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, I am immortal in the immortal world

Zhou Yi also used many techniques, such as cursed nightmare victory, cold arrow sneak attack, falling into traps and so on.

Regardless of whether it is aimed at the soul or the body, or the side-door evil method of killing people in the air, the Xuanwu Divine Armor can generate induction and manifest itself as a bodyguard.

"When I meet the old dragon again, Pindao has to pull and drag it for hundreds of years of life!"

Zhou Yi put the Xuanwu Shenjia into his dantian. The initial power of the magic weapon is affected by the material and the ban. Later, with the continuous growth of the power of mana, it becomes more and more handy to use.

"The basalt armor protects the body, the soul-fixing mirror is controlled, and there is still a lack of an attack magic weapon. I have been in retreat for 15 years, and I don't know if Shanhe Ding has advanced!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi turned into a light and flew out of the Spirit Fire Hall.

Foreign Affairs Hall Plaza.


There is a five-colored cauldron with a height of 6 feet and 6 feet. The body of the cauldron is engraved with mountains and rivers. When the treasure shines, the river can be faintly seen flowing.

In front of Shanhe Ding, dozens of people line up. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

The leading disciple took out the metal essence and refined it into the treasure cauldron according to the magic formula passed down by the sect.

Zhou Yi used a transformation spell, turned into a teenage boy, and fell at the end of the team. Looking at the busy migrant workers in front of him, and the mountain and river tripod that is about to be turned into a magic weapon, I only feel that it is not bad to have a group of disciples serving.

The disciples at the front of the line found Zhou Yi, were idle and bored in line, and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"Poor Dao Yushou, this junior brother is looking at Miansheng?"

"I just entered the sect a few days ago."

Zhou Yi changed dozens of fake identities, and he made up the calendar casually: "In the early years, my parents were reluctant to bear it, afraid that I would not be able to bear hardships alone, so I begged the master to bring the sect later, so I am a little old. ."

The Earth Fire Palace will send a real person to inspect the island every year. Anyone with four spiritual roots or more will be brought back. They are only two or three years old. The sect has special mortal nurses and servants to take care of them.

The mortals in the East China Sea mainly live by fishing and hunting, and those infants and young children who do not have spiritual roots are only in adulthood.

Worshiping in the Immortal Sect is a guarantee of life, and major illnesses and minor illnesses are easily cured, so no matter how reluctant parents are in their hearts, they can only let the immortals take them away for the sake of their children's lives.

"It turns out that even though the younger brother is late in his practice, don't blame his parents."

Yu Shou talked about his parents, his eyes were slightly red: "Pin Dao entered the sect at the age of three, and had a weak impression of his parents until he was successful at the age of 20. When he went home to visit relatives, his parents did not dare to recognize each other, and they respectfully called me immortals. division."

"Pindao stayed at home for three or five days, but felt out of place. He cast a spell to cure his parents and younger brother's dark illness, and left some gold and silver before returning to the sect."

"Now more than ten years have passed, and the appearance of my parents is blurred. Every time I feel lonely in the middle of the night, I feel ashamed of being the son of man. This natural spiritual root can't be called bad.

Zhou Yi nodded and said, "If senior brother misses his parents, he will often go home to have a look, lest in the future, yin and yang will be separated from each other, day and night thinking will give birth to inner demons!"

"Tsk tsk, Junior Brother's words are like those of the seniors in the sect."

Yu Shou calmed his mind and said with a smile: "With our cultivation base and aptitude, the demons in our hearts probably don't look down on them. We just hope that in the future, we can get away with building a foundation and bring our clansmen to Zongmen Island to enjoy the good years."

Zhou Yi said: "That would be a lot of hard work, building a foundation of 100,000 meritorious deeds, I don't know how many years I have saved."

The yield of the foundation pills in the Earth Fire Palace is low, and two spiritual roots and above can get one for free. Other disciples must exchange them for merits, and there is no other way.

