I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 596 The probability of being struck by lightning is higher

Xiao Bailong's idea didn't come true in the end, and Zheng Yichen had already run away. At this time, let's not talk about whether he can find it or not, because something will happen to them in the past.

"It's...the death walker." Nellie said to Elpheus. The death walker didn't dare to do anything near Landon City, but it would be different if he stayed away from here.

"They really have the guts." Alpheus touched Dacia Filo's head. This little white dragon that has turned into a human form looks more and more cute from a human aesthetic point of view.

And Dacia Filo opened her mouth in dissatisfaction and wanted to bite that hand.

The two saintesses of light did not return to Landon City, but waited here. If an ominous curse really erupted from the direction Zheng Yichen left, then Elpheus would pass.

After more than an hour, Zheng Yichen watched the flesh and blood completely rotten, leaving only the bones of the broken arm, rubbed his chin with one hand, and grabbed the cat spirit hanging from the cat spirit's cloak, the cat spirit was still listless look.

It doesn't look like it's going to hang up.

"Did the analysis reveal anything?" Zheng Yichen asked Lilith behind him. After there were no outsiders, Lilith directly projected it in the form of a full picture.

"No, the environmental monitoring is normal, and there are no abnormal factors." Lilith called out the environmental monitoring data while talking, and adjusted it to the kind that Zheng Yichen could understand.

The broken arm of the god corpse was indeed decaying naturally, and there was no 'curse' leaked during the process, and the cat spirit... the cat spirit's cloak was not damaged, and Lilith didn't care about that kind of pet.

"So Xiaobai Tuanzi is still very powerful, the characteristics of the gods?" Zheng Yichen stretched out his hand and squeezed Bai Tuanzi, and the Bai Tuanzi still covered the severed arm remained extremely flexible.

As for how the Baituanzi eliminates the anomaly of the broken arm, Zheng Yichen probably has something to do with its own orderly power. Order can restore things affected by chaos to normal... No, it should be said to be a kind of correction.

The natural decay of the broken arm of the god corpse should be due to the abnormal characteristics being corrected by Bai Tuanzi's power of order.


There was a slight sound, fine cracks appeared on the broken arm that had rotted into a bone, and the complete hand bone quickly shattered into a pile of slag, but Bai Tuanzi still did not return to its original appearance.

The body squirmed into a ball taller than Zheng Yichen, and the ball squirmed and shrank.

The corners of Zheng Yichen's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help saying: "Cute things also have a scary side."

Such a big severed arm was eaten by Bai Tuanzi like this? Although the process is eliminated in the form of decay, it is indeed similar to Bai Tuanzi digesting it in the eyes of outsiders.

It's also pretty scary.

bah bah——

After Bai Tuanzi shrank to a certain extent, he spit out bone-like fragments. Zheng Yichen picked them up, which were similar to the ashes of the great evil god.

But the number is very small, only two. Zheng Yichen looked at it and put it in Lilith's hand. Lilith could touch the real thing long ago.

"Boss, the nature of this thing is similar to the fragments of the great evil god, but not as good as the fragments of the great evil god. It can still be used as raw materials."

Lilith reported the analysis results to Zheng Yichen.

"Then let's store it first, anyway, we already have a big collection room now."

The size of 35×35×35 is already very large. It is no problem to say that it is a warehouse. After completing this upgrade, Lilith has adjusted the spider robot in the built-in space, not to enlarge that kind of thing, but to It is an additional optimization of the form of that kind of thing.

Divided into eight smaller ones, although the shape has shrunk, it can react faster and take out the things in each area at the fastest speed.

"The crisis is resolved." After Lilith put the two fragments of the god corpse into the built-in space, she released the Reality Interference Domain.

"Let's go back." Zheng Yichen got on the motorcycle, and Lilith naturally sat sideways on the back seat.

On the way back, Zheng Yichen's speed was not fast. He squeezed the white dumpling with one hand and checked the changes of Xiaobai. The white dumpling that had returned to its normal form did not resist in Zheng Yichen's hands. .

"It doesn't seem to have changed?" The baituanzi was stretched to more than one meter, and the moment Zheng Yichen let go, the baituanzi bounced back like a rubber band.

