I Am Immortal

Chapter 453: It should be noted that the Lingtai Square Cun Mountain is a wonderful explanation of

Chapter 453 It should be noted that the Lingtai Square Cun Mountain is a wonderful explanation of Bodhicitta

 Jinzhou Qi Wuhuo? !

Judging from the name, it seems that he is just from Jinzhou. Guanshiyin is the most outstanding disciple of Buddhism in the contemporary era. He has practiced Buddhism to a level that even the great Bodhisattvas can hardly surpass. He is called a great scholar, which is a person who is expected to achieve great status. However, among others In my memory of practicing Buddhism for more than a thousand years, there has never been a person with extraordinary means with such a name.

 But with a flick of his sleeves, Feng Qingyun Dan put away all the weapons of the Zombie Supreme Golden Hair Roar.

This Jinmaohou also has the skills at the level of a true king, and he is very ferocious in his killings. Is there such a true king alive in the Taoist sect?

Avalokitesvara clasped his hands together, thinking about the name in his heart, and asked: "Amitabha, I wonder why Master Qi is here? Why is he blocking the way of the poor monk?"

Taoist Ping He said: "It's a dharma, an old friend, and a world."

 “Why is the Bodhisattva here?”

Avalokitesvara replied calmly:

“It is also a karma, an old friend, and a world.”

"Nowadays, Buddhism and Taoism are arguing over each other, and there is a great spectacle and great debate in the human world. In this human village, there is an elder who is a fellow disciple of the poor monk. I came here today to find him and bring him back to the Boruo Zhengguo. "

He is a monk who does not lie and never lies when he opens his mouth.

The little novice next to him could not help but widen his eyes. Is this what he said? !

But he soon realized that since the mysterious Taoist in front of him was already here, what he represented was very simple. It was obvious that the other party also knew the specialness of this place and knew the reincarnation of the Lord of the Oriental Glazed Buddha Kingdom. Therefore, instead of pretending to hide it, it is better to tell it honestly.

Jinmaohou stared at the sleeves of the young Taoist priest.

I don’t know how the sleeve was swept away and my weapon was taken away?

 This, this is unreasonable!

 How is it possible? !

Avalokitesvara asked: "I wonder where the Taoist Master is?"

The young Taoist sighed and replied: "I am also an old friend for this reason."

“I don’t know, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva came here and took away the medicine master. What is he going to do?”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who had achieved the supreme foundation of the True King within a hundred years, debated sutras for the Buddhas, and was told by the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata that the young Bodhisattva who would become the first judge in the future lowered his eyes and replied: "For the sake of the vast Dharma, go to the capital. Open the altar to preach the Dharma, discuss the great visions of all Buddhas, all the sufferings, and only hope to save all sentient beings."

The young Taoist asked: "How to save people?"

The Bodhisattva replied: "Everyone can let go of the suffering of the aggregates of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, and not be disturbed by distracting thoughts. He can know the ultimate happiness, which has no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance, touch and Dharma, no ignorance, and no end of ignorance." , so that through self-cultivation, you can achieve transcendence and reach the Buddhist relics."

"I wish to save three disasters, get rid of four difficulties, and get rid of three poisons, and answer the second request."

 He very calmly analyzed his Buddhist teachings and aspirations.

But he didn't know what the consequences of his actions would be. The young Taoist thought for a long time and said, "So that's it. It's such a great ambition. It really saves the world. However, there is one thing I don't understand."

The young Buddhist Bodhisattva in front of me didn’t know the weight of this sentence.

 But the Lord of Dongfang Jingliuli Buddha Kingdom, who understood the weight of this sentence, had no way to tell him.

Avalokitesvara just said in a very gentle manner: "Layholder, please speak."

The young Taoist asked: "What is the colorless sound, fragrance and touch method?"

Avalokitesvara discussed his own Dharma in detail. He was a monk who really wanted to save the world, wanted to expand the Dharma, and had a blazing light of compassion. However, the ancient fierce beast Golden Hair Roar over there felt more and more boring and yawned. , a pair of eyes just stared at the young Taoist who lowered his Taoist robe hatefully.

 Where are my weapons?

I have such a big weapon, how can it disappear after just brushing it? !

 What kind of method is this? !

 Where did he hide it for me? !

Damn it, you Taoist priest, wait, I will figure it out later and I will definitely fight with you!

 Golden hair is frizzy and frizzy.

Only the little novice monk, who was always practicing in the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's dojo, realized that this level of difficulty was difficult. The Taoist stood at the door, not to intercept it with his body, but to stop it with his Dharma. If the Bodhisattva wanted to pass the level, he needed to break the Dharma. Finally, because of the boundless vastness of Buddhism, the Taoist priest, whose identity and origin was unknown, took the initiative to retreat, and then he passed the test.

