Chapter 171

“Come on, So Shim-hee. Let’s go into metamorphosis one more time.”


I was watching the training of the 4th floor team in the front yard of the tower.

As timid Hee closed her eyes and focused, her muscles covered her body, and in an instant she became Andrath, engulfed in ragged muscles.

Next, the ‘Giantization’ and ‘Strength’ magic circles pass through a relatively small bridge. The legs gradually swell and grow, and then they turn into strong muscles and hit the floor.

I spread the shield magic circle behind me as if to set a target, and then So Sim-hee ran and broke the magic circle.


When my autograph fell, timid Hee returned to her human state and took her wild breath.

“It has improved a lot since I was dispatched to Tanzania. The augmented magic circle has become much smoother.”

“Go, thank you!”

“Only one thing to improve.”

I put my finger up.

“The speed of transformation is vital to metamorphosis. Especially not the type that maintains monster status for a long time like So Shim-hee, but the type that only transforms when fighting.”

“Ah yes!”

“Actually, So Shim-hee’s transformation speed itself is not bad. But the problem is that the process of spreading the magic circle is added after transformation. You have to raise the overall breathing.”

“What should I do?”

“Start casting the magic circle at the same time you transform.”


Her eyes widened roundly.

“It is to unify the pattern of transformation and the pattern of the magic circle.”

I said, clasping my outstretched palms together.

“Sin, I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand.”

“It is remembered as a separate movement. Metamorphosis’s transformation process proceeds in the order of upper body, head, arms, and lower body? The magic circle is similarly divided into base, field, rune, and formula. It is tied in a circle pattern.

As she listened to my explanation with her blank expression on her face, she questioned.

“Is that possible?”

“Of course. Erendel’s battle mages have developed a system that uses magic while moving their body in order to reduce the casting speed of secondary magic in the field. This is called the ‘Action Groove’.

It was also So Shim-hee who took the most time for training.

Even in Erendel, there was no record of a ‘transformation specialist’. Her field is completely piled up with her from the bottom of her, and her trial and error is unavoidable.

However, if this system is properly completed, she may become the world’s most powerful metamorphosis power in the future.

In addition, if we can apply our theory to other metamorphic abilities, we can create an external image that Magic Tower contributes not only to non-combat players but also to those with combat abilities.

“Now, shall we go one more set?”


“Oppa! You’re a shy sister!”

Eunsol also ran. On her tray she carried were two glasses of tomato juice.

“Look, sister, eat this!”

“Oh, I was just thirsty. I’ll drink well.”

“Are you giving me too? Thank you!”

Jin-Bora was also handing out tomato juice to the other 4th-floor team members who were lying on the grass.

When our eyes met, he waved his hand. I learned to cook these days and became a housekeeper.

‘Then where.’

I tasted tomato juice with ice floating on it.

… … Sweet. It’s Jinyoung’s style.

“Did Sol have juice?”

So Shim-hee asked kindly.

“Yeah! I ate inside!”

“Would you mind giving me some?”

“It’s okay! I’m full!”

“Oh, Sol, look over there! Grasshoppers run around.”


Eunsol also ran through the grass following the grasshopper.

I was watching Eunsol play while tasting tomato juice, this time Jinbora ran up and down.

“Senior! How about juice? How about it?”

Hearing evaluations on cuisine seemed to be a new brand of Jinbora these days. I laughed too.

“Where can I sell it? It tastes like buying and eating outside.”

“Ho-ho-ho! It actually contains a secret recipe… huh?”


Jinbora suddenly stopped her words and raised her head. The unexpected was flying over her head.


Snow was falling from the sky. Jinbo-ra narrowed her eyes.

“Isn’t it time for snow yet?”

I stretched out her fingers without saying a word. Snowflakes falling gently from the sky touched the tip of my finger.

“… it’s fucked up.”

Snowflake was warm.

