Chapter 24: This wine must be drunk

“Dad, Mom, I miss you so much!” Liu Shishi went forward and hugged her mother, saying coquettishly

Mother Liu also hugged Liu Shishi tightly. After a while, she reluctantly separated. She took a closer look and said,”You have lost some weight. You must not have eaten well. I have to nourish you well this time.””

Li Qi took the initiative to step forward and said to Liu’s father:”Uncle, let me help you.” Then he took the luggage from Liu’s father.

“”Thank you for your help.” Since Liu Shishi hadn’t introduced the two parties yet, it was not easy to say too much. She just gave half of the luggage to the other party. It would be bad if she had more.

At this time, Liu Shishi had also gotten over the excitement of seeing her parents for the first time, and introduced them to her parents:”Dad, Mom, this is my friend Li Qi, he drove with me to pick you up!”

Li Qi stepped forward quickly:”Hello, uncles and aunts! Welcome to visit our crew. Shishi and I are both actors in this play. You can just call me Xiao Qi!” Li Qi said with a warm smile.

“Xiao Qi, hello! Thank you for accompanying our daughter Shishi to pick us up so late at night!” Mother Liu said politely, and then looked back at Father Liu, who was a little distracted at this time, and patted him with his hand.

Father Liu felt familiar with Li Qi the moment he saw her, but he just couldn’t remember who she was, so he hadn’t paid attention to their conversation. When he was tapped, he finally realized what was going on and smiled,”Hello, Xiao Qi, I’m sorry to bother you.””

“No trouble, no trouble! Uncle and aunt, let’s go to the car first. Shishi is a big star, it’s not convenient here!”Li Qi waved his hand and said

The two sides exchanged some polite words and went to where the car was parked. After all, it was a long journey, and Liu’s father and mother were both in their forties and were a little tired.


Li Qi was driving, Liu’s father was sitting in the passenger seat, Liu Shishi and her mother were sitting in the back seat, the mother and daughter were talking in private.

The car drove for a while, and Li Qi asked without turning his head:”Uncle and aunt, you haven’t had dinner yet, right?”

Father Liu spoke first:”Yes, I haven’t eaten yet! He said he had to wait for the flight in advance, so he went to the airport in the afternoon. The meal on the plane was too small, a small portion of beef rice and a small cup of yogurt, and it didn’t taste very good.”

“Uncle and aunt, there is a restaurant near the hotel. Their clay pot porridge tastes very authentic! Otherwise, we will go there to eat something first, and then send you back to the hotel.”Li Qi suggested

“Yes! Mom and Dad, the clay pot porridge there is delicious. Let’s go eat some before going back!”Liu Shishi agreed

Mother Liu also felt a little hungry at this time, and said,”Okay, let’s go eat something together!”

Fortunately, there were not many guests in the restaurant today. Liu Shishi is now a little famous. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, Li Qi asked for a private room.

“Hello! I want a large portion of seafood assorted clay pot porridge, one portion of grilled lamb skewers, one portion of grilled beef skewers, two grilled eggplants… Dad, do you want a bottle of wine?” Liu Shishi said to the waiter after entering the private room.

It was the first time that Li Qi saw Liu Shishi’s bold side. Hehe, she usually hides it very well.

However, Li Qi also knows that only in front of the most familiar and closest people will one reveal his truest side. Even between lovers, he only shows his beautiful side to each other.

Mother Liu patted Liu Shishi and said,”I really spoiled this child. She doesn’t look like a lady at all.”

Father Liu glanced at Mother Liu and said,”How about a bottle of beer, Xiao Qi, come and have a few drinks with uncle?”

Liu’s mother was very strict at home and would not let Liu’s father drink easily. However, this was outside, so she still had to give her man some face. Besides, it was not white wine, but just beer, so she nodded and agreed.

“Okay, uncle is in the mood, I will definitely accompany uncle for a few drinks, and Shishi, you can drive us back later, it will only take a few minutes anyway.”Li Qi agreed and said

“But, Li Qi, don’t you know how to drink? I’ve never seen you drink at any of the crew’s dinner parties!” Liu Shishi asked with some concern.

“Shishi, it’s not that I can’t drink, it’s that I don’t like it. I don’t want to drink with people I don’t know well. Uncle is not an outsider, so I have to drink a few glasses with uncle!” Li Qi replied to Shishi

This is a good opportunity. I have to leave a good impression in front of Liu’s father and mother. Sometimes drinking is the best way to bring people closer together, so Li Qi must drink this wine.

Father Liu was also happy when he heard this. This young man gave him face! Now looking at this young man again, he is handsome, well-spoken and polite. Not bad!

The clay pot porridge is full of flavor. The method is not complicated. In the cold season, a pot of steaming clay pot porridge is really a delicious enjoyment. This is the signature of the restaurant, so the food is served quickly. After a while, everything we ordered was served.

Li Qi took a bottle of beer, poured a glass for Liu’s father, and poured a glass for himself. Liu Shishi and her daughter drank juice.

“Uncle and aunt, tomorrow is Winter Festival. I toast to you and wish you good health and success in everything!”Li Qi raised his glass and said

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Li Qi drank the wine in one gulp. Fortunately, the cup was not big, so he could finish it in two gulps.

“Drink slowly, drink slowly…, what a polite and good child!”Mother Liu advised. She thought: This child is really good, calling uncle and aunt all the time, he is so sweet

He also noticed that Li Qi didn’t drink very often, so he said,”Xiao Qi, I just heard from Shishi that you don’t usually drink?”

“Yes, Auntie, my parents are both teachers. They have been very strict with me since I was young. I studied under their supervision for three years in high school, so I don’t have any habit of smoking or drinking. Later, when I joined Beijing Film Academy, I had no contact with it at all.” Li Qi replied

“I was wondering why Xiao Qi is so polite, it turns out he comes from a scholarly family! Judging from your accent, you also grew up in Beijing?” Mother Liu continued to ask

“Yes, Auntie, my father is from Beijing, and my mother is from Jiangnan, but I grew up in Beijing. I didn’t expect Auntie to be able to recognize my accent!”Li Qi has tried to downplay the problem of his accent in the past few years. Auntie Liu could actually recognize it. He is indeed an old Beijinger. He can’t hide it.

After drinking a glass of wine with him, Liu’s father also asked,”Xiao Qi, are you an actor like Shishi, or are you working behind the scenes in the crew?”

Father Liu didn’t notice it just now, but he asked about it now, so Li Qi could only introduce it again.

“Uncle, I am the main actor in this play just like Shishi. Li Qi replied

“Li Qi is not only an actor, he is also the investor of our drama. This TV series was produced by his company.”Liu Shishi said

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