 Otherwise, if it were a battle of skills to test magical powers, it might not be possible to win with the methods shown by Taoist Priest just now.

Guan Shiyin had a gentle voice. After discussing his own fighting skills, he made a summary and said: "It is the sense of the five aggregates and the five senses. Most of the suffering of mortals begins from this. If you can purify your instincts, you can see that you can't find them. The five aggregates are all empty, the five aggregates are all empty, and they are not disturbed by the worldly forms. This is the contemplation of emptiness."

The young Taoist simply sat cross-legged on the ground, stretched out his hand, and asked: "It can be seen that all forms are empty. Then, if you look at all things in the world, they are all forms, and they are also empty; if you look at yourself, you will be pure, and also empty; if you do good, you will It’s empty, doing evil is empty, how can you not swerve into the wrong path?”

 The Bodhisattva remained silent for a long time.

He replied: "It is to observe falsehood. Although I know that all things are empty and all appearances are empty, I do not destroy all things and still build everything in the sky. This is to observe falsehood."

The young Taoist pondered again for a long time, and then asked with a smile:

“If you observe both emptiness and falsehood, how is it different from normal life?”

“You see, ordinary people don’t look at emptiness and still sink into the external colors. They walk in the world without destroying all things.”

“The Bodhisattva contemplates space and illusion, and walks in the world without destroying all things. If this is the case, what is the difference between the two?”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva remained silent for a long time and said: "All colors, all appearances, all emptiness..."

The young Taoist looked at the monk in front of him. Although he was young, he had discussed the Dharma with the Buddha and had been personally taught by the Taoist ancestors. His foundation was not bad. At this moment, he was looking from a different direction from the Taoist sect that was practiced by the monk in front of him. It's different, so he smiled and said: "If so, how about adding another one to the contemplation of emptiness and contemplation of falsehood?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who frowned and thought hard, said, "Please tell me."

 The young Taoist said: "In the view."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva murmured: "Avalokitesvara?"

The young Taoist said gently: "Yes, this is the three views. The first view is emptiness, seeing that everything is empty; the second view is that although it is aware of its emptiness, it does not destroy all things and still builds everything in the air; but it does not destroy all things. , and not clinging to all things, is Madhyamaka.”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who has been cultivating the Bodhisattva state for more than a hundred years, murmured for a long time, faintly lost consciousness, and the Buddha's light circulated around his body. Suddenly he seemed to have an epiphany, as if he understood. He clasped his hands together, let out a long sigh, and said: "So that's it, that's it. Just this one step, how much can be saved." Years of hard training.”

He opened his eyes, looked at the Taoist in front of him, suddenly put his hands together, gave a slight salute, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he uttered the most famous sigh in Buddhism in later generations.

“Color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, and emptiness is color!”

"Want to know that line, same is the case."

 “Poor monk, I’ve come to see you.”

This Taoist has never avoided this ritual. The Guanyin Bodhisattva looked into the distance, but he knew that he might not be able to go any further today. Although he may not be afraid of anyone when it comes to magical powers and magical methods, but magical powers and magical methods, What is blocking is just the footsteps of this body in the material world; but at this moment, discussing the Dharma with a Taoist and burning incense, he is on the great road, blocking his way.

 Sincerity can sigh.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sighed and said: "Today, the poor monk is not allowed to enter. I just don't know. The Taoist Master knows the affairs of Buddhism, but why does he want to challenge the poor monk?"

The Taoist replied: "It's not an instruction, it's just that the Bodhisattva's practice is high enough and thick enough."

He smiled and said: "A stone from another mountain can be used to attack jade. I am just a stone from another mountain."

"If I have to find a reason, then probably Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata once mentioned your Buddha Dharma. I once talked to him about your Buddha, your Dharma, and your way forward. I think he recognized you. Although he and I have been hostile, we have also discussed Taoism together. I want to provide you with my ideas, which will also be of some help to you."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva remained silent, clasped his hands together, and said, "I received the Taoist Master's guidance today, so I'm sure you can't enter."

"Today I am discussing the Dharma. After returning to the South China Sea, I should write down the scriptures and pass them on to future generations. I wonder where the treasure land is and where the Taoist temple is?"

The young Taoist smiled and simply replied: "In Fangcun Mountain."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and said, "I see, this poor monk knows it."

“Just, does the Taoist priest have any other things that the poor monk should do...”

Qi Wuhuo said: "It's just a question."

 “Taoist Master, please speak.”

“I would like to ask, if Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva takes Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata away, where will he take him?”

