The most important thing is to be able to understand the truth.

Most of the innate demon gods awakened or had spiritual wisdom when the sixth calamity was close to the seventh calamity. Because of the idiot divine light swept by the avenue, even the innate gods and demons reincarnated by the chaos demons did not have any cultivation insights. Therefore, unless there were companion spirit treasures, they could only comprehend the avenue bitterly. After all, none of the chaos demon gods were lower than the realm of the Daluo Jinxian. Therefore, even if there was an inheritance, it was the Daluo Jinxian and above. As for how to practice below the Daluo Jinxian, they were also confused.

The top innate gods and demons in the world came out when Bai Zhen traveled throughout the prehistoric continent, such as the Hun Kun that Bai Zhen met. As for the reason for coming out, it is very simple. After they have improved their cultivation to the perfection of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, if they want to continue to break through, they need to condense the five qi in their chests.

Most of the top-level innate gods and demons in the world do not have suitable natural treasures to assist them in condensing the five qi in their chests. Therefore, they can only travel outside in order to obtain top-level natural treasures and condense the five qi in their chests. After all, the top-level innate demons are all arrogant and proud. How could they allow themselves to condense their own five qi in their chests with those ordinary innate five elements?

Moreover, their intuition tells them that the quality of the five qi in the chest determines the quality of the top three flowers in the future. Therefore, in order not to waste their own qualifications, most of the top-level innate gods and demons will not be able to condense the five qi in their chests unless they find top-level natural treasures.

At the same time, those top-level innate gods and demons, after finding suitable natural treasures, will randomly find a barren mountain, set up a defensive formation, and enter a state of seclusion. After all, this world is the law of the jungle. If he does not have strength, he can't protect anything.

During the time when Bai Zhen was traveling, those top gods and demons should have found suitable natural treasures for cultivation. After all, not every innate god and demon can be like Bai Zhen, who has been cultivating for a long time, causing his own cultivation to reach the limit of the world. Even if he finds natural treasures, he will be suppressed by the world and cannot cultivate.

It may be because those top innate gods and demons went into seclusion, and there were no top gods and demons in seclusion on Bai Zhen's way to Zhoushan, so although Bai Zhen met many innate gods and demons, he did not meet those well-known top innate gods and demons.


After reaching the foot of Mount Zhou, Bai Zhen took out the altar again and began to offer sacrifices to Pangu. As for the offerings this time, Bai Zhen still put half of the resources he had plundered along the way. As for more things, he really couldn't put them on the altar. After all, as the Lord of Qingqiu, Bai Zhen needed to be responsible for the creatures of Qingqiu, so he needed to spend a lot of resources to cultivate the creatures of Qingqiu. Bai Zhen was able to give Pangu half of the resources he had plundered on the way during the sacrifice, which fully demonstrated his respect for Pangu.

After Bai Zhen's sacrifice, the resources that Bai Zhen had placed on the altar disappeared directly. Bai Zhen didn't say much about this scene, after all, it wasn't the first time this happened!

After packing up everything, Bai Zhen began to climb Mount Zhou. When climbing Mount Zhou, Bai Zhen was surprised to find that Pangu's pressure on Mount Zhou was actually a little lower than when he first came here, but Bai Zhen also expressed his understanding of this. After all, Pangu had fallen, and the Pangu's will left behind could not be replenished, so the pressure naturally gradually decreased with the passage of time.

Although the pressure of Zhoushan Mountain has been reduced a little, it is still very difficult for Bai Zhen to climb the entire Zhoushan Mountain. Bai Zhen conservatively estimates that with the current pressure of Zhoushan Mountain, at least the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is needed to climb to the top. Bai Zhen is very clear about his own cognition and purpose, so in the short term, Bai Zhen does not have the hope of climbing to the top of Zhoushan Mountain.

Besides, Bai Zhen came here to use the pressure of Pangu on Zhoushan Mountain to sharpen his body, not to climb to the top of Zhoushan Mountain, so there is no need to care so much.

Although Bai Zhen felt that the pressure of Zhoushan Mountain had been reduced, since Bai Zhen stepped on Zhoushan Mountain, he found that although the overall pressure had been reduced, the pressure he had endured after coming in had increased. At this moment, Bai Zhen couldn't help but wonder if his strength had not increased at all. After all, Bai Zhen could clearly feel that his current state was exactly the same as the first time he came to climb.

After sorting out his own mood, Bai Zhen began to climb Zhoushan Mountain. In the first few years, because Bai Zhen had walked through a

Because of the trip, Bai Zhen had a certain understanding of the situation he would encounter, so he walked relatively fast, after all, he was familiar with the road.

When he reached the highest point of the first climb, Bai Zhen felt the strong pressure again, which made it difficult for Bai Zhen to move forward. Bai Zhen could clearly feel that if he took another step forward, he would be completely crushed into pieces by the pressure.

After feeling the extreme danger, Bai Zhen did not continue to move forward, and immediately began to polish his body with the pressure on the spot. When Bai Zhen felt that he had completely adapted to the environment, he took another small step forward, and after adapting himself, he continued to move up again. In this way, Bai Zhen started his path of cultivation in Zhoushan.

During the time when Bai Zhen was cultivating in Zhoushan, Bai Zhen's two sisters, because they had no worries about cultivation resources and their cultivation was close to the limit of heaven and earth, there was no point in seclusion, so they often gave lectures in Qingqiu. At the same time, they also selected four or five tribesmen with excellent qualifications for special tutoring, so as to ensure that their cultivation was improved to the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and when they wanted to go out to travel, there would be tribesmen who could take over their positions.

Because of the suppression of heaven and earth, the improvement of cultivation was getting slower and slower. Therefore, when time was getting closer and closer to the middle of the seventh calamity, the innate gods and demons in heaven and earth woke up from their seclusion one by one.

The difficulty in improving cultivation led some innate gods and demons with unsteady Taoism to start training subordinates. After all, in their opinion, with their own strength, how could it be justified if there were not a few people to serve them. But gradually, an unsteady innate god and demon A found that as his subordinates increased, his own cultivation speed was improved again. This discovery made this innate god and demon ecstatic. In order to keep this secret, innate demon A was on guard.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Because of the relative Dao, innate demon A has a mortal enemy, innate demon B. However, because their qualifications are similar, their strengths are evenly matched. Although neither can do anything to the other, because of their mutual disgust, they fight every once in a while.

Because of the great increase in strength, innate demon A's self-confidence exploded. When the fight was scheduled, innate demon A was ready to kill innate demon B. Although A's progress was not small, B was not standing still. Therefore, A could beat B, but it was impossible to kill B.

After being defeated, Xiantian Demon God B began to monitor A's every move, but after observing for a long time, he did not find any clues, so B went to ask his friend Xiantian Demon God C for help. Perhaps because of the clearness of the bystander, C soon noticed that the force A was in had been frantically expanding its strength outside, so C directly told B about his discovery.

After learning the news, B began to try to regain some of his subordinates. After accepting some of his subordinates, B clearly felt that his cultivation speed had increased, so he also began to expand his own forces.

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