This is not only fair, but also effectively guarantees the inheritance of the sect.

"We're not good at fighting, and our luck is just ordinary. We didn't have a chance. Fortunately, Elder Tang is here. Just spend time sacrificing the treasure cauldron, and you will be able to accumulate enough merits in forty or fifty years."

Yu Shou said with worry and anticipation in his tone, "I only hope that the task of sacrificing the treasure cauldron will last for decades or hundreds of years!"

"I have inside information. This treasure cauldron is of great importance, and it takes hundreds of years of sacrifice to achieve greatness!"

Zhou Yi looked at the disciples who were lined up in a long queue, and they were practicing day and night, and they would definitely be promoted to Lingbao in five or six hundred years, and then asked, "Those families on the outer islands, with the accumulation of hundreds of years, should have some meritorious deeds, right? "

Hardware essence gas comes from a wide range of sources. In theory, ordinary copper and iron ore can also be extracted, while spirit ore is rich in quantity and is an extremely basic refining material.

The ancestors of the Waidao family or today there are real people who build foundations. The Earth Fire Palace has not had major turmoil for hundreds of years, and has accumulated a large number of spiritual mines.

Yu Shou nodded and said: "I heard that there are already several families that have exchanged 100,000 merits. Whether they have obtained the Foundation Establishment Pill or not, it is not something outsiders can know."

The Foundation Establishment Pill is too precious, and it is difficult for fellow disciples to fully trust it.

"Senior brother lined up first, junior brother remembered that the ground fire ban in Dongfu is not closed."

Zhou Yi's figure flickered and disappeared, he found a secluded place, and flew into the second floor of the Foreign Affairs Hall in the appearance of Elder Tang.


The first floor of the Hall of Foreign Affairs is responsible for issuing tasks and recording merits, and the second floor is where the deacon and other management are located.

Shibin is enjoying tea in a leisurely manner. The fire spirit tea tree growing near the crack of the earth vein sells dozens of spirit stones per leaf.

Many disciples in the sect were jealous, and said in private that Shi Bin was a dog-legged man, which did not prevent him from holding a high position.

A flash of light fell, Zhou Yi said with a smile.

"Have a good day."

"Meet Elder Tang!"

Shi Bin's response was very quick. He had probably practiced many times, and his body was almost on the ground. After inviting Zhou Yi to take his seat, he took out the high-quality Huoling tea that was always prepared, and brewed it skillfully and poured it respectfully.

"Elder, this is this year's new tea, you can taste it."

"Not bad!"

Zhou Yi tasted it, and strands of pure fire aura flowed through the viscera and meridians, and part of the body was tempered and part of it was turned into mana.

The gap between resources in the world of immortal cultivation is like heaven and earth, and mortals can reach the pinnacle of foundation building with the support of the ancestors of Nascent Soul. It is a little difficult to condense the golden elixir. With the power of the Dan Cauldron, it is difficult to gather ten kinds of elixir spirits.

"Pindao has just left the customs. I heard that many people rely on the sacrifice of the treasure cauldron to achieve 100,000 merits?"

"It is true that the Zongmen Foundation Establishment Pill has already exchanged most of the money, and part of it has to be reserved for the gift of high-quality spiritual roots."

Shi Bin nodded and replied, "In recent days, the disciples have been pondering, temporarily closing the exchange of foundation building pills, and reducing the Baoding reward, so as to avoid excessive meritorious achievements!"

"Baoding's relationship with sects must not be reduced!"

Zhou Yi waved his hand and dropped more than 20 pill bottles: "Not only can the reward not be reduced, it must be increased by 50%. Take all these foundation building pills, and when they are used up, come back to the elder. You take one for yourself, this is the reward of the elder, and in the future Do well!"

After the Xuanwu Treasure Armor is made, there are few people in the world who can hurt Zhou Yi again, and they can let go a little more when they do things.

Shi Bin simply did not bend down, and directly bowed and worshipped three times: "Thank you, Elder Tang, this disciple will go through fire and water, and die!"