Avalokitesvara answered naturally: "It is the place where all the Buddhas return, and they are taught by the Buddhas, with the hope of early entering the realm of great enlightenment, awakening the wisdom of the past, and re-transforming the Buddhas."

The Taoist man said: "Since we want him to return to the Buddha, why not let him reincarnate in the human world and realize himself." "But let him go to the Buddha's kingdom of all Buddhas?"


"Since you want to go back to the Buddha's land to practice pure cultivation, why don't you go to the Oriental Pure Glazed Buddha Land, but go to other Buddhist lands? Why did the Buddhas remain silent when Medicine Master Lazuli Light Tathagata perished, and now, the human atmosphere Luck is about to arise, and there will be a time of struggle between Buddhism and Taoism..."

One by one, many things that Buddhist disciples would not doubt were pointed out by the young Taoist one by one.

Avalokitesvara couldn't help but feel a trace of hesitation in his heart, and said: "..."

The young Taoist asked: "So, is the purpose of finding the reincarnation of Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata to create an extra reincarnated soul boy to fight in the battle between Buddhism and Taoism, or even the battle between the seventeen branches of Buddhism? Or is it really true? For Medicine Master Lazuli Light Tathagata to reappear? I don’t know, how does the Bodhisattva feel?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was silent for a long time and looked at the young Taoist for a long time. Suddenly, happiness came to his heart and he said: "Please speak clearly, Taoist Master."

Qi Wuhuo shook his head and said, "I don't know much about Buddhism."

 “If the Bodhisattva is willing.”

“You might as well go to the land of the Buddhas and look for the bodhi tree.”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked deeply at the Taoist, and finally just clasped his hands together and said: "So, the poor monk understands..."

He was defeated in his argument and wanted to leave here; but the golden-haired roar couldn't bear the ferocity in his heart. He took a step forward and shouted angrily: "The calf's nose was learned from some evil spirit." I got rid of this pretentious crooked way and took away the uncle's weapons."

 “Be reasonable? Haha, I don’t want to listen to your docile reasoning!”

 “Punch me!”

The golden-haired roar roared, and the body of the two-foot-long demon king rushed towards the young Taoist. The fist was enough to knock down the thunder, tear the body of the real dragon, and fight with the ancient dragon clan, but this punch fell on the sleeve of the Taoist. On the ground, there was just the slightest ripple, like a mud cow entering the sea, without stimulating the slightest feedback.

 The majestic interior scenery has entered the interior world.

 The ordinary interior world would probably be directly shattered and exploded by the power of this punch!

However, the world of Qi Wuhuo's inner scene is infinitely vast and vast, and the foundation of the Taiyigong body is so strong. With this punch, he really blasted into a nascent universe without causing any ripples.

Jinmaohou's pupils shrank, and his complexion suddenly changed in an instant.

  ? ! !

But he still had a tough mouth and said: "Hmph! You have convinced that weakling Guanshiyin, who doesn't know men and women, and deserves to be without a husband for the rest of his life. I don't want to listen to what you bull-nosed and bald-headed guys are talking about, Buddha."


 The Taoist thought for a while and spoke in a gentle voice.

“When someone talks to me about the Dharma, I will discuss it.”

 “If someone discusses my strength with me…”

He turned his wrist slightly and clasped the wrist of the golden-haired roar. He originally planned to use the teacher's method to directly suppress the golden-haired roar with overwhelming force, but at this moment, the thunder and fire it penetrated into the interior world circulated, and again Turning the book over again, the young Taoist suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart. He thought of the teacher's flick of his sleeves two months ago. His thoughts moved and he raised his hand slightly.

With a flick of the sleeves and robes, the Taoist robes are flowing, and the inner world's Tao intersects with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Jin Maohou felt an unparalleled power blessing his body.

The sleeves and robes were brushed, and in an instant, Golden Hair Roar was shaken out of his true body. A violent storm arose, moving like wind and thunder. The ancient ferocious beast Golden Hair Roar turned into a stream of light and disappeared, flying to an extremely distant place. It disappeared in the blink of an eye, and only the calm voice of the man was heard in my ears.

 “I am the reason.”

The little novice's heart almost stopped beating, and he stared at the young Taoist as if he had seen a ghost.

  ? ! !

 This is, this is...

 Is this something that an ordinary Taoist priest can do? !

How can this be? !

As the smoke and dust fell, the young Taoist put his hands lightly in front of him, with a fallen leaf hanging from his shoulders, and his expression was peaceful and peaceful.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "...Taoist Master, are you the direct descendant of a certain lineage of the Taoist ancestor of Sanqing?!"

 The direct descendant of a certain lineage passed down by the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty?

