The moon was cold and the stars were sparse.

Lights were on in every house.

After returning to Lingshi County, Cao Gang sent Bai Liu and a dozen constables home and came to Crouching Tiger Lane alone.

He looked up at the high hanging plaque with the words"Chen Mansion" on it, and Cao Gang carefully and carefully brushed off the dust on his clothes.

After confirming that his clothes were clean, Cao Gang took two steps forward and knocked gently on the vermilion door.

Soon, with a creaking sound, the door was opened a crack, and an old face peeked out.

"It's so late, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Captain Cao."

Cao Gang bowed to the old man and said,"Butler Wang, I have something urgent to see Lord Chen. Please inform him."

"Wait a moment."

After an incense stick of time,

Cao Gang entered Chen's house, walked through the long corridors of the mansion, and came to the back garden. What caught Cao Gang's eyes was an extremely strange and absurd picture.

He saw a man in his fifties, wearing brocade and jade clothes, with a wide and fat body and skin as white and delicate as a baby. He held a jade pipe in his left hand and puffed out clouds of smoke, and held three dog ropes in his right hand. The people tied by the ropes were not dogs, but three women.

The three women were naked, crawling on all fours, following the man slowly. women.

The oldest one was about 20 years old, and the youngest was only 15 or 16 years old.

Cao Gang recognized that these three women were the 24th, 25th, and 26th concubines of Master Chen Chong.

With a thud.

Cao Gang suddenly knelt on his knees, his eyes closed, and his forehead hit the hard ground paved with pebbles. At the same time, he exerted force with both hands, and his nails almost dug into the ground.

His voice was hoarse and trembling, and he said:"I didn't know that you and the three ladies were watching the moon here. I am so reckless. Please dig out my eyes!"

The man said coldly:"They are just three beasts. Do you have to do that? Get up."

Cao Gang swallowed his saliva with lingering fear, climbed up, and said respectfully to the man:"Thank you, sir"

"I just had dinner and I have a lot of food left, so I thought I'd go out for a walk."

"What about you? It's getting dark, why are you coming to me instead of staying at home with your wife and children? What can't be discussed tomorrow?" the man asked expressionlessly.

Cao Gang hesitated and said softly:"Sir, I met a boy who is only fifteen years old today."

"Judging from his vigorous Qi and blood, his cultivation is at least at the sixth level."

"His sword skills and sword intentions were so extraordinary and fierce that even a humble person would be terrified."

"If you can recruit him, you will soon have a top-notch master in the Overturning Sea Realm."

The man frowned and said,"Overturning Sea Realm? Is it very powerful?"

Cao Gang said in a deep voice,"In such a large country like Wei, there is only one person in the Overturning Sea Realm. It is quite powerful."


The man's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Cao Gang"

"I obey your orders!"

"Go and bring this young man to me, no matter what the cost.

Cao Gang said solemnly,"I obey your command.~"


The next day.

The sky was leaden.

There was a thin layer of frost on the ground, and the cold air penetrated into the bones.

Xizhuang Village.

With a creaking sound, the door of the Lan family was pushed open. The young man held a shoulder pole in one hand and a bucket in the other, breathing out white air, and walked towards the well at the end of the village.

"Ah Fei~"

A voice suddenly called out from behind, and the boy turned around


The word"brother" made Cao Gang so happy that he showed his white teeth,"You haven't eaten yet, come on, brother will take you to eat the government food today."

Ah Fei shook his head and refused,"Brother, please don't bother me to spend money, I still have to fetch water."

"Bai Liu!"

Cao Gang shouted coldly.

Not far away, Bai Liu, who was squatting on the curb with his hands in his pockets and shivering, hurried over.

He laughed and said,"My lord, please tell me what you want." Cao Gang said expressionlessly,"Today you are a servant of the Lan family. You have to do whatever the Lan family tells you to do. Do you understand?"

Bai Liu nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ah Fei's brows were full of helplessness.


Half an hour later.

In the canteen of Lingshi County Yamen.

On the long rosewood table, there were dozens of carefully prepared dishes.

Mushroom stewed chicken, Dongpo pork, braised crucian carp, eight-treasure porridge, etc.

For Ah Fei, who had lived for fifteen years and had eaten meat so many times that he could count them with his hands, this table of delicious food was something he could only dream about.

"Come on, Ah Fei, don't be polite, eat as much as you want.

Cao Gang served Ah Fei a full bowl of white rice.

"Thank you very much."

Picking up the big white bowl, Ah Fei didn't pretend to be shy and just picked up a piece of Dongpo pork that was as red as agate and stuffed it into his mouth.

It was soft but not mushy, fatty but not greasy.

It was a delicacy!

Cao Gang kept picking up food for Ah Fei, and his face was full of the kind smile of an old father.

"Ah Fei."

The man just called out softly, and the boy immediately put down his bowl and chopsticks.

"It's okay, you eat yours, I'll talk about mine."

The boy shook his head,"My mother taught me to listen carefully when the elders talk."

The elder

Cao Gang smiled even more,"It's okay, you eat first, I'll talk after you finish eating.""



After an incense stick of time,

Ah Fei put down his bowl and chopsticks, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped his mouth.

"Brother Cao, I'm done eating, go ahead and talk."

Cao Gang picked up the wine cup and drank it all.

"Ah Fei, do you know how much this big table of food costs?"

Ah Fei hesitated for a while and said uncertainly:"Three or four taels of silver?"

Cao Gang nodded and shook his head.

"In an inn outside, three or four taels of silver would be enough, but here, in the public canteen of the county government, it only costs one copper coin.

"A copper coin?!" Ah Fei was shocked and said,"One copper coin?!"

Cao Gang picked up the teapot and filled the boy's teacup.

"Ah Fei, you should have farmed before, right?"

The boy nodded.

Cao Gang smiled and said,"Then you should know about taxes."

"All the people of Wei, whether engaged in business or farming, had to pay a portion of their income as tax."

"Zhang San harvested 30 kilograms of corn this year and must pay 10 kilograms of tax to the government."

"Li Si killed a pig today and obtained a total of 100 kilograms of pork. He must pay 30 kilograms of tax to the government."

"Wang Wu's net profit from buying vegetables today is 60 copper coins. He must pay 20 copper coins in tax to the government."

"Regardless of whether it is our Wei Kingdom or other countries, there are two things that all people of the Immortal Gang cannot escape in their lives:"

"One is breathing, and the other is paying taxes."

Cao Gang drank another glass of wine and continued,"For other people to eat a table full of fish and meat, it would cost three taels of silver, or three thousand copper coins, but for the government officials, it would only cost one."

"Because the other 2,999 coins were spent with taxpayers' money."

"How many ordinary people can hardly afford even two meals a day?"

"How many children are malnourished, skinny and withered, while the nobles are eating delicacies from land and sea."

"The amount of food wasted by Lingshi County Government in one day could feed one or two thousand people."

"If converted into silver, it could easily feed seven or eight thousand people by buying corn."

"Now, you should know why so many people have been trying to get into the temple."

"Not to mention being an official, even a small position of a constable can be passed down from grandfather to son, from son to grandson, generation after generation, endlessly."

After hearing Jun's words, Ah Fei was stunned.

Looking at the dumbfounded young man, Cao Gang was very satisfied.

"You've had enough to eat and drink. Let's go. I'll take you to the brothel to have some fun."

Cao Gang stood up and called Ah Fei.

The middle-aged man and the young man quickly left the Lingshi County Office.

…… ps: The Flying Bird chapter will be finished soon, the next chapter will be the Cang Xue chapter.

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