* * *

[Next news. A new disaster is coming to the Korean Peninsula, which has been peaceful for a while.][Scholars have observed warm snow anomalies and irregular magical movements. The countries where the anomaly is observed include South Korea, North Korea, Japan, China, and the eastern part of Russia. Unlike the classic gate, it is a disaster for five countries that does not include Southeast Asia.][The heads of countries held an emergency meeting! The ‘East Asia Disaster Common Front’ was established with five countries participating, with China being the most exposed to disasters. Affiliated countries have resolved to defeat disasters and minimize casualties by working closely together.][Scholars have ordered the people to focus on their livelihood, as it is not a disaster that plunges the Republic of Korea into a bog like in the labyrinth dungeon.]

“You’re talking nonsense.”

I spit out while watching the news on my laptop.

“It’s a new disaster, so how do they know if it’s dangerous or not?”

“That’s it.”

In the golden lobby on the first floor, Jin-Ra and Na Dae-Yong were sitting on a sofa and watching a news video. I clicked my tongue.

“With this, the 6th floor ordeal should be put on hold for the time being.”

“Oh! I’m sorry. How good.”

Jinbora’s face was smiling brightly as she said that.

“…you know that facial expressions and words don’t match?”

“Hehe! You couldn’t do it right now anyway.”

It is.

There is one tricky point in the ‘conditions’ of the 6th floor ordeal, which I will explain later.

“Where’s Seojin?”

“I’m looking for similar records from Erendel’s catastrophe. Ea is helping too.”

“Wow, a disaster that cannot be caught by mana coordinates is floating around in Korea like this.”

“Master! It could be a disaster unique to Korea, just like in Africa!”

“It could be.”

Still, it was because I had a lot of experience, so I was nervous, but I felt a little more relaxed.

The power and power I have now is different from when I was under license, when I was bullied by 5th graders.

In this disaster, I think we can achieve some pretty good results.

‘Come on anything.’

It is certainly a great career to erase Tabes monsters from the world while dispatching them overseas, but no matter how much it is, a career alone will not make you an official level 2.

I will sacrifice this calamity to level 2

* * *

Korea Disaster Emergency Response Committee.

so-called nonsense.

It is Korea’s highest-level committee that is exercised whenever a national-level catastrophe occurs. Not only the president, the head of state, but also the defense minister, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the chief of staff of the land, air and sea participated. In addition, there were also guild masters who were ranked in the top 10 in Korea.

1st place – Unix.

2nd place – Phantom.

3rd place – Snow.

4th place – Black Guard.

5th place – Ayla.

6th place – SG Company.

7th place – Tarthanos.

8th place – NIX.

9th place – Red Dragon.

10th place – Guardian Korea.

Meanwhile, there have been big and small changes in the Korean hunter world.

The Unix Guild, which had been in second place for many years, took the first place thanks to the strength of its size, such as recruiting a large number of top-level hunters and securing a large number of areas in charge overseas thanks to the full support of its parent company. Snow, who was in 4th place, also climbed the limit and became the 3rd guild.

Of course, in addition to the guild, the management of three places, including Garam, who is now the top management in name and reality, also participated.

At the gathering of huge giants, the officials swallowed dry saliva and were careful about every move.

“President Park Jung-yang is entering!”

Everyone in the conference room got up.

Republic of Korea President Park Jeong-yang was undoubtedly Korea’s most powerful person, with the authority to appoint the head of the Hunter Association and the highest commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

“Thank you all for coming together like this while you’re busy!”

Park Jung-yang greeted people with a nice smile. He gestured and everyone sat down.


Park Jeong-yang looked around and saw an empty center seat.

“Who’s vacant there?”

“Ah, that’s…”

Bump, tick, tick.

The power of the president is certainly strong.

If only there was one exception.

“I’m sorry. I’m late.”

Korea’s strongest hunter.

A great hero who is respected not only in Korea but also around the world.

The holder of the record for the most advanced dungeon clearing in the world.

The red-haired woman who appeared at the conference room later than the president walked around the conference room with a leisurely pace. She then, as she always does, sat crookedly with her legs crossed and her arms crossed.

“Aren’t you starting?”

Park Jung-yang blushed her face and coughed ‘Hmmmm’. She didn’t hide her discomfort, but Hongyul was yawning as if she didn’t care.

Anyway, the meeting started. The Disaster Observer explained the catastrophe.

