I am a pirate

Chapter 033

At the end of 1516,

Later, the pirate guerrilla group, which shook the entire sea, officially left the naval headquarters

However, no one will know that this time the pirate guerrilla attack, the entire sea will set off terrifying waves…


Eight days later,

A giant mecha warship appeared in the misty Devil’s Triangle Sea

“This sea is so weird…”

As soon as he entered the Devil’s Triangle Sea, Zefa in front of the deck couldn’t help but sigh, “If it weren’t for Emperor Tong’s transformation of the warship, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to move an inch.” ”

“That’s right…”

As soon as I heard this sentence,

Binz nodded solemnly and said, “The climate in the Devil’s Triangle is too special, and the magnetic field is also very strange, as soon as ordinary pirate ships come in, they will be like headless flies, disoriented.” ”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine…”

Emperor Tong said very confidently, “As long as we encounter a living person, our mecha warship will automatically sound an alarm. ”

“What about meeting dead people?”

Peach Rabbit raised his eyebrows and subconsciously asked.

All right!!

After leaving the headquarters of the Navy,

Peach Rabbit knew that Luo Lei and Zefa-sensei’s first target

I actually wanted to kill a Seven Martial Sea to warm up, so I came to the Devil’s Triangle Sea to look for Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas!!

As for the reason….

The first is because the weight of Qi Wuhai is heavy and famous, and after killing, he makes a big news, which can beat the reputation of the pirate guerrilla group out as quickly as possible; The second is to plunder a little bit of material.

“If you are dead, you can’t perceive it, you can only see one killing one…”

When Emperor Tong heard this, he shrugged indifferently and said, “Anyway, according to the available intelligence, there seem to be some zombies and skeletons in this sea area, just be careful.” ”

“How much of our supplies are left?” Rowley stood by the side, clasped his hands to his chest, and glanced at the surrounding fog before gesturing at Ain.

“Thanks to the space container of Emperor Tong, it can still last for more than a month!”

Ain thought for a moment before he said.

At present, on the mecha warship, the most food consumption is undoubtedly the more than two hundred elite naval soldiers, but with the space container of the Tong Emperor, everything is trivial.


Luo Lei nodded before he ordered at Bintz, “Since we have reached the Devil’s Triangle Sea, then we don’t care about the direction of the recording pointer, we go directly inside, and we will always encounter the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.” ”


The words did not fall,

Binz went to the control room to deliver the instructions.


In such a situation,

The giant mecha warship began to wander frantically in the Devil’s Triangle sea

At first, nothing was gained yet, but… The closer you get to the central area of the Devil’s Triangle Sea, you begin to encounter some tattered pirate ships, some broken ships, and a few boneless skeletons or lifeless zombies.

For this kind of weak skeletons and zombies, Luo Lei and the others did not even move their hands, and let the crew of the pirate guerrilla solve it.

Before you know it,

Another three days passed



There are no warnings

The giant mech warship sounded an alarm

“There’s a situation…”

Tong Di, who was resting in the cabin, his eyes moved, holding a lollipop, and a flash appeared on the deck

At the same time,

Ain, Peach Rabbit, Zefa, and Luo Lei appeared on the deck in no particular order, and the crew of the Pirate Guerrilla also quickly entered the combat state

“That is??”

“It’s so big!!”

“It seems to be moving…”

With one exclamation after another

I saw it directly in front of the giant mecha warship

I don’t know when a huge black shadow appeared

From a distance, this black shadow was much larger than any mecha warship, like a small moving island, standing above the mist-shrouded sea.

“This should be a terrifying three-masted sailing ship…” Peach Rabbit’s expression was a little solemn, and he said in a deep voice, “Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas, should be inside.” ”

“Good, good…”

Zefa’s somewhat bored look swept away, and a hint of arc and smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he sighed, “It is indeed worthy of being a terrifying three-masted sailing ship known as the world’s largest pirate ship.” ”

“Shall we go straight in?”

As the distance continued to approach, looking at the giant door of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship like a human mouth, and the eerie castle inside, Ain couldn’t help but shiver.


Luo Lei said calmly, “Since you have found the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, let’s give Moonlight Moria a dismount first!” ”

“Emperor Tong, it’s up to you…”

“No problem, master!!”


The words did not fall,

Emperor Tong stretched out his hand and gestured


In the next moment, a shrill sound sounded, and I saw that directly in front of the giant mecha warship, a huge swarthy gun port suddenly appeared.

“I-19 plasma cannon fired…”

Looking at this ordinary cannon port, a wisp of excitement appeared on Emperor Tong’s childish cheeks, after waiting for so long, his high-tech weapons were finally going to be powerful.


In the next instant,

A palpitating energy fluctuation appeared inside the cannon port


A sound of breaking through the air sounded

In an instant, the ordinary muzzle ejected a plasma shock wave that seemed to penetrate the heavens and the earth

Whereas…. As the shock wave swept out, the dazzling light seemed to penetrate the fog, revealing the true face of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.


Finally, when the plasma shock wave rampage into the terrifying three-masted sailing ship

A deafening roar resounded, and the powerful explosion shock wave made the terrifying three-masted sailboat shake a few times, setting off a scalp-numbing energy shock wave, causing this sea area to begin to tremble slightly.



(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you, readers, greatly. )

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