The sun was setting in the west.

In the second courtyard of the Cang family's mansion,

Cang Xue was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. The little brat was alone, fighting with two big dogs, Wangcai and Laifu, for three hundred rounds.

Old Wang sat on the stone mill, gulping down the clear well water in the white porcelain bowl.

"The well water in our village is sweet and refreshing."

Putting down the big white bowl, wiping his mouth, Old Wang lit his pipe and started smoking.

In the kitchen, the dusty girl seemed to have taken a bath in the dust. She was barefoot, standing on a small stool, beating eggs skillfully with her left hand, and beating the egg white and yolk with chopsticks in her right hand.

Then sprinkle some fine salt into the bowl, and add warm water.

Finally, put the bowl into the steaming steamer.

Under the shade of the tree, the little kid and two big dogs, with a pair of small hands and four paws, were playing turtle punches crazily.

The aroma of egg custard and the childish and crisp laughter.

The sunset light splashed on his body, and Old Wang squinted his eyes, looking particularly peaceful.


When the blazing sun completely sank into the horizon,

Old Wang stood up with the help of the stone mill, fetched his walking stick, and walked towards the backyard of the Cang family.


Pushing open the side room door next to the main house, what came into Old Wang's sight were the ancestors of the Cang family, as well as the founder of the opera world, Emperor Xuanzong.

His vicissitudes of life swept down the hill of tablets.

Old Wang supported himself with a cane and slowly knelt down.

"The younger generation Wang Haoyang, apologize to the ancestors of the Cang family"

"In the second year of Fuling, there was a severe drought in Wei State. The old well at the entrance of the village, which had fed more than ten generations of villagers, dried up."

"If there is no water for hundreds of acres of corn seedlings, they will die out in a moment."

"My ancestors, I cannot bear to see this land that gave birth to me and raised me being overrun with starving people."

"I sincerely hope that in ten years, every night in Changliu Village, every household will still have lights on."

"I sincerely hope that in ten years, Changliu Village will still be green and beautiful, and children can run wildly in the mountains and fields."

"The corn seedlings in the field are taller than people. The fish and shrimps in the green river are so numerous that they overflow the water tank."

"Sacrifice a child of the Cang family in exchange for a glimmer of hope in the future."

Old Wang threw away his crutches and said in a vicissitudes of life:"Ancestors of the Cang family, Wang Haoyang, the descendant with a beastly heart in human form, kowtows to you."

"The villagers are innocent. I will bear all the sins."

"A horse that died of running, an ox that died of exhaustion, no matter what you become in your next life, even if you fall into the eighteenth level of hell, your descendants will have no regrets."

After knocking his head three times, Old Wang moved his knees and faced the direction of the Cang family's kitchen.

"Girl, if God grants my wish, I am willing to be your slave for nine lifetimes."

"It doesn't matter if you scold me or beat me. It doesn't matter if you skin me alive or cut me into pieces."

"Girl, grandpa kowtows to you"

"You can afford this one."

The yellow soil embedded in the wrinkles was in close contact with the soil on the brick floor of the Cang Family Ancestral Hall.


When Old Wang walked out of the Cang family ancestral hall, he happened to see the girl fetching two buckets of water from the Cang family's private well.

Old Wang asked,"Girl, it's getting dark, are you still going to water the seedlings?"

The girl shook her head and said,"Grandpa Wang, I'm going to carry these two buckets of water to your house."

"My home?!"

Looking at the faint smile on the girl's face, Old Wang had a complicated expression.

It's not that Old Wang hadn't thought about tying the girl up and taking only the water from the Cang family without hurting her life.

But the girl was too strong-willed and vowed to protect the Cang family even if it meant every blade of grass and tree in the Cang family.

An old man and a child walked out of the Cang family's gate.

The girl carrying the water was in front, walking and stopping, and looking back from time to time to see if Old Wang had caught up.

Old Wang looked at the little girl whose back was bent by the two wooden barrels, and his heart was extremely entangled.

It was as if two horses were pulling his arms.

One horse was called humanity, telling him not to do evil.

The other was called reason, telling him to think about the poor villagers.

Old Wang just felt extremely painful.

He was going to be torn apart by two horses.

