September 14, the 14th year of Fuling.

A corner of Liangzhou.

Night fell all around.

A carriage was parked beside the ancient road.

Two feet below the road, a stream was gurgling and a bonfire was crackling. On one side was Cangxue and on the other was Han Xianggu.

The young man lay on the soft grass, his hands resting on the back of his head, biting a piece of green grass in his mouth, quietly looking at the Milky Way in the night sky.

"By the way, Taiping, I didn't ask you how your Grandpa Han is doing, is he in good health?"

Cangxue asked while wiping his Fengqie and Liushuang swords.

The young man said softly,"Grandpa is dead."

Cangxue was stunned,"My condolences.""

"By the way, Sister Xue, I saw that you were wearing Mr. Qi's jade pendant around your waist."

"This jade pendant is a personal item of the 72 Confucian scholars of Jixia. It is extremely valuable. Did Sister Xue become Mr. Qi's disciple?"

Han Xianggu asked curiously.


Cang Xue shook her head and said,"My master lives in seclusion in Buzhou Mountain outside Qingping Town. His Taoist name is Nanzhu. He and Mr. Qi are considered to be friends like gentlemen."

"So that's it~"

Han Xianggu understood:"Sister is only eighteen years old, but she has already reached the third level of Vajra realm. I believe Mr. Nanzhu must be a land immortal."

"When we arrive in Qingping, we must pay respect to the mountain and see the master in person."


Cang Xue couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She thought to herself that the two hidden masters in your mind are lazier than each other.

One doesn't get up until the sun is high in the sky, and teaches for two days and then takes three days off.

The other likes to smoke and drink, and can take eleven and a half naps in twelve hours a day.

Moreover, both of them can't stop reading erotic books, and they often stay up all night, often reviewing old and learning new things.

‘No, no, Master was led astray by Mr. Qi.~’


On September 15, the 14th year of Fuling, when the sky was just getting light, Cang Xue and Han Xianggu, who were sleeping in their clothes on the grass beside the stream, were suddenly awakened by the loud cry of a crane.

Before the boy and girl could react, a strong wind blew from the sky.

A huge white crane landed on the ground.

A man in green jumped off the crane's back.

"Girl, why don't you stay in Longcheng? Why are you running around like that?"

Looking at the man in front of her with a long sword hanging from his waist and flowing green clothes, Cang Xue asked in surprise:"Mr. Qi, why are you here?"

"Why are you still riding on Jifeng? Where is my master?"

Qi Qingji rolled his eyes,"Your master is worried about you, so he asked me to go to Longcheng to pick you up and take you home."

"On the ninth day of the first lunar month, I arrived at Dragon City and turned the city upside down, but I couldn't find you."

"This stupid crane is still flying blindly, taking me to Su country"

"If I hadn't stopped myself in time, I might have been blown away."


Qi Qingji looked at Han Xianggu and frowned,"Who is this guy? Your lover?""

"Cabbage is eaten by pigs, a flower is stuck in cow dung"

"If your master saw this, he would be so angry that he would vomit three tons of blood."

Cang Xue:"Mr. Qi is Mr. Qi, he always speaks so nicely."

Qi Qingji:"Thank you."

Han Xianggu took two steps forward, bowed to Qingyi and said,"I am Han Xianggu, meeting Mr. Qi."

"Han Xianggu~"

Qi Qingji pondered for a while,"I haven't heard of it."

The boy:"……"

"My great-grandfather Han Cheng was a classmate of Mr. Qi at Jixia"

"In September of the third year of Fuling, my grandfather Han Jing took me to Qingping Town to visit Mr. Qi."


The boy's name is Xianggu, and his courtesy name is Taiping, both of which were chosen by the teacher."

"How did you two get together?"

Cang Xue:"Sir, can you change the word? It sounds so ugly."

Qi Qingji:"How did you two get together?"

Cang Xue:"It's a long story, sir, I won't tell you anymore."


The sky was bright.

Chu He Ji Feng was lying on his back, snoring like thunder, trying to catch up on his sleep.

