Chapter 161

When I came out, there was a commotion.

Han Yun-jung grabbed the walkie-talkie and squawked something, while Samia teleported to try something strange at her gate. Hong-yeon crossed her arms and moved around anxiously in her place.

“Huh? Hey!”

Han Yun-jung was the first to find me and shouted.

“What happened? I was so worried because he suddenly disappeared…!”


When she bumped into something, I looked down and saw Hong Yeon approaching and putting her head on my chest. She raised her head as she showed her reddish face.

“I was surprised that you suddenly disappeared.”

“Huh? Oh, sorry to startle you.”

Yoon-jung Han approached her, narrowing her eyes.

“Hey, what happened?”

“That’s it. Actually…”

“The formal respect is over, please explain quickly.”

After Ji said we should speak publicly in front of others.

“Okay. Actually, there was something I said earlier when Commander Selegma died…”

I briefly summarized what happened in the dungeon to them.

Everyone could not keep their mouths shut at the fact that these Tabes monsters, who had brought Africa to the brink of extinction, were a catastrophe of a child dying of starvation.

And the most important conclusion.

“The core dungeon has been cleared.”


“Let’s go outside. Could the communication network be restored soon?”

We walked out of the cave.


“What is all this?”

Everyone rolled their eyes and looked outside.

Selegma’s garrison, a place full of monsters, has turned into a forest covered with grass, flowers, and trees.

“There, can you explain?”

The soldiers, who were stunned by Samia’s question, raised their salutes and said:

“The monsters that attacked us suddenly became plants!”

“Hey! What crazy bullshit is that!”

“I really am! Pharaoh-sama!”

I just smiled roundly.

– Top owner. Photos and videos are being uploaded rapidly from all over Africa.

EA showed the image of Africa through Daeva’s eyes. The life-threatening monsters became grass, flowers, and trees. The expressions of people smiling broadly in it are impressive.

I looked at the green Africa with a deep afterglow.

‘Feel so good.’

A once cursed land. It was called the land of the dead.

It is now a Living Field.

* * *

By the time we got out of the garrison and got into the car, our first communication with headquarters was successful. By the time they returned to the friendly formation, communication had been fully restored.

At the headquarters, they were shouting with a voice of half astonishment and half astonishment.

– This is HQ! Tabes monsters are transforming into flowers and trees!

– Not just Tanzania! Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Zambia, and even Mozambique! Simultaneous reports are coming from all countries that have suffered from Tabes!

Hongyeon looked at me quietly.



I smiled and looked at her.

“Is there anything you haven’t told us?”

“As I said. I just cleared the dungeon.”

The vehicle arrived at the friendly formation. Seeing the reactions of the soldiers in the main army, everyone had their mouths open as if they were not feeling it. I activated the ear mic.


All the soldiers on the Tanzanian front looked at me.

“The identities of the Tabeth monsters were those that arose from a disaster on Earth called ‘Hunger’. I defeated the subject of disaster at the garrison and cleared the core dungeon. is.”

I took a long breath. Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? A lot of eyes are on me. Occasionally a swallowing sound is also heard from the communicator.

At that time, Hong-yeon was smiling and nodding her head. I nodded my head and finished.

“As of this time, the Tanzanian Front Command is from the cataclysmic Tabes.”

Then all the soldiers looked at me with their eyes shining.

“I declare the complete liberation of Africa!”

in that word.

All the emotions of the 40,000 people in this place exploded.





It doesn’t end there.

In an hour, 30 million Tanzanians will cheer, and in half a day, 1.2 billion Africans will cheer.

In one day, the whole world will be infested.

This is a great victory.

* * *

[Confirmation of complete annihilation of catastrophe Tabes! Liberation of Africa!][The best achievement of this century brought about by the world Federation’s precious judgment and support! The highest contributor is a certified level 3 hunter in Korea.][Tanzanian Story. How did the Tabes monsters dye Africa blue?][Great mage Kim Yoo-shin, who spread magic to the world, did it again!]

Local media as well as media from all over the world rushed to report the liberation of Africa on the front page.

In particular, everyone could not keep their mouths shut at the fact that the land cursed by the monsters became fertile land, and the monsters were turned into nutritious trees.

The people of Africa praised the miracle in tears.

Surprisingly, there was no such thing as a fight between Living Fields, which I was worried about at first. The monsters, who were fastening the destruction of the continent while holding their lives, were deeply moved by this amazing miracle, which was changed by the grace of light.

Africa has always had an atmosphere of piety.

Happy ending with this. It’s the best ending

However, if there is one thing that I personally regret, it is the punishment of Hakan Abdullah.

We tried to hide the fact that we seized Hakan as much as possible, but the League also knew how to ask for his recruits. That too right now.

okay. I know what your thoughts and intentions are. While the whole world is praising the judgment of the Federation, you don’t want to scratch and crumble because of Hakan for nothing.

The Federation will try to thoroughly bury the Hakan Gun, and in the worst case, there is a fear that Hakan will return to the scene without a word.

I can’t see the people who drove as many as 40,000 people to death are active as peacekeepers. I made a promise to those who tried to kill Hakan, so I can’t back down like this.

I moved quickly. I asked EA to send a message to the major media in each country.

[My name is Kim Yoo-shin, the commander of the Tanzanian Front, a certified third-class hunter. I plan to hold a press conference tomorrow at 15:00 in Mutwara. We are going to deal with an important issue, so please come.]

Journalists who are always thirsty for new news cannot stand still. It is even the hottest issue of the Tanzanian front these days.

Media outlets even mobilized private planes to send reporters to Mutwara.