“This catastrophe is a new kind of catastrophe that has never been seen before. Look at the screen.”

The observer talked about the result of analyzing the magical flow and anomalies in various atmospheric conditions.

“If you look here, mana in the stratosphere is gathering in the form of a whirlpool. The yellow flash is similar to the catastrophe ‘White Christmas’, but the crucial difference is here. Mana is manifesting in a different form from the gate-type catastrophe. .”


“As a result of the investigation with the cooperation of the United States, we were able to discover only one catastrophe with a strong similarity. The catastrophe ‘Immortal’ observed in Mexico six years ago! This catastrophe also had a sign of warm snow falling.”

“Then, isn’t it the same disaster?”

“It’s pretty much the same, but the signs of the anomaly are slightly different. Look at the screen.”

Hongyul’s eyes widened as the explanation became longer.

“Ah, you’re talking too much. Only the conclusion, only the conclusion!”

“Yes, yep! I’m sorry.”

The observer quickly flipped the screen.(Read more @

“Ultimately, predictions of disasters should be made based on past records. The US Disaster Observatory also judged this disaster as a sibling disaster of Immortal and informed that the response method would be similar.”

Immortal was a very unusual type of disaster. The dungeon gate does not open and monsters come out of it, but only one large monster made of ‘Immortal’ magical power appears.

That Immortal is an indestructible monster. The dungeon gate is continuously supplied with magical energy to recover infinitely, and as soon as it appears, it attacks a city with a large population.

To counter this, humanity must split its power into two alterations. A defense group that must stop Immortals attacking the city, and a strategy group that enter the dungeon where Immortals came from and aim to clear the dungeon directly.

If you catch and clear the boss monster in the dungeon, Immortal will disappear.

“You have to do it.”

Hongyul said.

“It’s similar to a dungeon gate? It’s over if you clear the dungeon before problems arise.”

“Yeah, yes, but this is only the description of the disaster ‘Immortal’, and no one knows what will be added to this disaster.”


Contrary to Hongyul’s relaxed reaction, the guild masters were bewildered.

“An indestructible monster…”

“I can’t even imagine.”

Normal dungeons are enough if you attack the dungeon within the time limit, but in this disaster, major facilities and properties such as downtown and buildings are destroyed by large monsters in real time.

In addition, disasters appearing on Earth also tended to increase in difficulty over time. Everyone thought it would be no easier than the disaster in Mexico.

“Sorry during the meeting!”

The door opened and an agent from the Catastrophe Observatory entered.

The fact that he had jumped into a non-commissioned meeting of political figures who are considered to be the best of the Republic of Korea meant that there was an important report.

He whispered to the observer and handed him his material, who nodded his head and brought the material to the screen.

“This report has just arrived! The catastrophe has moved beyond the anomaly phase into the concrete gate formation phase.”

Everyone murmured.


“The disaster is quick these days.”

“The following are data showing gate expression points.”

The screen flipped and a map of the Korean Peninsula and a red dot were displayed.

“As you can see, there are a total of 14 regions in Korea. Scholars have determined that the gate shape step is also very similar to ‘Disaster Immortal’.”

“I’m glad it’s not an entirely new kind of catastrophe, though.”

“Yes. I think we can discuss it right away and decide on a defensive point.”

The non-captain immediately entered into a detailed discussion. There were two people leading the atmosphere of the meeting.

“Can I tell you something?”

The first Unix guild master and certified second-class hunter ‘Frost’.

“This catastrophe is a priority attack on populated cities. If so, we can guess the direction Immortal is moving, given the location of the gates and the size of the neighboring cities.”

With a clean, gentle appearance, and an appealing voice, he is attractive. It smells more like a businessman than a hunter.

“Of course, the highest level of defense in front of the gate, and the positions of the 2nd and 3rd defenses should also be spread according to the gap between the city and the gate. While the defense forces block Immortal, the main forces of the Top 10 guilds here attack the dungeon. if……”

“Again, again, you’re talking shit with your mouth.”

and another one.

“Why did you decide that?”

Hong Yul, the president of the association, protested with a wrinkled expression.

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