"As for the proliferation of meritorious achievements, don't worry, you can use these spiritual ginseng to exchange for consumption..."

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, and poured out bundles of spiritual ginseng from the storage bag, ranging from a hundred years to five hundred years.

Spirit ginseng is an extremely versatile elixir, and most of the medicinal herbs that increase power will be added to increase the efficacy.

Shi Bin's eyes were straightened, so many ginsengs were eaten every day, even a pig could pile up to the foundation.

"Elder Tang's boxing heart, the disciples congratulate the same sect, and congratulate the sect!"

"Let's learn less, and practice well."

Zhou Yi listened very comfortably, and Shi Bin was very attentive in his work, and said: "After joining the sect, Pindao has been busy in seclusion and refining treasures, and has not yet fulfilled his elder obligations. Go and inform your disciples that at the end of each month, you will be in the Dharma Hall at the end of each month. A day of preaching and dispelling doubts.”

Preaching and dispelling doubts is an indispensable part of the inheritance of the sect. Many loose cultivators have been pondering problems for several years and decades, and the seniors of the sect can explain them clearly in a few sentences.

By avoiding detours and saving time, you can improve your cultivation as much as possible and increase the probability of foundation building and pill formation!

Shi Bin asked: "Dare to ask the elders to teach the Fa, what kind of cultivation base and how much merit do you need to qualify?"

"No conditions are required, as long as people can come."

Zhou Yi didn't have much attachment to the Earth Fire Palace, but he did not hesitate to give back some benefits. Moreover, by improving his worker's cultivation, he could better serve himself.

Mutual benefit is not exploitation!

Shi Bin was inexplicably moved, but felt that Elder Tang was tall and mighty, and was about to continue to flatter, only to find that he had disappeared.

"Elder Tang really pays attention to people. Everyone thinks that the Foundation Establishment Pill is just talking about it!"

After pondering for a moment, he informed Feng Yang of what Elder Tang said and did today, and soon after the summons, Yu Jian flew back.

"Do your best, don't contact me again!"


ten days later.

end of the month.

Dharma Hall.

In the middle of the night, some disciples sneaked over and tried to occupy the front row in the dark. Regardless of whether they understood it or not, Jin Dan Zhenjun had to pay close attention to his lectures.

As a result, when I entered the hall, I found that all the futons were full, and the corners were filled with disciples.

"Hey! When did Daoyou Yu come?"

"Yesterday, Zhenren Zhai finished teaching the Fa, and Pindao didn't leave, but he just waited one night!"

The disciple looked around carefully. Every floor tile was occupied by someone, and many of the students brought their own futons. In desperation, they had to go outside, occupying the best position next to the door.

"Next time Elder Tang teaches the Fa, Pindao will occupy the seat two days in advance!"

As time passed, the disciple became proud again. After all, the sense of superiority comes from comparison.

The plaza outside the Dharma Hall was filled with disciples before dawn, and some of the rich and powerful also spent spirit stones, trying to change their positions. A little further away there are other palaces, and the disciples are sitting on the roof, waiting for Elder Tang to arrive.

Noon is approaching.

70% of the disciples of the Earth Fire Palace came, and the remaining 30% were either in seclusion, or had jobs, or were not in the sect.

A flash of light descended, and Zhou Yi sat cross-legged on the platform.

The Master of Precepts stood up first, bowed and saluted: "Meet Elder Tang!"

"Meet Elder Tang!"

More than 2,000 disciples visited the shrine in unison, and the mountains were roaring with tsunamis, obviously admiring and respecting Elder Tang's selfless teaching.

"The poor way of teaching the law starts from the first level of Qi refining..."

Zhou Yi taught the Fa for several years in Dan Dingzong. At that time, all he taught were the essence of Lei Fa, which was very popular with the disciples. However, the Earth Fire Palace was different.

