The Zhao Mansion, which was completely silent, immediately became like a drop of water falling into a boiling oil pan with the roar of the explosion.

Under the moonlight, Ah Fei lightly tapped his toes and instantly jumped several feet away. In a flash, he escaped from the magnificent mansions of the Zhao family.

Suddenly, the running boy turned his head.

A dozen feet away, on a roof.

A tall girl in white clothes stood there.

Under the moonlight that seemed to be frost and snow, the girl's clothes fluttered.

While extending her left arm forward, her right arm was raised high back.

In her right hand, she tightly grasped a long sword that was more than three feet long.

The girl's peach blossom eyes were full of murderous intent, aiming at the fleeing boy. Her slender figure drove her entire right arm and threw the long sword fiercely.

Amid the screams of ghosts and wolves, the long sword wrapped in the power of wind and thunder was like a blazing lightning that cut through the night sky.

In an instant, it crossed with the thin figure of the boy.

A large amount of blood was splashed.

The sword's might was not reduced at all, and it pierced into the depths of the long night.

The young man, like a bird with broken wings, fell straight from the roof.


Under the moonlight, the peach-eyed girl followed the eye-catching bloodstains on the ground and chased out of Wolong Lane.

Just as she rushed out of the lane, the girl's two dark pupils suddenly shrank.

The boy, whose entire right arm was almost cut off by the thunderous sword, was hiding in the shadows at the corner.

The girl rushed too fast, and the distance between her and the boy was only two or three steps.

The boy suddenly smiled at the girl.

The smile was like water overflowing from the cracked ice.

The left hand hidden in the sleeve quickly raised back and smashed the object in the palm of his hand at the girl.

It was... an oil paper bag.

The moment a look of doubt climbed onto the girl's oval face.

The oil paper bag in the air exploded.

The rolling lime powder instantly submerged the girl.

The next moment, the wild hunting wind swept in without warning.

The lime powder in the sky was like a plowed field, rolling back to both sides.

The boy saw a white and tender jade palm.

The speed was too fast.

Although his eyes had caught it, his body could not do anything to avoid it. He gently patted his chest with his bare hands.

With the sound of bones breaking, the boy's body immediately became like a cannonball.

In mid-air, he spat out a mouthful of blood.


After an incense stick of time, the towering mountains covered with frost seemed like independent goddesses, silently overlooking the desperate boy.

With a muffled bang, the boy suddenly fell down, biting a mouthful of mud.

After struggling to get up, the boy stretched out his left hand and reached into his chest.

He quickly felt out a piece of iron plate more than an inch thick.

In the middle of the iron plate, there was an extremely clear palm print.

"Is this the fourth-rank warrior who stands at the end of the martial arts?!"

A Fei whispered.

If the iron plate had not offset 70% to 80% of the girl's strength, that palm would have easily collapsed his chest.

There would not be a single intact sternum left.

He glanced sideways at his right shoulder, which was covered in blood and had visible bones.

A Fei gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and looked up at the towering mountain in the distance, which seemed to rise into the outer space.


Small town.

Wolong Lane.

The Zhao family mansion was brightly lit.

The maid ran into the main hall with small steps, carrying a half-copper basin of vinegar.

In the wing room of Zhao Jin, the ninth prince of Wei.

A woman in her twenties, dressed in a goose yellow skirt, looked expressionlessly at the young man who was nailed to death on the embroidered bed by a wooden sword.

In her apricot eyes, the murderous aura was so thick that it seemed to flow out.

Master Zhao Huairen, the housekeeper of the Zhao family, and a group of male servants and maids all bowed their heads in silence.

A few minutes later.

The woman came to the main hall.

At this time, the girl with peach blossom eyes, who had washed off the lime powder on her face with vinegar, was holding a small calligraphy brush and writing on the rice paper.

After a dozen breaths, the girl put down the brush and handed the rice paper to the woman

"Sister Liufeng, this is the assassin's true appearance.

The woman named Liufeng stared at the young man on the rice paper.

"Sister Liufeng, what should we do now?"

The girl with peach blossom eyes looked cold.

"The death of the dragon son is bound to cause a stir in the capital of Wei. This is a serious matter. Sister Xue, I must return to the capital of Wei as soon as possible to inform His Majesty of this incident."

"As for the assassin, although he was poisoned by your Fire Palm, there is no guarantee that this young man does not have a way to detoxify."

"Sister, take Qing Falcon to chase him. We must find him alive or dead."

Liu Feng said in a serious tone.

"Fire poison, sword wounds, and palm wounds, this boy can't run far"

"Sister, I will definitely bring the assassin back, whether alive or dead."

Hui Xue gritted her teeth and said

"I hope so."

Liu Feng opened her cherry lips slightly and whispered:"The sky of Wei is about to change.~"


A quarter of an hour later.

At the entrance of Wolong Lane.

There gathered dozens of warriors secretly raised by the Zhao family. There were ninth-rank warriors who had just stepped into the threshold of martial arts, and there were also quite a few eighth-rank warriors.

At this moment, all the warriors' eyes were focused on the girl with peach blossom eyes.

The girl was dressed in flowing white, with a long sword hanging from her waist, and a falcon with lush green feathers stood on her shoulder.

The girl squatted down, and there were drops of deep red on the cobblestone alley that was wet after the rain.

This was the blood of the young assassin.

The girl stretched out a finger and dipped a little blood.

Then she put the bloody finger in front of the falcon's beak.

The spiritual falcon pecked lightly.

Soon it flapped its wings.

Like an arrow from a bow, it rushed into the night.

""Follow me~" the girl shouted softly, leading a dozen warriors to chase Qing Falcon away


At the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Tao Da and Xiao San Er look like big and small door gods.

The tree is full of dense peach leaves, and suddenly there is no wind and they rustle.

It seems that they are warmly welcoming the owner of the footsteps approaching from afar. The young man with a bag on his back, holding an iron sword, and a face as pale as paper, kneels down in front of the cave with a plop.

"Master, am I being too reckless?"

"Master, I am leaving."

"I don't know where to go."

The moon is bright and the sky is full of stars.

Ah Fei couldn't help but think of the days he spent with his master.

He was sweating profusely, practicing swordplay under the shade of two peach trees.

The master of the red python dropped the python's head on the ground, lying at the entrance of the cave, lazily basking in the sun.

One man and one python, they spent many years together.

"Master, I will definitely come back."

"When I have seen the turbulent waves of the East China Sea, the majestic glaciers stretching for thousands of miles in the Far North, and the stars falling from the sky on Zhaoyao Mountain,……"

"Maybe in two or three years, maybe in seven or eight years, I will come back."

"By then, I will stay with Master and never leave.~"

""Master, goodbye~"

The boy slammed his forehead heavily on the ground.

After a long time, the boy with a red forehead slowly stood up.

He took a deep look at the cave and turned away.

It was pitch black, like an inkwell. In the depths of the cave, two candles seemed to be lit.

A breeze blew out of the cave.

It kept blowing beside the boy.

In the wind, the familiar whisper of the master sounded vaguely.


The young man who had come down the mountain suddenly looked up.

There was nothing on the cliff.

There were only two peach trees.

The peach leaves on the trees were rustling.

Once you enter the rivers and lakes, it is as deep as the sea.

From then on, a flying bird will never return to the cage.

That day, the young man went to the rivers and lakes with a sword.

He never came back~

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