I am a pirate

Chapter 016


Looking at the high-tech attack weapon that Emperor Tong took out

Marshal Sengoku is very calm on the surface, but… Deep down, there was some friedness, and he couldn’t have imagined that the ordinary Zefa was actually able to cultivate two monsters.

A Ralei is already quite perverted

The result?

The little ghost named Tong Di in front of him seems to be relatively monster.

“All of them are some high-tech weapons that have never been seen before, if you want to supply some of them to the navy…” Staff Officer Tsuru undoubtedly thought more, and a rare wisp of excitement appeared in his deep eyes.

“Click…. Click…..”

Karp didn’t know when he had already taken out the senbei, looked at Luo Lei and Tong Di, his eyes flickered, and he ate it with his own care

Without a doubt,

He wasn’t worried at all

The ability that this little devil of Tong Di has shown,

More valuable than expected, as long as Sengoku is not a fool, he knows what to do.

“This kid named Emperor Tong is also a ruthless character…”

The senior admirals of the navy such as green pheasants, red dogs, yellow apes, peach rabbits, and tea dolphins also stood there stunned

Although they don’t know how much firepower these high-tech weapons can exert, they can still shock them to be able to take out so many weapons at once.

As for the countless naval soldiers in the square, the gaze that looked at Emperor Tong also changed completely…

“Emperor Tong….”

At this time, Luo Lei showed a hint of helplessness

Emperor Tong, this little ghost, invisible pretending, is still relatively deadly, at the very least, the attraction of these weapons taken out to the navy is huge.

Didn’t you see that the eyes of Sengoku and the others had changed?


Want arms,

Then take money or supplies in exchange!!

This time when they came to the headquarters of the navy, Luo Lei and Tong Di had already planned, that is, to come up with some less advanced high-tech weapons and become arms traffickers well.

As for the reason

To redeem raffle points, of course?

With draw points, the super random draw system is a bitch who can be left to

his own devices….

“Sorry, I was impulsive…”

Listening to the master’s words, in the shock of everyone, Tong Di slowly picked up the small schoolbag and put the high-tech weapons back into the backpack.

Finally, he picked up the small school bag, took a very beaten step, and followed Zefa backwards…


After Emperor Tong retreated hundreds of meters

Sengoku seemed to react, glanced at Luo Lei, and tentatively asked, “This… Did you eat any special devil fruit? ”

“Guess what?” Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders and didn’t bother to explain, so he responded casually.


As soon as I heard this sentence,

Sengoku snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, “All obey orders, stand back…”


After saying this,

In full view of everyone, Sengoku stretched out his hand, untied his collar, took off the naval justice dagger and coat, and threw it to the Tsuru staff officer.

Immediately after,

There are no warnings

A layer of golden light permeated the body of the Warring States, and the body erupted with a force that seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth, and the color of the heavens and the earth changed in an instant.


With the sweep of the terrifying force,

The body of the Warring States began to grow, and finally turned into a giant with a golden body, like a world-shaking Buddha statue


Absolute horror!!

Sengoku suddenly entered the animal phantom beast species, the Great Buddha form

It was countless navies who did not expect that many ordinary naval soldiers, looking horrified, did not even dare to breathe, and began to retreat cautiously.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of being the Marshal of the Warring States ….”

The green pheasant, the crane staff officer, the yellow ape, the red dog, the peach rabbit and the others, looking up at the world-shaking Buddha statue incarnated by the Warring States, couldn’t help but sigh.

You know,

After entering the era of sea pirates,

The Marshal of the Warring States has rarely made a move, and now for the sake of Luo Lei, he actually moved a real and rare shot.

Swish… Ugh…

One after another the sound of breaking the air sounded

This is the sound of the Navy retreating en masse,


In the distance,

Look at the imposing golden giant,

Ain and Binz couldn’t help but look at Zefa with worried eyes

“Don’t worry…”

Zefa clenched his fist and forced a shocked smile

“Yes, there is no need to worry.”

Emperor Tong ate his lollipop without heart or lungs, and said, “The master is very powerful.” ”


As soon as I heard this sentence,

Both Ain and Binz nodded resolutely.

At the same moment,

After the collective withdrawal of the Navy,

Above the huge square, only Luo Lei and the golden giant incarnated by the Warring States remained

“I’m giving you a chance to regret it…”

The golden giant incarnated by the Warring States looked down at Luo Lei and said in a deep voice, “After forming the pirate guerrilla group, as long as you and Emperor Tong can obey the orders of the navy, everything is okay.” ”

Regretted it!!

After seeing Emperor Tong’s special ability,

The Warring States faintly regretted it, knowing that the value of Emperor Tong was so high, he should not have agreed to Luo Lei’s conditions for joining the navy and disobeying orders, so he could only take this opportunity to suppress with absolute strength and see if Luo Lei compromised.

“Marshal of the Warring States, don’t talk nonsense, I want to see how powerful your all-out punch really is.” The corners of Luo Lei’s mouth turned up slightly, but he didn’t care so much, and his hands quickly froze, “Mu Dun Wooden Man Technique!” ”


Terrifying purple chakra energy swept out from Rolei’s body

Affected by this,

A towering tree on the edge of the square seemed to suddenly have life

Under the incredulous gazes of countless navies, he transformed into a huge wooden figure with a wooden dragon coiled in his arm…


After the giant wooden figure appeared, a jump appeared in front of Luo Lei, and he confronted the golden giant incarnated by the Warring States.



(PS: Ask for tips….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluations, moe new………. Thank you. )

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