Let’s talk about the essence of Lei Fa again. It is estimated that nine out of ten disciples will start from the most basic when listening to Yunshan Mist Cover.

This also shows that Zhou Yi is at ease. When a ten thousand zhang tall building rises from the ground, the disciples of Qi refining can stabilize the foundation after listening to it, and the real person who builds the foundation will also gain something after listening to it.

"Take the basic five-element exercise as an example. When mana travels through the meridians, you need to pay attention to several barriers... When mana enters the dantian, there are the following matters, which must be avoided in practice..."

"These are just the basics. It can reduce the loss of spiritual energy as much as possible, and can avoid the mana surge and stagnation from damaging the Dantian meridian..."

Zhou Yi just opened his mouth to talk about the first level of Qi Refining, and most of the disciples looked disappointed, but as time passed, they all focused their attention and did not dare to miss any characters.

Among them, there were disciples with high comprehension, who followed Zhou Yi's teaching and began to adjust the path of cultivation practice, and the efficiency of spiritual energy refining increased by more than 10%.

Don't underestimate 10%, based on time calculation, 100 years of qi refining will save 10 years, not to mention that one step at a time is fast, and the success rate of foundation building at the age of 100 is not as high as that at the age of 80 or 90.

What Zhou Yi said is not uncommon in the Dan Ding Sect. The disciples can comprehend the tricks of mana cultivation by reading the ancient books of their predecessors. However, in the lack of resources, the sect will destroy the newly built East China Sea at every turn, which belongs to the inheritance that has never existed before.

This is the background of the big sect, from the inconspicuous subtleties have left the small sects far away!

at the same time.

In the Xuanhuo Palace.

Feng Yang used the circular light technique, and the hall above it was manifested. It was rumored that Zhou Yi was telling the subtle tricks of cultivating the first level and breaking through the second level.

"Elder Tang with such a profound background is definitely not from a loose cultivator. It is very likely that he is the true inheritor of a certain sect. He was afraid of fighting swords and hid in the East China Sea!"

"Ah, oh, um!"

The head Yuan Qi bowed and stood, unconsciously answering the Master's words, but in fact he was mostly immersed in listening to the Fa.

Feng Yang shook his head slightly, without reprimanding his disciples, he cast all what Zhou Yi said into the jade slip, which would be the inheritance of the Earth Fire Palace in the future.

"Elder Tang is really a blessing to the Earth Fire Palace. Back then, Wanbao couldn't let go of his skin. If he knew what happened today, he would definitely regret his bowels. Dan Dingzong will give the secret scripture of Nascent Soul, but this is related to the extension of the disciple. The inheritance of , will not be easily revealed!"

In the round light technique, Zhou Yi's words continued to be heard.

"...The first-level to second-level cultivation of Qi will be discussed here today, and you will be thinking about it when you go back."

"Pin Dao is talking about the body light technique and the body shape talisman, combined with the light power among the mortals, it is suitable for the disciples in the early stage of qi training to escape when they are defeated. Fen may escape!"

Zhou Yi has lived for eight hundred years, and the one he has learned the most is not lightning, but escape spells.

In the early and middle stages of qi refining, the mana is shallow, and the flying speed of the imperial weapon is far inferior to running wildly on the ground, but it is more suitable in the East China Sea. Attaching a water avoidance talisman can also reduce the magical power of the pursuer.

"Xiandao means that only by living can one cultivate to become an immortal!"

"So in the eyes of Pindao, escaping for one's life is far more important than killing. Mastering a high-level escape spell is equivalent to a ladder leading to the Immortal Dao..."

Zhou Yi talked eloquently, instilling in the disciples of the Earth Fire Palace the idea of ​​escaping and saving life first, which was completely different from the loyalty and sacrifice that Zongmen had promoted in the past.

Many disciples blushed when they heard it, but felt that Elder Tang was too timid, and felt quite reasonable!

Feng Yang looked stunned and sighed helplessly.

"I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to let Elder Tang join the sect!"


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