I Am a Big Player

Eighty-four, tyranny of bear children

Didn't wash off after three showers? It's ok, this effect is what we want, Ren He thinks that this family doesn't need to go out to celebrate the New Year with relatives this year, the child is too dirty to show off!

He felt that he had to re-examine the heavenly punishment system. The rewards were more expensive than the other. Ren He himself never thought about how much he would lose by letting the prank firecrackers go on the road...

In the afternoon, Ren He's two aunts and uncles arrived with the whole family. Ren's mother, Ru Min, told her in every possible way that Ren He, the oldest, must let his younger brothers and sisters go. .

During the Chinese New Year, the dishes are the most plentiful. Ren Ma cooked eight cold dishes and eight hot dishes in one go. She didn't look like a strong woman outside at all. Ren He helped peel garlic and pick vegetables beside her.

Ru Min straightened her apron and suddenly glanced at Ren He suspiciously: Did you do something bad to help me so kindly?

Ren He opened his mouth and was choked for a long time without saying a word. What do you mean by doing something bad and having a guilty conscience when you help an old man? Can you still have a good year!

No, that can't be done, an upright child like me will never do anything bad, Ren He explained.

By the way, how many points did you score in the final exam this time? I forgot to ask you, Ru Min suddenly remembered such a thing. It is a common practice for her son to have poor academic performance, and she is almost used to it...

Chinese 93, Mathematics 99, English 99, History 90, Politics 71, Geography 94, Ren He said cheerfully, he is completely true now, with a super memory, all the things he learned in his previous life are back , can be regarded as worthy of him studying hard for a while in the third year of high school.

Ru Min was surprised: You can do so well in the exam? Why don't I believe it!

If you don't believe me, you can ask the teacher, really, I have repented and changed my past, and I am determined to change my mind and start a new life, Ren He said solemnly.

Who did you learn from, don't follow me, what about chemistry and physics? Ru Min remembered that Ren He still had two subjects.

Cough cough, 7 points in chemistry, 8 points in physics... Ren He's poor physical and chemical scores are simply horrible. People who don't know think that he is a very low score in these two subjects...

Ru Min rolled her eyes: Got it, I don't need you to pick vegetables for me, I'm thankful that you can study hard.

It's okay to be a partial subject. It's not difficult to get into a good school with other subjects. The college entrance examination is also divided into arts and sciences, Ren He explained. Physical chemistry only accounted for 50 points in the Los Angeles high school entrance examination in 2006. That's why he can be so confident and biased.

When Ren He came out of the kitchen, he happened to see the four children from his uncle and aunt's family running around in the living room. When they saw Ren He, they rushed to ask him for pocket money. Hehe, then you are going to the wrong person. In theory, I should have no money at all.

Although in fact he has money, he can't give it to him, otherwise what would his mother do if he asked? Where does the money come from? I can't explain it.

Even though he is quite successful now, a junior high school student earns a few million, but in Ru Min's eyes, what is a few million, is it important to study hard? If you want to write a novel or want a bicycle, go back and study hard.

If Ren He was born in a poor family, it would have been fine, and he declared openly that he could make money. In the end, it was a tragedy. After buying a car worth more than two million yuan, he immediately looked like a nouveau riche. He didn't even dare to say a word...

You're so stingy, you're so stingy, the four brats turned their faces away and left.

Ren He's face is darkened, you stop for me, can you speak human words, when did I become stingy! I'm an upstart, okay?

As a result, the group of children ran to Ren He's room to play and play. His room had been played to a disastrous state, and he was still jumping around with his shoes on. The oldest of this group of brats is only 8 years old, so I really can't say anything.

However, just as he was about to turn his head to go out, he only heard a sound from Kuang,

His laptop fell to the ground and fell into pieces...

Nima, Ren He knows that the files inside will not be lost, because the hard disk is not damaged, but it is a tool for his own coding, these brats are simply amazing!

Don't let anyone stop me, I'm going to rule over brats today! Ren He glanced at the adults who were chatting outside the house, went directly into the house and closed the door, when the two worlds were separated, Ren He showed a grin on his face: Why don't you just sit there for me, recite the three-character scriptures, if you can't recite No one will even want to play!

When it was time for dinner, the adults suddenly found that the children had disappeared, so the door of Ren He's room was closed. When they opened the door, the four bear children were all aggrieved and sat on the small bench: At the beginning of life, Good natured...

The moment they saw their parents they were almost moved to tears, why did you come here!

Ren He's uncle was happy: It's still a sensible elder brother, Ren He, who can teach my younger brother to recite the Three Character Classic. I read the Three Character Classic in the newspaper. It is very interesting. It is suitable as a reading material for enlightenment education, and there are many other things in it. It’s good to have less historical stories, let’s have dinner first, you guys, thank you brother!”

Zhixiong child, if you beat him, his parents feel distressed, thinking that you are an ignorant brother, how can you beat your younger siblings, so Ren He forced them to endorse, and absolutely no one objected!

In the evening, a dozen or so members of the family came to the table to eat, and Channel 1 was playing on the TV, waiting to watch the Spring Festival Gala. Suddenly, the 8-year-old cousin volunteered, I'll make rice for everyone!

Hey, this kid is sensible, Ru Min said with a smile.

But Ren He felt that something was wrong, because Ren He had discovered before that this kid was actually very smart, and he was very vengeful, and he was narrow-minded. He just stared at the brat to see what he wanted to do!

Sure enough, Ren He found that he had spit quietly into a bowl of rice! If it's close to ten, then it's for me!

It's ok, boy, it's very like your brother, Ren He didn't expose it, and when the brat came, Ren He directly gave the brat the layer of rice that the other party specially brought to him: You are growing up Well, eat more.

The bear child was so confused that he didn't react for a long time!

But even though that layer was removed, Ren He still didn't have much appetite, and planned to find a chance to make another one later, but the meal could continue to be eaten, and the bear boy had to die, otherwise how would he know, who is the big brother? !

Ren He silently brought over the two prank salutes next to the TV: In order to reward you for cooking for everyone, brother will reward you with two firecrackers! Ren He also specially lit the fuse of the salute: Well, The lead wire is quite long, it should be very safe, let’s play with it!”

At first, the bear thought that Ren He had discovered his conspiracy, but now that there are rewards, he doesn't think he was discovered.

During Chinese New Year, there are firecrackers and other things everywhere. The packaging of these two salutes is very beautiful. Who would have thought what is hidden inside...

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