immediately take action and cut off your path!

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor raised his eyes, looked at the distant sky, and saw the stars in the North Pole shining in the sky - Taishang Xuanwei has been revered as the "Zhongtian Arctic Demon Emperor". If he takes action directly, the Arctic Ziwei Emperor has enough Reason to take action against yourself.

Even the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor felt that the usually aloof Beidi suddenly approved Tianpeng's proposal and respected the title of Zhenwudangmo in advance, just to protect himself.

 In order to deal with a future opponent who has not yet become enlightened, he has to confront the biggest enemy in the present.

Just after a little weighing, you can tell that this is definitely not a good deal.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor is the ultimate emperor. He has spent three thousand years grasping the road, trying to deduce, and assisting his own spirituality to determine the enemy. Although it involves too high a level and too long a time, it is difficult to get a direct and clear answer, but There is also a general direction, so I know that what I really need to be wary of at this moment is [Beidi].

Northern Emperor, that is naturally the Ziwei Emperor of Zhongtian North Pole.

 It can’t be that [Zhongtian Bei Dang Mo Emperor] is also [North Emperor], right?

However, even though I can't separate my mind to take action directly at this moment, I still have other means to cut off your path.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor lowered his eyes, his sleeves and robes were rolled up, with cloud patterns on them, and his five white fingers were practicing. The stream of light fell from his fingers, and the stream of light rolled and rolled, turning into silk threads. The silk threads became longer and denser, and fell on the Lingshan Mountain. , fell on the [Holy Infinite Life Wisdom Determining King of Light Tathagata].

But looking from a distance, silk threads are fluttering on this spiritual mountain, as if the entire spiritual mountain is a puppet.

 The four emperors in the heaven are all extremely terrifying, and they are the most powerful ones who stand on the path to the pinnacle.

 Indestructible for all eternity, never destroyed.

 At this time, it was outside the arrangements and plans of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

The Lord of the Heavenly Fire Department, Emperor Zhuling of Antarctica, acted completely out of his own will and freedom.

A few months after learning that the Zhenwu Dangmo who had killed Donghua was Taishang Xuanwei, he finally found an opportunity and secretly came down to earth with a sneer and great hostility:

“How dare you do this to Donghua, a mere acquired creature, huh!”

 “I’ll teach you a lesson!”

 (End of this chapter)

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