Wind, snow, people, all visible and invisible things are included in the painting.

Cang Xue saw an old man with wrinkles on his face looking up at the sky, with a few white snowflakes embedded in the gullies, waiting to melt.

Cang Xue saw the waiter of Yuelai Inn, with a wet towel on his shoulder, holding a copper basin in both hands, maintaining the posture of splashing water.

Half of the copper basin was condensed in the air, and white mist was lingering.

""Pah, pah, pah~"

The girl shuddered and ran faster and faster.

Like a startled white bird, she smashed countless snowflakes along the way.

""Boom boom boom~"

As her heart beat rapidly, the tall memorial archway at the entrance of the town came into view.

Cang Xue's footsteps suddenly froze, and her peach blossom eyes were as big as copper bells.

Under the old locust tree at the entrance of the town, the old man selling candied haws in Xijian Lane was sitting on a wooden block, puffing out smoke.

"Girl, grandpa has been waiting for you for a long time."

Maybe because of the dry mouth from smoking, the old man smiled at Cang Xue,"Girl, is there any water in the gourd?"

Cang Xue's eyes were full of fear, and she tightly grasped the small gourd tied to her waist with one hand.

"No…it’s gone!"

"No problem."

The old willow said kindly,"Snow can also quench thirst."

In front of Cang Xue, the old willow exhaled a long breath of turbid air in his chest.

Then he took a deep breath.

In an instant, the snow returned to its nest like a silver dragon.

The old man ate all the innocence in the world with just one bite.

""Tsk tsk."

Smacking his lips twice, the old man looked at Cang Xue and said,"Girl, your first life-and-death crisis is coming."

Staring at the old man's two cloudy eyes that were like black holes, Cang Xue turned around and ran towards the school.

"Girl, don't forget your four life-and-death trials!"

After watching the little girl run away, Old Liu put his pipe down and knocked it on the stone pier.

""Dong, dong, dong~"

The sound was dull, like the heartbeat of the earth.

Three breaths later, the town was full of vitality.

Snow fell, wind rose, people moved


In the deepest part of Changxing Mountain Range, Yanzhou, Wei State.

A mountain called Huowang has been hollowed out like a beehive.

At the entrance of one of the thousands of holes in Huowang Mountain.

A barefoot boy named Li Huwei, wearing a coarse linen shirt, looks up at the snow fluttering down.

""Dad, Mom, it's snowing~"

The pale and skinny boy stretched out his palm.

The snowflakes fell on his palm and melted quickly, becoming icy cold.

He took back his palm and gently licked the snow water in his palm.


The melodious sound of the bell echoed among the mountains.

The young man disappeared at the entrance of the cave.


Inside Huowang Mountain, the winding paths are like a maze.

Li Huwei first came to the"Ten Thousand Poison Cave".

Inside the cave, hundreds of ragged, dishevelled boys and girls were holding stone jars.

Some grabbed struggling and twisted poisonous snakes from the pottery jars placed beside them, some grabbed toads and centipedes, and some grabbed geckos and scorpions. After putting the five poisons into the stone jars, the boys and girls picked up the pestles, raised them high, and dropped them heavily.

Instantly, blood and flesh splattered.

Some people pounded stones of various colors, such as Li Huwei.

Some stones were as black as ink, some were as red as blood, and some were lush and green.

An hour later.

Li Huwei was assigned to the"Xianchong Cave".

The boy held a medicine jar filled with colorful powder, which was a mixture of the five poisons and various medicinal stones.

In the Xianchong Cave, the ground was filled with densely packed pottery jars about three feet high.

Li Huwei opened the lid of the pottery jar, and what came into view was a large jar of sticky black bugs.

The boy grabbed a handful of medicine powder from the medicine jar and sprinkled it into the pottery jar.

Most of the bugs in the jar immediately squirmed wildly.

In the Immortal Worm Cave, there were still two or three hundred boys like Li Huwei.

Another hour later.

Li Huwei came to the"Spiritual Herb Mansion".

The cave here is much larger than the Ten Thousand Poison Cave and the Immortal Worm Cave.

There are about two thousand large jars on the ground.

When the lid of the jar was removed, a strong stench hit the face.

Li Huwei had a blank expression on his face and had already breathed through his mouth.

A naked girl curled up in the jar.

The girl's arms and legs were chopped off, silver water was poured into her ears to burn through her eardrums, and silver needles were used to blind her eyes and block her vision.

