October 23, the fourteenth year of Fuling.


The night was dark, and the rain and fog were thick and cold.

A huge white crane flew through the rain and fog like an arrow shot from a bow.

The barefoot boy in white clothes riding on the crane's back had his eyes slightly closed.

Drops of rain fell on the boy's handsome and enchanting face, shattering into fragmented crystal rain flowers.

The Pig King, who was caught by the white crane's claws, was like a prey. Countless raindrops hit his body like hidden weapons shot by a peerless master. The wind blade, which was sharper than a knife blade, cut his body. The Pig King, who was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe, endured it and swore in his heart that he would beat the dead girl's butt into thousands of petals.

Zhu Jiuyin suddenly opened his red eyes and sent out a divine thought.

The stupid crane's incredible speed slowly slowed down.

In the rain and fog, Zhu Jiuyin looked around

""Nanzhu, what's wrong?" the Pig King asked.

Zhu Jiuyin said uncertainly:"Why do I feel like we are flying north~"

The Pig King said:"The rain is too heavy and the fog is too thick. You can't tell the direction clearly, let alone the stupid Crane.~"

"How about we take a rest for the night and set off again at dawn tomorrow?"

Zhu Jiuyin:"That's the only way."

Without Zhu Jiuyin sending out his divine thoughts, the stupid crane immediately dived toward the ground.

After a few breaths, when it was more than a hundred feet above the ground, the stupid crane suddenly released its claws.



The majestic outlines of the mountains and ridges in the rain and fog were completely invisible, blending into the night.

Zhu Jiuyin stood with his hands behind his back on the muddy ancient road.

After waiting for a long time, the Pig King finally limped out from the forest.

"Where is the gust of wind? I must fry this stupid crane today!"

Zhu Jiuyin said expressionlessly:"This ancient road goes from west to east. You go west and I go east. Let's find a place to shelter from the wind and rain as soon as possible."

Pig King:"The west is against me. I go east and you go west."


Zhu Jiuyin lifted his bare feet lightly, and with one step he was more than ten feet away.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The outline of the inn was faintly visible in the rain and fog.

Zhu Jiuyin came closer, looked up at the mottled plaque, and murmured:"Yue Lai Inn~"

The creaking sound under the heavy load pierced into the depths of the rainy night.

Zhu Jiuyin pushed the door open and entered.

What he saw was that the tables and chairs were overturned, and the stairs, counters and floors were all covered with a thick layer of dust.

This inn has been abandoned for who knows how many years, spider webs can be seen everywhere, and the air is turbid and rotten.

Zhu Jiuyin did not go up to the second floor, but came to a corner of the lobby, waved his hand lightly, brushed off the dust and sat cross-legged.

Then he closed his red pupils, embraced the Yuan and guarded the One, and circulated the majestic true energy in his body.

White mist can be seen with the naked eye.

In two or three minutes, the wet hair and wet clothes were dried.

There was no time to go back to inform the Pig King.

Amid the crackling sound of rain breaking tiles, Zhu Jiuyin fell into deep thought

‘The most ferocious obstacle in saving the girl this time is the ancient artifact held by the Taoist master of Zhanxia Cave, Rouran.

The ancient immortal artifact destroyed the city and split the sky with one blow. However, compared with the ancient artifact, the gap between them is not as big as the firefly and the bright moon, but it is definitely not small.

Qi Qingji vs. Rouran.

Land immortal vs. land immortal.

The latter killed the former in seconds with the ancient artifact.

‘Although I won't die, I will lose~'

As it concerns the life of the girl, Zhu Jiuyin knows that he must not be careless in the slightest.

‘Although Fengqie and Liushuang are ancient immortal weapons, they have only been in the human world for less than three months. The spiritual consciousness in them is like that of a newborn baby, and they are far from being able to exert the true power of destroying the world.

The sound of running footsteps came from far away.

With a bang, the door of the inn was pushed open.

In an instant, the cold wind wrapped in broken rain rushed into the lobby.

The whole body was wet, and the black robe was tightly attached to the body. The Pig King, who was showing off his wet body temptation, looked at Zhu Jiuyin who closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, and said unhappily:"Nanzhu, you don't have this emperor in your heart at all"

"I am so disappointed in you."

Zhu Jiuyin didn't even bother to raise his eyelids.


The Pig King walked out of the inn like a resentful young wife.

Half an hour later, he came back with a bundle of firewood.

He deliberately placed the fire far away from Zhu Jiuyin.


After using his Qi to dry his wet robe and hair, the Pig King raised his hand and took off the ancient bronze mask.

His palms gently and softly caressed his silky face inch by inch.

""Nanzhu, am I handsome?"

Zhu Jiuyin raised his eyelids,"I am not as ugly as before."

The Pig King said angrily,"You are not sincere, you are just jealous of my handsome face."

The sound of hurried footsteps made the Pig King stand up suddenly.

The door of the inn was suddenly pushed open, and two people rushed in with wind and rain.

One boy and one girl.

The boy was about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a luxurious purple silk dress, and a long string of lush green jade hanging from his waist.

The Pig King counted them, a total of nine pieces

‘What a show-off.

The girl was about twelve or thirteen years old. She wore a colorful silk dress that fit her skin, outlining a charming and youthful figure.

Her small face was pale from the cold rain in late autumn. Her wet hair stuck to her forehead and temples. She blinked her lively almond eyes with tears in her eyes, looking very pitiful.

""Oh my poor little girl, you must be frozen, come and warm yourself by the fire."

The Pig King bared his teeth and eagerly invited the little girl.

The young man, whose teeth were also shivering from the cold, was polite and first closed the door of the inn, then bowed to the Pig King and introduced himself:"This... fat uncle, I am Mu Changchuan, and my sister Mu Nanxiang."

"The wind is cold and the rain is strong, and I can't find a place to hide."

"Sorry to bother you so much."

The Pig King smiled and said,"This is a deserted place with no owner. Why bother you? Come over quickly.""

"In addition, my name is Mo Xuan"

"Please call me Uncle Mo, or Brother Xuan."

The boy said,"Thank you, Uncle Mo."

The Pig King said,"There is not much firewood left. Please go outside and get some more."

The girl said,"Hello, Brother Xuan."

The Pig King said,"Okay, okay, come and sit next to Brother Xuan. Brother Xuan is as hot as a stove. Let me warm you up.""


The rain kept falling.

The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

The pig king sat cross-legged with his huge head drooping, and it was unknown whether he was asleep or dead.

Mu Changchuan and Mu Nanxiang, brother and sister, finally dried their clothes and hair.

Young Master Mu scratched his crotch,"Damn it, it's so uncomfortable to be covered"


Mu Nanxiang suddenly lowered his voice and exclaimed.���Pulling his brother's sleeve, pointing somewhere

""Brother, look!"

Looking in the direction of his sister's finger, Mu Changchuan saw a barefoot boy in white quietly resting in the corner.

He couldn't help but exclaimed in shock:"What a handsome young man with a fairy-like appearance, he is so handsome that he is almost as handsome as me!"

Mu Nanxiang stood up as if possessed, and walked towards the boy in white lightly.

""Xiang'er, come back!"

Mu Changchuan looked at the two narrow knives placed across the knees of the young man in white, worrying that he was a martial artist.

After being disturbed by his sister, he would be unhappy and would kill people violently.

Mu Nanxiang broke free from his brother's hand, and with just one palm, he pushed Mu Changchuan upside down.

He came closer.

Staring at the handsome and pleasant face of the young man in white, Mu Nanxiang whispered:"Brother, I won't go to see the immortal.~"

"My immortal is here."

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