Early in the morning.

The sun has not yet risen.

The town is shrouded in mist.

Liu Cui'er got up early, facing the bronze mirror, and applying powder to her bruised face.

Yesterday, the girl was beaten up again by her husband Zhong Lishan, who took away all the money she had used to buy soybeans and went to the gambling house to have fun.

Today, the tofu stall can't be maintained.

""Knock, knock, knock~"

There was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"Ah Fei, wait a minute."

Liu Cui'er turned her head and shouted.

In the whole town, the only person who knocked on the gate so lightly was the little girl next door.

She was afraid that if she knocked too hard, it would annoy people.

After quickly applying makeup to cover the bruises, Liu Cui'er walked out of the main house and opened the gate.

Outside, the little girl looked up with a bright smile and said,"Sister Cui'er, could you please come to my house?"

"Of course you can! Ah Fei, why are you so happy today?"

Liu Cui'er asked curiously

"Sister Cui Er, my master is coming to my house."


After an incense stick of time.

In the main room of the neighbor's house, in front of the window, Liu Cui'er looked at the little one who was sweeping the floor in the yard seriously, and turned to ask the woman on the bed:"Sister Ling'er, who is Ah Fei's master?"

The woman said softly:"I don't know. I just heard from Ah Fei that the master is called Nanzhu, who lives in seclusion at the foot of Buzhou Mountain."

"Cui Er, this is the first time that Ah Fei's master has come to visit us, so we can't be impolite."

The woman said as she took off the jade bracelet on her right wrist.

"Cui'er, take this bracelet to the pawn shop and sell it. When you come back, buy some fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and meat."

"Buy another big rooster"

"I'll trouble you with today's meal."

Cui'er was surprised and said,"Sister Ling'er, this jade bracelet is a token of love given to you by Brother Chen."

"This is the only thought that Brother Chen left for you. Is it worth it?"

The woman whispered,"Cui'er, that person is not a guest."

"He is my son’s…master!"


At noon, the little one who had cleaned the house inside and out boiled a pot of hot water, moved the bathtub to the east wing, and began to bathe.

Liu Cuier, who had just returned from shopping, hung up the little one's new clothes high.

She lit a stick of incense and placed the incense burner under the new clothes.

"These things should be done by me as a mother. Cui Er, I'm sorry to bother you.

The woman apologized.

"Sister Ling'er, we have been friends for more than ten years, why are you talking about this?"

Liu Cui'er folded the cotton socks and stuffed them into the new cloth shoes.


The blazing sun hangs high in the sky

"Mother, Sister Cui'er, I'm going to pick up Master~"

The neatly dressed little one said hello and rushed out of the courtyard

"Sister Ling'er, I'm going to kill chickens and fish.~"



On the ancient road, a young man in white clothes as white as snow and with a tall figure came.

His thick black hair fluttered freely.

Even the wind was jealous of his handsomeness.

This was Zhu Jiuyin's first time going down the mountain after twenty years of traveling through this world.

Every blade of grass, every mountain and every stone along the way was new to him.

In the distance, he saw a small black dot running towards him quickly.

Zhu Jiuyin smiled.

"Master, Master~"

The little one quickly ran to Zhu Jiuyin, his face full of joy,"Master, why don't you wait for your disciple to pick you up?"

Zhu Jiuyin rubbed the little one's head,"Master is not a person who has no sense of direction and can't recognize the way down the mountain."

"By the way, why is my disciple so handsome today?"

"I am almost catching up with my master."

The little one was immediately embarrassed.

"Let's go, don't make your mother wait anxiously"


After an incense stick of time,

Zhu Jiuyin and Xiaobudian entered the town.

Rows of blue brick and green tile houses were closely arranged on both sides of the bluestone street, stretching all the way to the end.

The aroma of food, loud shouts, and fierce bargaining.

The town was crowded with people.

With a crisp sound, in front of a candy stall, a woman slapped her rebellious son hard.

The naughty child, about six or seven years old, immediately lay on the ground, rolling around.

"Sugar man, I want it"

"I want sugar man"

"I want it, I want it, I want it!"

A shirtless man with a mole on his forehead and a strong build passed by Zhu Jiuyin.

He took a big bite of the meat bun. He grimaced from the burn and quickly exhaled a breath of hot air.

Zhu Jiuyin sniffed it slightly and whispered,"Pork and green onion stuffing." A few feet away, under the century-old locust tree at the entrance of the town, sat a group of children and a man in a green shirt.

Beside the man, there was a big yellow dog taking a nap.

The man in the green shirt spoke eloquently, and the group of children listened with relish.

As if he had noticed something, the man in the green shirt suddenly looked up at Zhu Jiuyin.