Cang Xue washed her face and combed her hair by the stream, while Han Xiang Gu went to the nearby forest to pick wild fruits for breakfast.

Qi Qing Ji stood with his hands behind his back, looking out at the mountains and rivers shrouded in clouds and mist.

"I have trained myself to be like a crane, and I have two boxes of scriptures under a thousand pine trees.

I came to ask Wu Yu, and he said,"The clouds are in the sky, and the water is in the bottle."

Qi Qingji sighed,"I don't know how many years it has been since I last came to this world.""

"The mountains and rivers are still magnificent, and the world is still fickle."

"I am destined to die in the mountains."

Cang Xue:"Sir, you are also a sentimental person."

Qi Qingji:"Are you praising me or scolding me?"

Cang Xue:"Of course I am praising you."

Qi Qingji:"Don't learn from your master, who calls me Brother Qi in public and calls me 'Qi' behind my back.’"

Cang Xue:"……"


Qi Qingji lowered his voice and asked,"What do you think of Taiping?"

Cang Xue:"She is very good in every aspect and has saved my life twice.……"

"How can I say it? I'm too worried."

"No, no, I have too many things in my heart."

"Just like my master, he seldom cares whether the sky is blue or the clouds are white."

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the red flowers and green willows, never in their eyes"

"Master always keeps his head down, and I know he is not taking a nap."

"As for Taiping, he always likes to lie on the ground chewing a piece of grass. If no one disturbs him, he can lie there for a whole day without moving."

"I don't know what they are thinking~"

Qi Qingji hesitated for a moment, then asked:"Girl, do you like Taiping?"

Cang Xue widened her eyes:"Mr. Qi, I'm still young, and... I don't accept sister-brother relationships."

Qi Qingji:"Girl, what are you dreaming about? This is not the kind of love"

"It's the kind of love your master has for you, the love that the white-haired rat and the two snakes have for you, the kind of love that family and relatives have for you."

Cang Xue thought seriously for a while and nodded lightly.

Qi Qingji:"Taiping is a pitiful child. He traveled a million miles to the north and across dozens of countries to find me, proving that the Northern Qi Han family has been wiped out, and he is the only one left."

"I have very little time left, and no one will protect me after I die."

"So I want your master to accept him as your disciple."

"But you also know that your master has only accepted your eldest brother and you in the past few decades."

Cang Xue:"I understand, sir, you want me to ask the master for help."

Qi Qingji nodded:"You are as smart as your master."

Cang Xue thought for a moment:"Sir, I will ask the master for help, but only once, I won't pester him."

"It would be best if Master accepted it. Even if you don't, I will protect Taiping well after you go to the underworld."

"The grace of saving my life is as heavy as a mountain, twice, sir, you can go on your way with peace of mind."

Qi Qingji:"As expected of a disciple taught by Nanzhu, you speak in the same unpleasant way."

Cangxue:"Sir, you are wrong, I learned the art of language from you."

Qi Qingji:"You and I should be a master and a disciple.""


The sun rises in the east.

Han Xianggu bids farewell to Qi Qingji and Cang Xue

"Sir, Sister Xue, you go ahead."

"I have been in Wei for more than half a month, and I have been busy on the road. Now I want to take a closer look at the people at the bottom of society."

Cang Xue said softly:"Taiping, the world is dangerous, and people's hearts are not as good as before. You must protect yourself and come to Qingping as soon as possible."

The young man nodded:"Okay."

He watched the two men and the crane fly into the sky.

The young man let go of the military horse and walked away alone, step by step, in the bright sunshine.


September 16, the 14th year of Fuling.

The border of Liangzhou and Yunzhou.

A corner of the mountains.

Qi Qingji and Cangxue, who had been flying for a day and a night, were lying on the corpse grass to rest and relax. The snoring sound suddenly disappeared.

In the whistling wind, the stupid crane Jifeng seemed to sense something, flapped its wings, and soared straight up. In just a few breaths, it disappeared at the end of the sky.

Qi Qingji and Cangxue looked at each other.

They were shocked and said,"What's wrong with this stupid crane?"

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