Chapter 12: Good wind helps

“It’s Yang Xiaomi again! I’m so pissed off!” Cai Yinong said angrily.

Li Qi, who had just been called to the company by Xiao Jiaer from home, looked at Xiao Jiaer and gave her a look, indicating that he knew nothing about the situation!

At this time, Xiao Jiaer, Cai Yinong, and Li Qi who had just arrived were in the office and were holding an emergency meeting.

Cai Yinong was very angry at this time, even more angry than being forgiven.

Since the head of the family had a car accident, the project was terminated, various endorsement contracts were terminated, and a lot of money was lost. Now Miracle Media is willing to let its own company join. It can be said that the male and female protagonists have been given to Tangren Films. It is a great thing that fell from the sky.

But the”Startling by Each Step” project is now in big trouble

The two companies have prepared a lot of preliminary work for this project and were about to start filming when a piece of news came out: Yu Ma’s new drama”Palace Lock Heart Jade” has already started filming!

Moreover,”Palace Lock Heart Jade” is also a Qing Dynasty theme, and it is also about the history of the Kowloon struggle for the throne.

After an internal review, Cai Yinong found out that the other party had discovered this when both parties were preparing for the project.

Yu Ma originally planned to shoot a costume drama about time travel and palace fighting.

After learning about the filming plans of Miracle Media and Tangren Films, without obtaining the copyright of the relevant novel, they immediately concocted a script with the same theme to seize the initiative

Now”Startling by Each Step” is still in the preparation stage, while”Palace” has already started filming. By the time”Startling by Each Step” starts filming, others have already finished filming.

One step slow, every step slow. By the time”Startling by Each Step” is broadcast,”Palace Lock Heart” will have become popular all over the country.

By then, the stigma of plagiarism may have to be borne by”Startling by Each Step”

Li Qi was relieved after figuring out these things. He thought something bad had happened that he had not expected. Wasn’t this just history repeating itself?

“Mr. Cai, I heard you scolding Yang Xiaomi when I came in just now. What’s going on?” Li Qi asked puzzledly

Cai Yinong looked at Li Qi and said,”It was Yang Xiaomi who took the leading role in”Palace Lock Heart Jade”, and I am a little angry with her!”

Having heard something about the feud between Yang Xiaomi and Cai Yinong, Li Qi immediately became curious and asked,”Boss Cai, what happened between you and Yang Xiaomi that made you so angry?”

Cai Yinong was conflicted for a while, but anyone who was interested could find out about it online, so there was nothing to hide. So he said,”It was all in the past. I don’t remember the exact date. I just remember that on Wednesday, Perfect World approached me to discuss cooperation on Dream Execution, and we hit it off immediately.

On Thursday, I immediately asked someone to contact Yang Xiaomi’s company. Her agent quoted a price on the same day. I told Miss Honglei of Perfect that the price quoted by Yang Xiaomi’s company was reasonable, so Perfect agreed. However, on Friday, I received a call from Yang Xiaomi’s agent, saying that they wanted to raise the price. The reason was that they originally thought it was an endorsement for”The Legend of Sword and Fairy”. If it was another game, the price would be different.”

Cai Yinong paused and continued,”So I told Perfect World, and they were also very angry, thinking that Yang Xiaomi’s company was using this as an excuse to raise the price, so I spent a lot of effort to convince Perfect World. At about 12 o’clock that night, I told them that all the conditions were fine, and Yang Xiaomi’s agent even praised me as a hardworking person. I knew very well that”

Cai Yinong took a sip of water and continued,”Later, they never responded to us. We called them one after another, but they just said they were not there. A week later, they said they had accepted another game endorsement. Of course, I was very angry when I heard that. During the whole process, they said whatever they wanted, and I helped them get it. Moreover, the contract was signed by the three parties, and I didn’t receive a penny of commission. The whole thing was very transparent.”

“I immediately called Yang Xiaomi, she said she didn’t know everything, she said she really wanted to film”Dream of the Dead”, she said she didn’t want to film the other one, so I believed her and said I would help her continue to fight for it.”

“Although I don’t agree with their company’s approach, after some twists and turns, I am no longer angry. Things also depend on fate.”

“Suddenly one day, Shishi felt very sorry for Yang Xiaomi. She said Yang Xiaomi told her that the reason for the failure was that the perfect person called their company’s CEO Li and was very rude, saying,”Do you think you are Liu Yifei? It’s good enough to have you as the spokesperson.”

Later I called the Perfect person to ask her how she told Mr. Li. The Perfect person said she was very polite because Mr. Li was an elder and called her”child” on the phone. After hanging up the phone, she still felt that this matter was very promising. How could she say something like”Do you think you are Liu Yifei?”······

It’s been so long since the incident happened, and I’ve let it go. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong now. There’s nothing to be angry about!”

Li Qi added some water to Cai Yinong’s cup and said,”So that’s what happened!” Li Qi was very satisfied after having eaten a big melon. It was none of my business who was right or wrong. I just wanted to be a spectator.

Looking at Xiao Jiaer next to him, her face flushed, it seems that the crowd of spectators has increased

Xiao Jiaer met Li Qi’s eyes, coughed, and said: According to the information I have learned, they have already negotiated with Xiangnan Satellite TV and will broadcast it at the beginning of next year.”

“So fast?” Cai Yinong said again:”They really came here to seize the initiative.”

“So should we hold a press conference now?” Xiao Jiaer said

“They have already held a press conference, one step ahead of us. If we hold a press conference again, people outside will think we are just following the trend.” Cai Yinong shook his head and said

“What should we do now? Is there a better way?”Xiao Jiaer asked

Li Qi thought about it, laughed loudly, and said,”It’s really a good wind that helps me soar to the sky! In fact, they are one step ahead of us, which is not entirely a bad thing. It can also be a good thing for us!”

Cai Yinong glanced at him and said,”You don’t have to comfort me.”

Xiao Jiaer trusts this partner more:”How can we turn him into a good person? Tell me!”

Li Qi stood up, took a few steps slowly, turned around and said to them:

“First, we contacted the author of the plagiarized novel and held a press conference to accuse him of shameless plagiarism, stating that we were the party with the genuine authorization, and then mobilized public opinion to attract attention.”

“Insisting that”Palace” was plagiarized first, whether it was really plagiarized or not is not important, what is important is to make the audience think they plagiarized”

“The key to the operation is to make the audience think that”Palace” is a crudely made plagiarized work, and our genuine”Startling by Each Step” is a well-made conscientious drama.”

“In this way, the higher the ratings of”Palace Lock Heart Jade”, the higher the audience’s expectations for”Startling by Each Step”, and maybe we can save a lot of publicity costs.”

“The second point is that they plan to broadcast the show at the beginning of the year, and we plan to broadcast it during the summer vacation next year. At that time, students will be on vacation, and the target audience of our show happens to be young people. Of course, our show must be well-produced, and the costumes, makeup, props and even lighting must be the best. Then, do you still worry that it won’t become popular!”

After hearing what Li Qi said, they both nodded. Now they can rest assured!

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