And today, the day of the press conference.

Outside, reporters from the country are crowded and waiting. I’m tying my tie in front of the mirror.


Hong-yeon opened the door and appeared.

“The helicopter from the Federation Headquarters has just arrived! A certified 2nd-level hunter will come and take Hakan right away!”


Just look at sending a second class to transport prisoners. It looks like the body is pretty tight. I ruffled the hem of her suit and looked at her.

“Let’s go straight to the reporters.”


We moved quickly towards the outdoor press conference room.

“But I mean.”

I opened my mouth.

“Isn’t an interview like this the responsibility of the commander-in-chief? It’s going to be reported all over the world, so it’s better for you to go. First place. Leader. It’s meaningless if it’s not the best?”

she just laughed

“Last time in the labyrinth dungeon, only me was an issue. I’m giving it up once.”

“…thank you for that.”

As we were about to step out of the open door, something like black liquid slurped out! It came up in a whirlpool.

“Wherever you go. Archmage.”

The black liquid turned into a human form. He is covered with a black cloak reminiscent of Dracula, and his face is wearing a mask.

“Night Walker…!”

Hongyeon lowered her posture with a tense expression on her face. I smiled casually.

“Wow- I see a famous person like this in real life.”

“Answer me. What about the reporters out there?”

The League’s certified second-class hunter, Night Walker asked with a firm expression.

“I don’t know either. Since it’s an issue, I must have come to film.”

“…Where is Hakan?”

“I do not know.”

The night walker stretched her arms behind her under her cloak. The black liquid rose like a wave and changed into a black spear that was over 2 meters in length.

“This is the last warning. Guide me to where Hakan is.”

“Zeep, okay. Hongyeon, will you guide me?”

“Don’t be fooled, both of you follow.”

His voice became even more threatening.

As Hong Yeon clenched her teeth and raised her hand to her hilt, I patted her on the shoulder to calm her down. Then she grinned.

“I can’t do that.”


My body turned into water and sank down.

“Great mage!”

The Night Walker hastily turned his back and looked out the door to the press conference room. She had been waiting for this very moment.

My body broke the water curtain and rushed out the door.

fake play. I prepared two curtains of water. One sheet turns my alter ego into water, and the other covers my true self.

The moment the Night Walker looked around to find me, she ripped the water curtain as a Daeva Star and arrived at the press conference.



Camera shutters of reporters poured from all directions. As if it was a planned production, I stretched out my arms and showed a relaxed reaction.

this is fun I laughed at the thought of the Night Walker grinding his teeth from behind.

“Thank you for coming this way. My name is Kim Yoo-shin, commander of the Tanzanian Front.”

First, I briefly explained the achievements of our front line and the present progress. And moved on to the main topic.(Read more @

“I don’t have time, so what should I do first?”

I walked down the pulpit of the conference room and stabbed the air with my finger.

The four layers of water poured down, and Hakan appeared. Everyone let out an exclamation of astonishment and pressed the shutter.

Dressed in a prison uniform, he wore a metal mask that blocked his voice, and he was kneeling on his knees with his whole body bound tightly.

“I’m Hakan Abdullah 3rd class who commanded the expeditionary force of this Federation. Currently, I am being charged with desertion and treason.”


“I’ll start with the recorded video I prepared.”

I played the recorded video prepared by EA through the speaker in turn, and then told me that when the Colossus was about to attack, Hakan took control of the headquarters and cut off communications, putting all 40,000 troops in danger.

All the reporters’ eyes turned red, and they wrote down my story in their notebooks.

“I have a question! Why on earth did a Hakan 3rd class do such a thing…!”


I inquired.

“Actually, Hakan III was an African renegadeist. One of the companies he controls is a major shareholder of PHC. Yes, that’s the company that put up the defenses in the Suez Canal.”


“This is the true face of the African renunciationists. I thought that each person had a different opinion, and that their argument had a valid reason…”

I looked at Hakan on his knees with contempt.

“After all, this is the reality. These are the demons who are willing to bury 40,000 alive for their own benefit.”

Karim and Samia, who were sitting in the stands, nodded.

“Yes, Africa was liberated thanks to the Confederation’s determination to send 20,000 reinforcements. That’s a serious fact. But it’s a pity that even a solid organization like the Confederation contains people with extreme tendencies like ‘African Abandoners’ It is a pity that the pure good intentions of the majority are polluted by the malice of such a minority.”

This is my own consideration for the Federation.

It gave room for the tail to be cut.

To interpret, this is the message. My only target is African Abandoners, so take care of yourself.

I nodded to the soldiers who were waiting behind the pulpit. The soldiers left with Hakan drooping. They will secretly lead Hakan to the Order.

In fact, I could have just fed the federation a big taffy here.

I immediately turned around and said, ‘Mr. Night Walker. You may now take Mr. Hakan with you. He even threatened to take Hakan-san, but it seems he was in a hurry-!’ Just say one word and show the Confederate army helicopters and night walkers to reporters, and that’s it.

All arrows of condemnation will be directed at the Alliance.

But, well, I don’t think there’s any reason to hate the League so much. Because it’s better to have less if possible.

With this press conference, the alliance’s determination was highly praised, and aggro was placed on the internal impure.

If the Federation listens to my words, they will quickly decide and announce Hakan’s disposition, and even cut off the African renegadeist who put Hakan on it.

If you are quick to get things done, there is plenty of room to minimize damage.

“Well then.”

I turned to the reporters.

“Now I’ll take ten minutes to ask you a question.”

As soon as I finished my words, hands flashed up from all directions.

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