I am a pirate

Chapter 117

new world

the Sea of Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors;

On deck,

Looking at a newspaper that is up-to-date,

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group was completely speechless, and even more involuntarily showed an extremely helpless look….


It’s only been a few days?

The NEO Navy began to do things again, killing the Draco like a chicken, annoying the world government, causing the Navy to open up its firepower and encircle the NEO Navy.

in other words

After the Hundred Beast Pirates,

The Navy is about to strike at the NEO Navy again, and the sea is going to shake again ….

“This NEO Navy, it’s really …..”

Even the white beard, one of the four emperors, put down the wine altar in his hand at this time, and a wisp of incredulity appeared on his cheek.


This NEO Navy’s style of acting is too weird,

First defeated the Hundred Beast Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, and then used the opportunity to kill the Draco to attract the navy to attack them, this is the rhythm of making enemies of the entire sea?

“Goo la la la…. Good boys, let’s just watch the play. ”

After half a ring, Whitebeard let out his own unique laugh and said quite freely, “Isn’t it beautiful for us to see the NEO Navy and the Navy dog eating dog?” ”

Grunt! Grunt!!

After saying this, Whitebeard raised his eyebrows, casually took a wine altar, and drank it in a big gulp.

“Hahaha, that’s right… Let’s just watch the play! ”

“Whitebeard daddy is the strongest man in the world, and we are definitely not afraid of the Navy and the NEO Navy.”

“Drinking… Drinking, no matter how much…”


Listening to Whitebeard’s words,

Marko, Joz, Saatchi, Bista, Bramanke, Lakyo and others also reacted, all laughing a few times in unison, and the words were full of confidence and incomparable pride.

One word

As long as there is a white-bearded daddy,

Those of them who are sons have the confidence and confidence to be above any force, because the white-bearded daddy is the strongest man in the world.

Whatever navy and NEO navy you have, there is no egg use….


At the same moment,

Such as Redhead Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling, and even Hundred Beast Kaido all know the news that the navy is going to attack the NEO navy.

Among them Redhead Shanks and BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling,

After the initial shock,

All relieved,

It’s about the same as a white beard.

See Navy and NEO Navy dog eat dog,



Neither the Navy, nor the NEO Navy, is a good thing.

As for Hundred Beasts Kaido,

But he sighed alone, leaving tears of remorse ….

Others are not optimistic about the NEO Navy, but he is not optimistic about the Navy, no way, the perverted and cruel methods of the NEO Navy are really numb, even if he thinks about it now, he is afraid.


In the end, the corners of Hundred Beast Kaido’s mouth turned up slightly, and he muttered, “The navy is kicking on the iron plate this time, and the world government will vomit blood in anger…”


The sea is shaking,

So that countless forces have set their sights on the Chambord Islands,

On one side is the NEO Navy, which is in the limelight, and on the other hand, the largest military organization in the sea – the Navy, this ….. You don’t have to think about it, this war will affect the pattern of the sea.

Affected by this,

The Chambord Islands are completely in chaos,

Especially after learning that the navy was going to attack the NEO Navy, everyone knew that staying in the Chambord Islands, I was afraid that there would be no place to die, and they were desperately fleeing the Chambord Islands.

Even some lawless sea thieves, wearing hoods, bowing their heads, like dogs who have lost their families, carefully left.

Of course

There are those who are afraid of death,

There will also be those who are not afraid of death,

The Chambord Islands are basically empty,

But… A large number of ships gathered in the waters around the Chambord Islands, apparently wanting to see the scene of the battle between the Navy and the NEO Navy.

In this regard,

The NEO Navy also turned a blind eye,

Anyway, you guys want to watch the excitement, it’s not a big deal, as for whether there will be accidents, then the NEO Navy doesn’t know.


While watching the lively ships,

There is a pirate ship mixed in, which looks very conspicuous;

“Captain, let’s lower the flag of the Pirates of Spades! Otherwise, we are here, it will be too high-profile…” On the deck, a pirate cautiously reminded,


Ace, who was drinking, frowned, paused and said, “Don’t worry, the Navy and the NEO Navy will not notice a small character like me.” ”

“Captain, you are not a small character, but a sea thief with a reward of more than 100 million?”

A pirate from the Spades Pirates said with great admiration, “If it weren’t for the NEO navy occupying the Chambord Islands, so we couldn’t find someone to coat the pirates, we would have gone to the New World a long time ago…”

“That’s right, Captain Ace, are you a sea thief?” Another pirate added.

“Nope… Compared to the behemoth Navy and NEO Navy, I am a small character. ”

Ace took a sip of wine, put down the big wine glass in his hand with an unwilling expression, and glanced at the beautiful Chambord Islands, especially the three giant mecha warships on the dock, and his eyes showed a stubborn color,

Does he remember Marshal Rowley, the Marshal of the NEO Navy, who seems to be the same age as him?

Without contrast, there is no harm, and Luo Lei has become the marshal of the NEO Navy, and he is a pirate with a reward of just over 100 million.

One day,

He also wants to make the name of Fire Fist Ace sound throughout the sea…


(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you, readers, greatly. )

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