The moonlight shone on the little girl.

Old Wang suddenly felt that the things in front of him were blurred.

The turbid water washed the gully.

Wang Haoyang had no regrets.

But he felt guilty.


The next day.

It was light.

Beside the bluestone well in the backyard of the Cang family.

Cang Xue, who had been guarding the well all night, woke up early, carried the sleeping kid to the west wing, and then carried two buckets of water out of the yard.

In the Wang family courtyard, Old Man Wang and his son Wang Ye, one squatted on the doorstep, the other stood on the small earthen slope, both looking at the ancient road leading to Changliu Village.

When the sun shines on the mountains.

The sound of loud ballads echoes among the thousands of peaks.

"I traveled with my daughter to the Nine Rivers, the wind blew and the waves raged.

I rode on the waterwheel with a lotus leaf, my heart soared and majestic.


The waves are rolling to welcome me, and the rain is falling like a cascade."

A middle-aged Taoist priest came walking on the ancient road, wearing a yin-yang Taoist robe, with his hair tied up but not wearing a crown.

Under his crotch was a small white donkey, and his waist was hung with an unsheathed peach wood sword.

A three-thousand-color white silk whisk was inserted diagonally at the back of his neck.

"This song should only exist in heaven, how many times can people hear it? Wahaha~"

After the song, the Taoist priest took off the yellow gourd from his waist.

He pulled out the wooden plug and put the mouth of the gourd into his mouth.

"" Gulp gulp~" The Taoist priest, who drank half a gourd of spicy wine and had a face as red as a monkey's butt, bent his middle finger and flicked his donkey's big ears.

With a strong smell of alcohol, he laughed and said,"Shenfeng, you will stay here for a long time. The reward is rich, enough for us to have delicious fish and meat, good wine and beautiful women, and live a carefree life for more than three or four months."

"When you return with gold and silver, the master will find you a beautiful donkey, Wahaha."

With a hearty laugh, the Taoist priest inserted the gourd into the donkey's mouth.

"The whole world is clear, but I am the only one who is turbid; everyone is awake, but I am the only one who is drunk"

"Drink with big mouthfuls"


The laughter stopped abruptly, and the man and the donkey fell into the ravine.


"Wuliang, you stupid ass, you are leading me into a ditch again"


On the first day.

On the second day.

At noon on the third day.

The father and son of the Wang family stood in front of the courtyard gate, staring at the ancient road leading to Changliu Village.

"Our village is only half a day's walk from Tongqiu Town. It's been three days, why hasn't Taoist Huang Cang come yet?"

Old Wang looked at his son and frowned,"Are you sure you have discussed it with Taoist Huang Cang?"

Wang Ye nodded quickly,"One life, one hundred taels of silver"

"Each household contributed two taels"

"Taoist Huangcang vowed that he would come the day before yesterday."

Old Wang said with a sad face,"It's already today. We can wait, but the corn seedlings in the field can't last long."

Wang Ye said worriedly,"Dad, people have no water to drink, and neither do the birds and animals."

"The wild animals in the mountains have been extremely violent recently. I heard they attacked several villages."

"Do you think that Taoist Huang might be eaten by wolves, tigers and leopards on the way?"

Old Wang scolded,"Taoist Huang has magic skills, why would he be afraid of wild animals? Don't talk nonsense."


The sun was high in the sky.

I went to a quiet village.

On the side of the road, there were three big characters written on a bluestone as tall as a person.

"Changliu Village, we have finally arrived."

The middle-aged Taoist priest with disheveled hair, cracked lips and blood on his face patted his clothes.

After patting off the dust on his robe, he took out the whisk stuck at the back of his neck.

The man was in front and the donkey was behind.

They walked slowly towards Changliu Village.

An inadvertent glance.

In the field under the slope beside the road, a thin figure was bending over to pull seedlings.

The wind suddenly blew off the straw hat and blew up the bangs.

Looking at the little girl's scarlet half forehead with a hideous birthmark as red as fresh flesh and blood, the Taoist priest's two dark pupils suddenly shrank.

With a hiss, he took a deep breath.

"What a scary birthmark!"

"Wuliang, his mother, the Heavenly Venerable~"

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