The man's appearance was slightly inferior to Zhu Jiuyin's.

Three dark pupils, deep and calm

"Double pupils?!"

Looking at the two pupils in the green shirt man's left eye socket that were slightly fused together, Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his red vertical pupils slightly.

""Mr. Qi!"

The little guy suddenly called out, waving his arms at the man in green.

The man nodded slightly and continued to talk to the group of children.

Zhu Jiuyin silently transformed a white cloth and wrapped it around the red snake pupil.

"Master, I'll hold your hand."

"No, I can see it."

Feeling the sweat and hairs standing up like needles on the exposed skin,

Zhu Jiuyin asked:"Disciple, what is the name of Mr. Qi?"

"Mr. Qi's name is Qingji"

"Qi Qingji?!"

Zhu Jiuyin frowned,"This name has a really good meaning."

"By the way, disciple, didn’t you say before that a few kids in the town smashed Mr. Qi’s big yellow dog and its puppies to death?"

"What happened to those children later?"

The little one replied:"That summer, they went to the river to play in the water and all drowned."


"What’s wrong, Master?"

"Listen to your teacher and stay away from Qi Qingji."



The sun shone through the treetops, and the ground seemed to be sprinkled with gold.

Little Bit led Zhu Jiuyin into an alley.

From a distance, they saw a young girl in her twenties standing in front of a house deep in the alley, wearing a green skirt. As they approached,

Little Bit introduced,"Master, this is my sister Cui Er, who lives next door."

"Sister Cui'er, this is my master, Nanzhu."

The girl bowed and said,"I am Liu Cui'er, and I am honored to meet Mr. Nanzhu."

Zhu Jiuyin bowed and said,"I often hear Ah Fei talk about Miss Cui'er. Miss Cui'er has taken good care of my beloved disciple over the years. Nanzhu sincerely thanks you.""

"It is natural for neighbors to help each other. Sir, you are too kind."

The little girl's mother is paralyzed in bed. Zhu Jiuyin knows this.

A woman can let this girl greet her as a 'hostess'. The emotional bond between them is deep.

"Ah Fei, there is food in the kitchen, take it to the east wing and eat it yourself"

"Hello, Sister Cui"

"Sir, please move to the main house."

The ordinary loess courtyard was cleaned up.

There was a pear tree planted in the southeast corner, but there was not a single fallen leaf in the courtyard.

Several windows were covered with beautifully cut window grilles.

It can be seen that the hostess was ingenious.

Under the guidance of Liu Cui'er, Zhu Jiuyin entered the main house.

At a glance, he saw the woman leaning on the wooden bed.

Zhu Jiuyin had never seen such a skinny person. The eye sockets were deeply sunken, and the sparse black hair was like dead grass in the cold wind.

A completely dry and wrinkled human skin was tightly attached to the bony skeleton.

To be honest, it looked like an evil ghost in a vernacular novel.

However, the woman's autumn eyes were very gentle and bright.

Zhu Jiuyin couldn't believe that a woman who was almost thirty years old had no impurities in her eyes.

The black and white were clear, just like her son.

"Sir, I am Nan Jinping."

""I am ill and cannot come to meet you from afar. Please forgive me, sir."

This is the most gentle voice that Zhu Jiuyin has ever heard in his previous life and this life as a snake.

It is like the sound of spring returning to the earth, the ice and snow melting, and the tender grass coming out of the soil.


The square table was filled with delicious dishes.

There was chicken, meat, fish, and a pot of wine.

"Sir, please don't despise this simple meal."

"No, it's very rich."

Zhu Jiuyin didn't act like a so-called hermit.

Because he knew very well that if this table of food and wine was replaced with corn, it would most likely be the food for the mother and son for half a year or even a year.

He picked up the chopsticks and looked at the whole braised fish and white-cut chicken.

Zhu Jiuyin put a chicken leg and a large piece of fish belly into the big white bowl and handed it to Liu Cui'er.

The girl looked at the woman.

The woman smiled and nodded slightly.

Liu Cui'er then took the white porcelain bowl, walked out of the main room, and went to the east wing.

The room was very quiet.

Zhu Jiuyin filled the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

The clear wine slid into his throat.

A fire instantly burned in his stomach.

"Good wine~"

Zhu Jiuyin took a piece of braised pork and stuffed it into his mouth, eating it with relish.

On the bed.

Looking at Zhu Jiuyin drinking and eating meat in big gulps.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief. A hint of intoxicating smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

If he didn't eat, or only ate a few bites, the woman would definitely make her son and Zhu Jiuyin sever the master-disciple relationship.

If he ate voraciously, the master would be the father and the father would be the master.

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