Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 90 One year is up, Yinuo leaves

In a blink of an eye, another two months have passed.

The one-year period agreed between Shen Yinuo and him has arrived.

"Lu Yan, I promised to cook martial arts food for you for a year, and I did it. Am I keeping my promise?"

Shen Yinuo said.


Lu Yan nodded.

"It's time for me to go. I still have a lot of places I haven't been to, a lot of martial arts I haven't tried, and besides, I still have a lot of things I haven't done yet."

Shen Yinuo was whispering, as if he was speaking to Lu Yan, but also to himself.

Lu Yan was silent.

To be honest, after spending so much time together day and night, Shen Yinuo is leaving now, and I feel really reluctant to leave.

But there is no banquet in the world that never comes to an end.

"Lu Yan, you must have an innate martial body, right?"

Shen Yinuo asked.

Lu Yan nodded and said, "Not bad."

"Five times the energy and blood?"

Lu Yan nodded again.

In fact, he is now six times, but five times or six times is not bad.

"Then do you know that with an innate martial body, it is very difficult to cultivate the energy and blood into the bones and become a Martial Lord? It is many times more difficult than ordinary people."

Shen Yinuo said.

"Is this happening?"

Lu Yan's expression changed. He hadn't heard about this.

The main reason is that there are too few innate martial bodies, and some experience is not known to most people.

"If you want to know why, you must first understand what Wuhou is, what bone strength is, and how bone strength is achieved."

"As early as five thousand years ago, the first ancient emperor of the Great Ancient Dynasty, the legendary figure known as the Martial Ancestor by later generations, said that practicing martial arts is to develop the human body's own potential with the help of external forces."

"The first realm, the limit-breaking realm, breaking through the five sealed doors, is actually to develop the potential of flesh and blood, and use martial arts to continuously enhance the strength of flesh, blood, and qi."

"And the second realm, the bone strength realm, is to develop the potential in the bones. There are five layers of space in the bones, namely the surface, the inside, the inner, the deep, and the abyss."

"The fifth-level space is unbreakable. It is many times stronger than a sealed door. It is almost impossible to directly break through the bone space."

"But the Great Dao is fifty and Tianyan is forty-nine. Everything has a chance. On every level of space, there is a node. As long as you find this node and focus on the point, you can break through this layer of space."

"But the nodes are not fixed at one position, but are constantly moving around. The position is different every moment. Therefore, if you want to break through Wuhou, you must enter the bones with Qi and blood, vibrate the bones with Qi and blood, and force out That node, but this process is very dangerous, if you are not careful, the bones will be exploded by the energy and blood, which may cause a serious loss of vitality, or death in the worst case."

"Especially for the innate martial body, the qi and blood are too strong. After entering the bones, the bones cannot bear it. Therefore, the stronger the qi and blood, the harder it is to defeat Wuhou."

"Although the bones of the innate martial body are stronger than ordinary people, the strength is not as strong as the qi and blood. The qi and blood are five times that of ordinary people. When a breakthrough is made, it will be even more dangerous."

Shen Yinuo explained in great detail.

Lu Yan's mood became increasingly heavy.

According to this, it would be extremely difficult for him to defeat Marquis Wu.

He has six times the qi and blood of an ordinary person. Although he has developed an acquired martial body, every time his qi and blood capacity increases, his body will also be strengthened.

But the extent of bone strengthening can never keep up with Qi and blood.

Six times the energy and blood of a normal person poured into his bones, and his bones would probably explode in an instant.

"Since it is so difficult to break through, why do those sects still regard innate martial bodies as the focus of training? Do they have a solution?"

Lu Yan's heart moved and he asked.

"Of course there is a solution, mainly relying on martial arts. Do you know why the alienated nine-section heart meat can improve the success rate of defeating Wuhou? That is because after taking the alienated nine-section heart meat, it can be reconciled in a short time. The qi and blood make the qi and blood docile and less destructive, which indirectly protects the bones."

"In addition, there is a kind of martial food, which is also one of the eighteen ways to enter the bones. It is called the Beast King Bone Protecting Soup. The bone soup is made from the whole body bones of the exotic beast Jade Bone Tiger and a variety of auxiliary elixirs. It is used to break through the Wuhou When taken at any time, it can form a special energy that adheres to the bones, which can play a huge protective role in the bones in a short period of time.”