Thinking about the form that Bai Tuanzi was able to wrap the severed arm of the god corpse before, Zheng Yichen felt that it would not be a big problem to stretch Bai Tuanzi a few hundred meters.

Form change and solidification——

After shaping Baituanzi into a long sword, he raised his eyebrows slightly once, feeling the change of Baituanzi. After the form was temporarily solidified, Baituanzi's current form became more stable, or stable.

Compared with the last time it was used in the Furnace of Chaos, Bai Tuanzi's deformed weapon now has more 'bones', while the previous transformation was purely to harden the body, without the characteristics of bone support.

Baituanzi upgraded? Zheng Yichen wanted to turn around and go back to Cardenas, and asked the knowledgeable green dragon Gal to ask what was going on. It would be even better if he could meet that god corpse on the way...

Looking at Xiaobai's deformed form, Zheng Yichen tried to use the Xiayang sword technique, but failed.

Obviously, although this change of Baituanzi is in the shape of a sword, its nature is not a 'weapon' in the true sense, or it is its material or nature that prevents the sword raising technique from being effective.

No, no, no, Zheng Yichen didn't care that much.

Put the white dumpling on the handlebar again, and then wait for the cat spirit to return to normal, and then the god corpse...

"Wow wow——" Zheng Yichen heard Dacia Filo's cry from a long distance away, and after seeing his figure from a distance, Dacia Filo tried to break free from Elpheus' embrace, But although the power of the young dragon is not weak, compared with the grown-up Saintess of Light... not enough.

The white young dragon who didn't break free could only yell casually.

There is a reason why Elpheus didn't let Dacia Filo go. Nellie had sensed the traces of the death walker before, and the distance between Zheng Yichen and Dacia Filo was not close, so she ran over by herself to cause an accident. The possibility is not low.

It wasn't until Zheng Yichen came over completely that Elpheus let go of Bai Xiaolong who was still struggling.

Dacia Filo, who was flying in the air, hung directly in Zheng Yichen's arms, howling about the unfair treatment she received here.

Zheng Yichen threw her into the hands of that big-hearted woman who has been trying to drown her with those two clumps of fat...

"Eh?" Zheng Yichen tapped Dacia Filo on the head: "Don't talk nonsense."

Children are still young, but they are young, so they need to be educated well, and children should not be allowed to do whatever they want just because they are too young.

Under the aggrieved gaze of Dacia Filo, Zheng Yichen smiled, and said to Alpheus and the others: "The matter has been resolved, and there should be no future troubles."

As he spoke, he took out a fragment of the god's corpse: "This is the residue after processing the thing."

"Remnant?" Elpheus' relaxed expression turned cautious. She looked at the fragment in Zheng Yichen's hand. Judging from the perception of breath, there was nothing abnormal about this thing. After reaching out to pick it up, she felt a little tingling.

This kind of fragment retains the power to erode the real environment of some god corpses. At the same time, this kind of thing also has the effect of inducing malice. It doesn't matter what kind of malice it is, as long as it is malicious, it is a pure malice.

"This thing...is very dangerous." Elpheus handed this thing to Zheng Yichen with a serious expression on his face. She felt her fingers tingle when she touched it, but it was as ordinary as a stone in Zheng Yichen's hands.

Worried that Zheng Yichen would appear indifferent to this thing, Elpheus added: "This thing still carries pure malice, and it will intensify all kinds of malice it touches."

"I see." Zheng Yichen nodded and put the thing away. This thing was spit out by Bai Tuanzi, which is equivalent to the kind that Bai Tuanzi couldn't digest... crystallization, no, stones.

Then he continued under the surprised gazes of Elpheus and Nellie: "I suddenly became interested in things like god corpses. Is there any way for you to find such things?"

Although dealing with the God Corpse can't suck blood, allowing him to acquire new features, but after Bai Tuanzi's treatment, the God Corpse has become an explosive boss in Zheng Yichen's eyes. I'm really sorry if I don't fight such a boss. Own.

"You..." Nellie was at a loss for words for a while, Zheng Yichen is now interested in something that even the true gods can't avoid?

As for why Zheng Yichen encountered the god corpse before, neither she nor Elpheus thought it was a coincidence. The god corpse was exiled in the turbulent flow of space, because the normal seal or other suppression methods would be blocked by the gods. The corpse hates all malice in the world and corrodes and damages it.