 The young Taoist thought for a while and replied gently: "That's right."

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva couldn't help but sigh in his heart. There are so many talents in the Taoist sect, but he is just a direct descendant of one of the subsequent inheritances of the Sanqing Taoist ancestors. He can have such means and Taoism. After taking a look at the direction of the reincarnation of Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata, he finally gave up and walked After bowing, he went to catch up with Jin Maohou who was thrown away by a sleeve.

Hunted to catch up, only to find that thousands of miles away, there was a Bodhisattva holding the golden hair and roaring.

However, one of his sleeves was thrown away and flew to Xiao Sumeru Mountain. At the dojo of Lingji Bodhisattva, the two Bodhisattvas greeted each other. Lingji Bodhisattva smiled and said: "Which powerful person from the Taoist sect has this evil beast provoked? The strong wind came here, if it hadn't been me. With the [Fixing Wind Bead], I almost couldn’t hold back the flying golden hair roar.”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva gave a brief summary of what happened just now, except that he covered up what the young Taoist said when he talked about the hidden dangers of Buddhism and the Bodhi tree.

Lingji Bodhisattva was surprised and immediately said: "Observe the void, false, middle, wonderful method, wonderful method."

“But I don’t know that if I can follow this path, Avalokitesvara can be passed down to future generations for eternity. It can be regarded as a scripture. I don’t know what its name is?”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "The Taoist priest in the world calls his dojo Fangcun Mountain, Fangcun Lingtai, this is his heart."

 “This scripture.”

 “This should be the Prajna Heart Sutra to be passed down to future generations.”

He sighed again: "I have received a great kindness from Fangcun Mountain, and I want to repay it, but it is a big cause and effect. However, this Taoist priest is very powerful, and I am afraid that it will still be passed on to his disciples and grandchildren."


Having forced the Buddhist master back without drawing his sword, the young Taoist glanced at the human villages and towns that had not been affected by the attack -

 The Chinese New Year is coming soon. If they fight each other, the village may not be able to live well.

 Emperor Wa is the happiest festival in the world.

 Peace and joy.

Today he is unwilling to take action. He also hopes that there are knowledgeable people in Buddhism who know about the Bodhi tree. It is best to make internal reforms and eliminate the catastrophe invisibly. The Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata will reincarnate as a human being and carry and bear the burden of this era. After a period of human destiny, there seemed to be a wind coming, and the human energy in the young Taoist's heart became calmer and quieter, but it seemed that he had not yet had the opportunity to break through.

  The world inside the body still needs to be forcibly maintained.

 There is no time, or in other words, the strongest sense of Guanyin is not an opportunity for him to break through.

The world inside the scene failed to stabilize and failed to break through, but the burning of [Human Qi] seemed to be getting more intense. It was not like the world of mortals entering the human Qi, but that it encountered some extremely important existence. For human Qi A very important person in the prosperous age, when Qi Wuhu was confused, a puff of white smoke had already appeared on the ground, and then an old man came out, grabbed the young Taoist's hand, and said:

 “Emperor, Emperor!”

 “You are here!”

"When the Bodhisattva came out earlier, the little old man didn't dare to come out. He was afraid that the swishing sword energy would pass by and he would be chipped by your sword formation. The little old man is dead and it is a minor matter. I have no way to report the news to you. It's a big deal, Emperor!" The young Taoist looked at Tu Tu Gong who was complaining and wailing, smiled and thanked him, which actually made Tu Tu Gong feel embarrassed.

The little old man paused and suddenly remembered an important event. He grabbed the young Taoist tightly and said:

“Some time ago, a little baby who didn’t look very good-looking was abandoned by others.”

"It seems that an old man had a secret affair with a young girl. She was born without a matchmaker and was abandoned by someone. She is ugly and can ward off evil spirits."

"He threw it on our mountain, but it was just like before, surrounded by a bunch of wild beasts, and the little old man couldn't get in."

“Emperor, it’s Chinese New Year, this baby has a bad background and is ugly, but we can’t let him freeze to death here—”

 A little baby?

 The so-called wild union means that it is inconsistent with the etiquette and law. It is a union without the words of a matchmaker, the orders of parents, and without getting married.

The [Human Qi] in the Taoist body paused for a moment, and suddenly began to burn with an extremely fiery attitude. The desire was extremely intense, and it seemed that it had encountered one of the most critical nodes of human destiny.

 Suddenly there was a clear sound.

Qi Wuhuo raised his eyes, and the earthly master was startled. He stepped back behind the young Taoist and raised his head to look. He saw the strange scene in the forest, his eyes widened, and he murmured: "That's... "

 “Phoenix Crying?!”

 (End of this chapter)

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