"In addition, there is another way, which is to spend a period of time to polish your own Qi and blood during the five peaks of breaking the limit. Try to polish the Qi and blood to a balance of hardness and softness, so that you can direct and control it like an arm, which can also greatly improve the breaking of limits. The odds of Marquis Wu, of course, are that this step is extremely difficult."

Shen Yinuo explained.

"Beast King Bone Soup?"

Lu Yan pondered, he had often heard about the alienated Jiu Jie heart, but this was the first time he heard about the Beast King Bone Protecting Soup.

"Yi Nuo, do you know where the exotic beast Jade Bone Tiger is found in the six counties of Lingdong?"

Lu Yan asked.

"I don't know!"

Shen Yinuo shook his head.

Lu Yan sighed and could only look for it slowly in the future.

Fortunately, there is still time. He is still far away from being able to break the limit five times and be full of energy and blood.

"Of course, if you want to force out the bone space nodes, the quality of your qi and blood must also meet the standard. This is why you need first-class martial arts to pass the level. Therefore, you still have another level, which is to obtain first-class martial arts."

After saying that, Shen Yinuo patted Lu Yan on the shoulder and said: "Although the conditions are difficult, I believe you can do it. You still have to repay my life-saving grace. I will wait for you. I will not break Wu Hou , but I can’t repay you.”

"Okay, let's go, see you in the world."

Shen Yinuo carried the iron pot on his back, held the spatula in his hands, waved his hand, and left gracefully, without hesitation and decisiveness.

A few days later, Lu Yan began to miss Shen Yinuo.

Without him, because he is going to start chewing on martial arts again.

The martial arts food left by Shen Yinuo before leaving had been eaten by Lu Yan.

The taste of dried Mushrooms is really incomparable to fresh Mushrooms.

Eating fresh martial arts food means enjoying delicious food while gaining food energy to practice martial arts.

And eating wushigan is purely to obtain energy.

Although the Li family of Baicao City has a second-level bloodline, has more exotic beasts in captivity, and sells more martial arts to the outside world, there are also many warriors in Baicao City and the demand is huge, so they can buy them every day. The quantity of fresh martial arts is also limited, so practice is still based on dried martial arts.

For clan owners, wushigan is more profitable, and they are more willing to make wushigan for sale.

"You still need to have your own power."

Lu Yan sighed again.

The training of a warrior requires a lot of resources, and martial food is indispensable along the way.

You can't cook all the time, so how can you have time to practice martial arts?

If you have your own power, you will have your own team of martial arts chefs, and you will have your own dedicated exotic animal breeder, so that you can have a steady supply of martial arts food.

Only in this way can the value of the second-level blood veins be truly reflected.

This is why Lu Yan has always wanted to capture the Zhou family.

Martial arts chef is the foundation for the development of a force.

Once you gain power, you can form your own intelligence network and help find Taoist food.

For this, Lu Yan already had a detailed plan in mind.

First open a martial arts gym in Baicao City, and on the pretext of teaching martial arts, first cultivate a group of direct line forces of your own. After entering the Marquis of Wu, you can infiltrate the Zhou family in Qingyang City and slowly cannibalize the Zhou family.

So for eight months, Lu Yan had been preparing to open a martial arts gym, selecting several second-rate martial arts and teaching them to Zhang Jun, Cao Hu, Li Quan, and other backbones of the Qingzhu Gang and the Tiger Gang.

Of the thirteen limit-breaking warriors from the two major gangs, except for three who stayed in Changfeng City and joined other gangs to find out information, the rest came to Baicao City after spreading the news that the ancestor of the Liu family was the master.

Lu Yan trained these people as the backbone of the future martial arts gym.

Anyway, before the limit was broken four times, it was enough to eat ordinary meat. It was easier to handle and he could afford to support it.

As for the time to open a martial arts gym, it's not yet time. Lu Yan plans to formally establish it after mastering first-class martial arts.

In the past few days, Wang Cui kept a dark face and ignored Lu Yan, complaining that Lu Yan did not keep Shen Yinuo.

What a nice girl.

Wang Cui's sighs all day long gave Lu Yan a headache, so he just spent the whole day studying martial arts and martial arts in the training room and martial arts kitchen, and his ears became clear.

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