Can't hold back.

The god corpse exiled in the turbulent flow of space will only drift aimlessly, and the god corpse does not have space-related abilities, unless the true god had space-related power during his lifetime.

There is no space-related ability, and the god corpse will not be able to escape normally in the turbulent flow of space. Unless the god corpse drifting is guided by something, that kind of pure malice will have a chance to play a role, allowing the god corpse to rely on its own strength. The force dug a hole in the turbulent flow of space.

This kind of condition means that the guidance must have a clear direction, otherwise the pure malice of the god corpse cannot be concentrated in the past, and thus play a role in the turbulent flow of space.

Because the god corpse itself is already in a dead state, without self, and can't find a clear target in the turbulent flow of empty space. That kind of pure malice is a state of aimless distribution, which is not enough to bring harm to the environment. Substantial impact.

So Zheng Yichen will encounter the god corpse, it must be that there is something that can guide the god corpse in the place he passes by...

Otherwise, it would be too coincidental, a coincidence that is almost impossible, if Zheng Yichen is really unlucky... Then why didn't he get struck by lightning?

The probability of being struck by lightning is higher than the probability of encountering a corpse.

Landon City, Church of Light.

Several saintesses of light looked at the fragments of the divine corpse that Zheng Yichen took out. Lilian, the youngest, wanted to reach out and touch them, but Alpheus stretched out her hand and hit the back of her hand. It didn't hurt, but let this saintess of light Slightly pursing his mouth, he took his hand back.

"The god's corpse was solved just like that? Could it be a fake?" Lilian asked a little bit guilty. It was a god's corpse, and it was something that Father God focused on when he was having dinner with Father God. God has explained it.

The god corpse may not be very powerful, but after encountering it, you must not cause too many conflicts. Even if a battle occurs, just guide the god corpse to an area where no one is there, and don't think about destroying that kind of thing.

However, the not necessarily powerful statement about the corpse of a god is limited to true gods.

"It's not solved, it's just that an arm was cut off. I'll try my head next time."

"...It's useless. The god corpse is the death of the true god. The body is just a manifestation of hating everything in the world. There is not much difference between beheading and beheading." Lilian said what she knew about it carefully, and looked at it carefully. A look at Alpheus.

However, she found that the holy sister was looking at her with soft eyes, which made Lilian regretfully let go of those little thoughts.

Her eyes turned to the white ball on top of Zheng Yichen's head, and Longdasia Filo was standing on the back of the chair, staring at the white ball without feeling dangerous at all, ready to reach out and pull it down at any time.

And Bai Tuanzi, who was picked up, will soon persevere in reoccupying the high ground.

What is this thing? She didn't think it was too miraculous, but she knew that the origin of this thing was unusual. This thing gnawed the broken arm of the god's corpse and wiped out that thing, but it didn't trigger the outbreak of vicious curses.

Lilian took another look at the fragment, thinking that the curse belonging to the god corpse might have broken out, but it remained in another form, the kind of fragment of the god corpse that she wanted to touch very much.

"And if you don't completely wipe out the god corpse, the god corpse will return to normal soon, just like the god corpse you dealt with. If you leave it alone, there may be an extra god corpse, or that A monster resembling a god corpse is derived from the arm."

Lilian said with her hips crossed, as if she had wiped out the broken arm of the god's corpse.

There is also Bai Tuanzi, the young saint couldn't help but take another look, she was very curious how Bai Tuanzi eliminated the broken arm of the god corpse, and at the same time was not affected by the curse of the broken arm of the god corpse.

Zheng Yichen took off the white dumpling from his head and threw it to the curious Lilian. Behind him, Dacia Filo lay down on Zheng Yichen's head. She had been staring at this position for a long time.

She didn't learn Transfiguration before, and when she was hanging on Zheng Yichen's back, she liked to rest her head on top of Zheng Yichen's head, and this habit still hasn't changed after learning it.

"How did this little thing do it—" Lilian squeezed the white dumpling in her hand, and was puzzled. She didn't feel too much power from the white dumpling, at least not as good as a demigod.

The toughness is quite high. She has been in contact with a lot of materials. Judging from the temptation to pull after touching it, the physical strength of this thing should be higher than those life-type demigods.

But this is still not enough to destroy the arm of the god corpse and bear the curse.

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