Even the hair on her head and between her thighs was shaved clean.

Li Huwei stretched out a finger and gently poked the girl's forehead.

The drowsy girl immediately opened her mouth.

The boy holding the small pottery jar opened the lid.

He pinched out a struggling black worm from the pottery jar and put it into the girl's mouth.

The girl bit it hard with her teeth.

The black worm burst.

She swallowed it whole.

After feeding the girl several worms, Li Huwei closed the lid of the jar and walked towards the next one.


""Ding, ding, ding~"

Three consecutive Taoist bell sounds echoed throughout Huowang Mountain.

Li Huwei and other one hundred young men, in pairs, carried dozens of large urns into the Feixian Cave. Inside the Feixian Cave, stood a bronze furnace that looked like a small mountain.

Under the furnace, a blazing fire was blazing.

In front of the furnace, sat an old Taoist in a blood-stained robe with sinister eyes.

The old Taoist was called Zhang Jiao, the headmaster of the Huangtian Sect.

"The auspicious time has arrived, open the furnace to make the elixir!"

The old Taoist gave an order, and Li Huwei and other young men immediately removed the lid of the jar.

"In front of the Supreme Purple Cloud Emperor, the Supreme Dao Yuchen Lord. Leisurely Ruizhu wrote seven words, scattered five forms and transformed into thousands of gods~"

While muttering to himself, the old Taoist waved his sleeves.

Dozens of human medicines slowly floated out of dozens of large urns and floated directly above the bronze elixir furnace.

""Fall!" the old Taoist shouted.

Dozens of people were immediately eaten like dumplings in a pot.


Heart-wrenching screams came one after another, frightening Li Huwei and other young men.

"If you can obtain the Mysterious Pill in the Three Palaces, the Taiyi Flowing Pearl will be at Kunlun. The twelve rings of the towers are all real people from top to bottom~"

As the old Taoist continued to chant, a refreshing fragrance slowly emanated from the huge furnace.

"Hahahaha, I have become a Taoist priest!"

"The Immortal Pill was finally made!"

"Yin Fairyland, I am here!"

The old Taoist's high-pitched and crazy voice shook the rubble in the cave.


In the blizzard, on the mountain top, the two immortals Liuhuo, Foxiao, and Luo Xinghe, with their robes fluttering and their black hair flying, were all looking at the towering Huowang Mountain opposite them. The beehive

-like mountain had thousands of holes that continuously spewed out billowing black smoke. In a trance, it seemed as if they could hear the sorrowful cries of countless wronged souls.

"Senior Sister."

Liuhuo looked at Fuxiao.

""Let's do it."

Dawn whispered


Liuhuo took off the ancient sword box behind him and carefully tore off the talisman attached to the gap.


The box cover was opened.

What came into Luo Xinghe's eyes was an ordinary wooden sword about three feet long.

The wooden sword was severely rotten, and it seemed that it would turn into powder if it was lightly touched.

Liuhuo's face was solemn, and he slowly grasped the hilt of the wooden sword.

Then he stood up and walked forward a few steps, facing Huowang Mountain hundreds of feet away.

Luo Xinghe couldn't bear it and said,"Immortal Liuhuo, there are still tens of thousands of innocent people from my Wei State in the mountain."

Liuhuo said expressionlessly,"The way of heaven says, judge by deeds, not by heart."

The right arm holding the wooden sword slowly raised.

Liuhuo said in a cold voice:"All living beings in the universe, the vast universe, those who follow the will of heaven will prosper, and those who go against the will of heaven will perish!"

In the wind and snow, Liuhuo dropped the sword.

The tip of the wooden sword gently hit the ground in front of him.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths


Luo Xinghe:"……"

There was no thunderous roar, nor was there any earth-shattering energy release.

The wind and snow between heaven and earth suddenly stagnated.

Luo Xinghe only heard a slight crackling sound.

The Huowang Mountain, which was still standing tall a moment ago, disappeared without a trace the next moment.

On the vast land, an abyss went straight to the end of the distant sky.

Liuhuo turned around and looked at the dumbfounded Luo Xinghe, and said calmly:"I have the ancient immortal weapon of Zhanxia Cave, one sword and one abyss."

"Can you kill the immortals on land?"

Luo Xinghe's Adam's apple moved, he swallowed his saliva, and replied:"Yes!"


Ps: Tomorrow is Monday, and I have to go to work. I will go for a massage later to relax. This is the only chapter I will write today.

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